gpestana / notes

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indie researchers #2

Open gpestana opened 6 years ago

gpestana commented 6 years ago

The concept of indie researchers seems to be getting popular. I'm stumbling upon grant programs and posts by indie researchers more often - hard to say if it is selective bias or not though.

An indie researcher is someone who invests own resources to answer one or more questions in a scientifically manner. By not being part of any research group/academia, the indie researcher can invest more time into the research itself, instead of the formalities that come with grants from academia and industry - teaching, applying for grants, etc.

The pains of an indie researcher range from lack of facilities/materials (when required) to funding and not being recognised by the research community. Nadia Eghbal [1] also points out validation as a challenge for indie researchers: how to remain sane and focus when there are no other entities (e.g. Standford, NASA), which do not validate the research question/work as valid?

In this thread, let's gather ideas of how to tackle those challenges and possible solutions. I can think of some:

[1] The independent researcher ( [2] Helium grant [3]Scuttlebutt grants

gpestana commented 6 years ago

Grants for indie researchers:
