gphoto / libgphoto2

The libgphoto2 camera access and control library.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Support Fujifilm X-T5 #899

Closed jacceko closed 10 months ago

jacceko commented 1 year ago

Camera: Fujifilm X-T5
(camera digitally almost identical to Fujifilm X-H2 which is on merge - the same processor and the same matrix)

lsusb (after connect camera in mode "USB tether shooting AUTO") Bus 004 Device 002: ID 04cb:02fc Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd USB PTP Camera

Camera summary: Manufacturer: FUJIFILM Model: X-T5 Version: 1.00 Serial Number: 593536383831221101F263104114E3 Vendor Extension ID: 0xe (1.0) Vendor Extension Description: 1.0;

Capture Formats: JPEG Unknown(3812) Defined Type Unknown(b103) Display Formats: JPEG, Unknown(3812), Unknown(5000), Defined Type, Unknown(b103), TIFF

Device Capabilities: File Download, File Deletion, File Upload Generic Image Capture, Open Capture, No vendor specific capture

Storage Devices Summary: store_10000001: StorageDescription: Still VolumeLabel: 1593536383831221101F263104114E3 Storage Type: Builtin RAM Filesystemtype: Generic Hierarchical Access Capability: Read Only with Object deletion Maximum Capability: 18446744073709551615 (17592186044415 MB) Free Space (Bytes): 18446744073709551615 (17592186044415 MB) Free Space (Images): -1 store_10000002: StorageDescription: Live VolumeLabel: 2593536383831221101F263104114E3 Storage Type: Builtin RAM Filesystemtype: Generic Hierarchical Access Capability: Read Only with Object deletion Maximum Capability: 18446744073709551615 (17592186044415 MB) Free Space (Bytes): 18446744073709551615 (17592186044415 MB) Free Space (Images): -1

