Open rafaeltiveron opened 1 year ago
I encountered similar problems with compiling SuperReads_RNA.
I solved them by not working with the very latest github code, but instead with the latest stable release of StringTie2. When I used that, everything including SuperReads_RNA compiled cleanly.
My line-commands were:
cd $PROJECT/src/unpack ;
wget ;
zcat v2.2.1.tar.gz | tar xf - ;
mv -i stringtie-2.2.1 $PROJECT/src ;
cd $PROJECT/src/stringtie-2.2.1 ;
make release ;
./stringtie -h ; # it was compiled, and it works
cd SuperReads_RNA ;
./ ;
./ ; # it was compiled, and it works!
I've tried to compile jellyfish and quorum. But it didn't work. So, I downloaded all packages from github specific directories and compiled everything. In the end, a error message for SuperRead compilation:
Some new versions gcc, python, etc... It should be a new stringtie version too!