gpertea / stringtie

Transcript assembly and quantification for RNA-Seq
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gene count value is zero; but TPM is not zero #413

Open Niohuruzh opened 6 months ago

Niohuruzh commented 6 months ago

Hi Recently, I encountered some problem. I use the following code to get the bam file hisat2 -p 46 -x ./1_index/99 --rna-strandness RF -1 ../0_archive/paired/${a}_R1.paired.fq.gz -2 ../0_archive/paired/${a}_R2.paired.fq.gz -S ./${a}.sam samtools view -@ 46 -bS ./${a}.sam > ./${a}.bam samtools sort -@ 46 ./${a}.bam -T ./${a}.sorted -o ./${a}.sorted.bam samtools index ${a}.sorted.bam

and then the following code to get the count file htseq-count -f bam -i transcript_id -s reverse ${a}.sorted.bam ../1_data/gtf/99.gtf > ./${a}.count

and then the following code to get the TPM file stringtie -p 48 -e ${a}.sorted.bam -G ../1_data/gtf/99.gtf -o ./outfile${a}.gtf -A ./${a}.abundance -C ./${a}_ref.gtf

However,When I check the CNAG_00001 gene, the count of CNAG_00001 is zero, but the TPM is 8 in abundance file

I upload the 1.count ,1.abundance file, part of 99.gtf file and part of bam file

Looking forward your reply.