Device Property Summary: Image Size(0x5003):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) Enumeration [ '3888x2592', '3888x2184', '2592x2592', '5472x3648', '5472x3080', '3648x3648', '7728x5152', '7728x4344', '5152x5152', '3456x2592', '3264x2592', '6864x5152', '6432x5152', '4864x3648', '4560x3648' ] value: '7728x5152' White Balance(0x5005):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [2,4,6,8,32769,32770,32771,32774,32775,32776,32777,32778,32800,32801] value: Automatic (2) F-Number(0x5007):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [200] value: f/2 (200) Focus Mode(0x500a):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,32769,32770] value: 32769 Exposure Metering Mode(0x500b):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3,4] value: Average (1) Exposure Time(0x500d):(readwrite) (type=0x6) Enumeration [7812] value: 0.078 sec (7812) Exposure Program Mode(0x500e):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,3,4,6] value: 6 Exposure Index (film speed ISO)(0x500f):(readwrite) (type=0x5) Enumeration [64,80,100,125,160,200,250,320,400,500,640,800,1000,1250,1600,2000,2500,3200,4000,5000,6400,8000,10000,12800,25600,51200,-1,-2,-3] value: ISO -3 (-3) Exposure Bias Compensation(0x5010):(readwrite) (type=0x3) Enumeration [-5000,-4667,-4333,-4000,-3667,-3333,-3000,-2667,-2333,-2000,-1667,-1333,-1000,-667,-333,0,333,667,1000,1333,1667,2000,2333,2667,3000,3333,3667,4000,4333,4667,5000] value: 0.0 stops (0) Date & Time(0x5011):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) '20230227T215700' Pre-Capture Delay(0x5012):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [10000,2000,0] value: 0.0s (0) Sharpness(0x5015):(readwrite) (type=0x3) Range [-40 - 40, step 10] value: 0 Focus Metering Mode(0x501c):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [32769,32770,32771] value: 32769 Film Simulation(0xd001):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19] value: 1 DRangeMode(0xd007):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [65535,100,200,400] value: 65535 ColorMode(0xd008):(readwrite) (type=0x3) Range [-40 - 40, step 10] value: 0 ColorSpace(0xd00a):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 1 WhitebalanceTune1(0xd00b):(readwrite) (type=0x3) Range [-9 - 9, step 1] value: 0 WhitebalanceTune2(0xd00c):(readwrite) (type=0x3) Range [-9 - 9, step 1] value: 0 Color Temperature(0xd017):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [] value: 0 Quality(0xd018):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3,4,5] value: 2 ThroughImageZoom(0xd01b):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,4,5,17] value: 1 NoiseReduction(0xd01c):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [0,4096,8192,12288,16384,20480,24576,28672,32768] value: 8192 FaceDetectionMode(0xd020):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 2 RawCompression(0xd022):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3] value: 1 GrainEffect(0xd023):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3,4,5] value: 6 SetEyeAFMode(0xd024):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1] value: 1 FocusPoints(0xd025):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [3,4] value: 4 MFAssistMode(0xd026):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12] value: 1 InterlockAEAFArea(0xd027):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 1 CommandDialMode(0xd028):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 1 Shadowing(0xd029):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3] value: 1 ExposureIndex(0xd02a):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [32769] value: 32769 MovieISO(0xd02b):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [32769] value: 32769 Property 0xd02d:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [32769] value: 32769 WideDynamicRange(0xd02e):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [0,1,2,32768] value: 0 TNumber(0xd02f):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [0] value: 0 Property 0xd030:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3] value: 1 Property 0xd031:(readwrite) (type=0x3) Range [0 - 0, step 10] value: 0 Property 0xd032:(readwrite) (type=0x3) Range [-50 - 50, step 10] value: 0 Property 0xd033:(read only) (type=0x4) Enumeration [] value: 1 Property 0xd034:(read only) (type=0x4) Enumeration [] value: 1 Property 0xd035:(read only) (type=0x4) Enumeration [] value: 1 Property 0xd036:(read only) (type=0x4) Enumeration [] value: 1 Property 0xd038:(read only) (type=0x6) Range [0 - 0, step 0] value: 0 Property 0xd039:(readwrite) (type=0x6) Enumeration [65536,1,131072,2,262144,4,524288,8,16,16777216,256,33554432,512,67108864,1024,134217728,2048,268435456,4096,196611,131075,3] value: 0 Property 0xd040:(readwrite) (type=0x6) Range [0 - 4294967295, step 1] value: 0 Comment(0xd100):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) '' BlackImageTone(0xd104):(readwrite) (type=0x3) Range [0 - 0, step 10] value: 0 FrameGuideMode(0xd106):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3] value: 1 ShutterPriorityMode1(0xd10a):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 1 ShutterPriorityMode2(0xd10b):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 2 AFIlluminator(0xd112):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 2 FunctionLock(0xd136):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3] value: 1 Password(0xd145):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) '0000' FirmwareVersion(0xd153):(read only) (type=0x4) 256 ShotCount(0xd154):(readwrite) (type=0x6) Range [0 - 4294967295, step 1] value: 83 ShutterExchangeCount(0xd155):(read only) (type=0x6) Range [0 - 0, step 0] value: 0 Property 0xd156:(read only) (type=0x4) 368 WorldClock(0xd157):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 1 TimeDifference1(0xd158):(readwrite) (type=0x3) Range [-23 - 23, step 1] value: 1 TimeDifference2(0xd159):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [0,15,30,45] value: 0 Language(0xd15a):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34] value: 15 FrameNumberSequence(0xd15b):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 1 Property 0xd16d:(readwrite) (type=0x6) Range [0 - 4294967295, step 1] value: 83 Property 0xd16e:(read only) (type=0x4) Range [0 - 0, step 0] value: 5 CropMode(0xd16f):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [0,2] value: 0 LensZoomPos(0xd170):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Range [1 - 1, step 0] value: 1 FocusPosition(0xd171):(readwrite) (type=0x3) Enumeration [0,0,0,0,0,0] value: 0 LiveViewImageQuality(0xd173):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,3] value: 1 LiveViewImageSize(0xd174):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3] value: 2 Property 0xd17b:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1] value: 1 CropAreaFrameInfo(0xd17e):(read only) (type=0xffff) '' ResetSetting(0xd17f):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,4,5,7] value: 4 Property 0xd180: error 201b on query. Property 0xd181: error 201b on query. Property 0xd182:(readwrite) (type=0x3) Range [-1 - 999, step 1] value: 0 Property 0xd189:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3] value: 1 Property 0xd18a:(readwrite) (type=0xffff) Enumeration [

