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Zokrates (zk-SNARKs toolbox for blockchains) #13

Open gpestana opened 5 years ago

gpestana commented 5 years ago

Zokrates is a toolbox for creation of zk-SNARK proofs, verification keys and Ethereum smart contract for verification of transactions in Ethereum blockchain with zk-SNARKs.

The process is the following: 1) Develop program to be verified in specific (turing complete) DSL 2) Compile program into flattened code 3) Setup phase where 2 pubkeys, long proving key and short verifier key is generated. 4) Based on verification key, generates smart contract for computation verification on Ethereum


Q.GEN: Zokrates generates QAP/R1CS circuits based on a DLS language. How to generate (general) circuits manually?


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