gpestana / notes

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PIR: query vector compression and expansion #28

Open gpestana opened 4 years ago

gpestana commented 4 years ago

Query vector compression and expansion for PIR

At a high level, our goal is to realize the following picture: the client sends one ciphertext containing an encryption of its desired index i to the server, and the server inexpensively evaluates a function EXPAND that outputs n ciphertexts containing an encryption of 0 or 1 (where the i th ciphertext encrypts 1 and others encrypt 0). The server can then use these n ciphertexts as a query and execute the protocol as before. [1]

[1] PIR with Compressed Queries and Amortized Query Processing (

gpestana commented 4 years ago

Fan-Vercauteren FHE cryptosystem: [2] Somewhat Practical Fully Homomorphic Encryption (