gpestana / p2psec

research on privacy and security in p2p and decentralised systems
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research papers buffer #2

Open gpestana opened 5 years ago

gpestana commented 5 years ago

Buffer of paper on {privacy, security, P2P, decentralised systems} to read next.

Summaries , notes and bibliography at

gpestana commented 5 years ago


ClaimChain: Improving the Security and Privacy of In-band Key Distribution for Messaging [#data-structure #p2p #privacy]

k-anonymity Chord for anonymous query response [#p2p #chord #anonymity #dht]

Bifrost : A Novel Anonymous Communication System with DHT
[#p2p #dht #anonymity]

In Search of an Anonymous and Secure Lookup - Attacks on Structured Peer-to-Peer Anonymous Communication Systems [#p2p #dht #anonymity]

Information Leak in the Chord Lookup Protocol [#p2p #dht #chord #anonymity]

Adding Query Privacy to Robust DHTs [#p2p #dht #anonymity]

Practical Robust Communication in DHTs Tolerating a Byzantine Adversary [#p2p #dht #anonymity]

A Survey and Comparison ofPeer-to-Peer Overlay Network Schemes [#p2p #overlay-networks]

A Survey on Routing in Anonymous Communication Protocols [#p2p #dht #anonymity]

Sloppy hashing and self organizing clusters [#p2p]

Pretty Private Group Management [#vuze #dht #privacy]

Preserving context privacy in DHT wireless sensor networks [#wireless #dht #privacy]

Mix-networks with Restricted Routes [#p2p #mixnets #anonymity]

TARANET: Traffic-Analysis Resistant Anonymity at the NETwork layer [#anonymity #p2p]

Scalable onion routing with torsk [#p2p #dht #onion-routing]

Peer-to-Peer Private Information Retrieval [#p2p #privacy #PIR]

The Devil is in the Metadata –New Privacy Challenges in Decentralised Online Social Networks [#metadata #p2p #social-networks #privacy]

Transport layer identification of P2P traffic [#privacy #anonymity #p2p]

Censorship-Resistant and Privacy-PreservingDistributed Web Search [#p2p #censorship #search-engine]

Towards an Information Theoretic Metric for Anonymity [#anonymity #metrics]


Summary and notes of these papers can be found at and

BibTex bibliography at

Crawling the DHT for fun and profit [#dht #security]

Latency and Routing Efficiency Based Metric for Performance Comparison of DHT Overlay
[#dht #performance]

Routing in the Dark: Pitch Black [#dht #security #privacy #freenet]

ShadowWalker: peer-to-peer anonymous communication using redundant structured topologies [#dht #anonymous #onion-routing]

Systematising Decentralisation and Privacy: Lessons from 15 years of Research [#privacy #p2p #incentives]

Information Leaks in Structured Peer-to-Peer Anonymous Communication Systems
[#p2p #dht #anonymity]

Towards measuring anonymity [#anonymity #metrics]