] value: ''

Property 0xd18b:(readwrite) (type=0xffff) '512,512,4,1,' Property 0xd18c:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] value: 1 Property 0xd18d:(readwrite) (type=0xffff) '' Property 0xd1b0:(readwrite) (type=0xffff) '0x00000000,0x00,' Property 0xd1b1:(readwrite) (type=0xffff) '' Property 0xd1b2:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [7,18] value: 7 Property 0xd1b3:(readwrite) (type=0x6) Enumeration [100,140,200] value: 100 Property 0xd1b4: error 201b on query. Property 0xd1b5: error 201b on query. Property 0xd1b6:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 2 Property 0xd1b8:(Unknown) (type=0x6) Range [0 - 0, step 0] value: 1 Property 0xd1b9:(Unknown) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1] value: 1 Property 0xd1ba:(Unknown) (type=0x6) Range [0 - 0, step 0] value: 1 Property 0xd1bb:(Unknown) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1] value: 1 Property 0xd1bc:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 1 Property 0xd1bd:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] value: 1 Property 0xd1be:(read only) (type=0x4) Enumeration [] value: 2 Property 0xd1bf:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Range [10 - 80, step 10] value: 40 Property 0xd1c0:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Range [10 - 80, step 10] value: 40 ReleaseMode(0xd201):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [4,6,16] value: 4 PriorityMode(0xd207):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 2 Property 0xd208:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [512,4,772,1280,12,32768,40960,6,36864,2,37120,1,37632,5,14,37376,64] value: 772 AFStatus(0xd209):(read only) (type=0x4) Enumeration [] value: 1 Property 0xd20a:(read only) (type=0x4) Enumeration [] value: 1 DeviceName(0xd20b):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) '' MediaRecord(0xd20c):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3,4] value: 4 MediaCapacity(0xd20d):(read only) (type=0xffff) '0,15,56477824,9,0,0,0,0' FreeSDRAMImages(0xd20e):(read only) (type=0x4) Range [0 - 0, step 0] value: 12 MediaStatus(0xd211):(read only) (type=0x4) Range [0 - 0, step 0] value: 769 CurrentState(0xd212): error 201b on query. Copyright(0xd215):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) '' Copyright2(0xd216):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) '' Property 0xd21c:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [0] value: 4 Property 0xd21d:(read only) (type=0x4) Range [0 - 0, step 0] value: 100 SensitivityFineTune1(0xd222):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Range [0 - 65535, step 1] value: 8192 SensitivityFineTune2(0xd223):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Range [0 - 65535, step 1] value: 8192 Property 0xd224:(read only) (type=0x4) Range [0 - 0, step 0] value: 0 Property 0xd225:(readwrite) (type=0xffff) Enumeration [ '1,2,', '2,2,' ] value: '1,2,' Property 0xd226:(read only) (type=0xffff) '256,245,266,0,0,0,' Property 0xd227:(read only) (type=0xffff) '?0,' Property 0xd228:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3,4] value: 1 CaptureRemaining(0xd229): error 2002 on query. MovieRemainingTime(0xd22a): error 2002 on query. Property 0xd22b: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd22c: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd22d: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd22e:(read only) (type=0x4) Enumeration [] value: 1 Property 0xd22f: error 201b on query. ForceMode(0xd230):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 1 Property 0xd231:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [0,10,20,50,150] value: 0 Property 0xd232:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3,4,5,6] value: 1 Property 0xd233:(readwrite) (type=0xffff) Range ['0,0,0' - '0,0,0', step '0,0,0'] value: '2,0,1' Property 0xd234:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [2] value: 2 Property 0xd235: error 201b on query. Property 0xd236:(read only) (type=0x4) Enumeration [] value: 1 Property 0xd237:(readwrite) (type=0xffff) '' Property 0xd238:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3] value: 1 Property 0xd239:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 2 Property 0xd23a:(readwrite) (type=0x6) Range [0 - 116, step 1] value: 116 Property 0xd23b:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 1 Property 0xd23c:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [2,1] value: 1 Property 0xd23e:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 2 Property 0xd23f:(read only) (type=0x6) Range [0 - 0, step 0] value: 777 ShutterSpeed2(0xd240): error 2002 on query. ImageAspectRatio(0xd241): error 2002 on query. BatteryLevel(0xd242): error 2002 on query. Property 0xd243: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd246: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd247: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd248: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd249: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd24a: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd24b: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd24c: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd24d: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd24e: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd251: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd252: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd253: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd254: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd255: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd256: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd257: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd258: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd259: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd25a: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd25b: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd25c: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd25d: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd25e: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd262:(Unknown) (type=0x4) Range [257 - 1799, step 1] value: 257 Property 0xd263: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd264: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd265: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd266: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd267: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd268: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd269: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd26a: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd26b: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd26c: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd26d: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd26e: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd26f: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd270: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd271: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd272: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd273: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd274: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd275: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd276: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd277: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd278: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd279: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd27a: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd27b: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd27c: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd27d: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd27e: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd27f: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd280: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd281: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd282: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd283: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd284: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd285: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd286: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd287: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd288: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd289: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd28a: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd28b: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd28c: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd28d: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd28e: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd28f: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd290: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd291: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd292: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd293: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd294: error 2002 on query. Property 0xd297:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [4,3,2,1] value: 1 Property 0xd304:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3,4,5,7] value: 2 Property 0xd305:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 1 Property 0xd306:(readwrite) (type=0x6) Range [0 - 32716, step 1] value: 0 Property 0xd307:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 1 TotalShotCount(0xd310):(readwrite) (type=0x6) Range [0 - 4294967295, step 1] value: 83 HighLightTone(0xd320):(readwrite) (type=0x3) Range [-20 - 40, step 5] value: 0 ShadowTone(0xd321):(readwrite) (type=0x3) Range [-20 - 40, step 5] value: 0 LongExposureNR(0xd322):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 1 FullTimeManualFocus(0xd323):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 2 ViewMode1(0xd33f):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3,4,5] value: 3 LensISSwitch(0xd346):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [2] value: 2 Focus Point(0xd347):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) Range ['-12,-8,1' - '12,8,6', step '1,1,1'] value: '0,0,6' InstantAFMode(0xd34a):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 1 PreAFMode(0xd34b):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 2 LMOMode(0xd34d):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 1 LockButtonMode(0xd34e):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 1 ISMode(0xd351):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3] value: 1 DateTimeDispFormat(0xd352):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3] value: 1 ExposurePreview(0xd359):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [3] value: 3 FocusCheckMode(0xd35e):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 2 FocusScaleUnit(0xd35f):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 1 CustomAutoPowerOff(0xd364):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Range [0 - 255, step 1] value: 0 FileNamePrefix1(0xd365):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) 'DSCF' FileNamePrefix2(0xd366):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) 'DSF' Property 0xd369:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,3] value: 3 BatteryInfo1(0xd36a):(read only) (type=0x6) Range [0 - 0, step 0] value: 11 BatteryInfo2(0xd36b):(read only) (type=0xffff) '77,0,0' LensNameAndSerial(0xd36d):(read only) (type=0xffff) 'LX217A,XF90mmF2 R LM WR,1CC00619' CustomDispInfo(0xd36e):(readwrite) (type=0x6) Range [0 - 4286578685, step 1] value: 2105540600 FunctionLockCategory1(0xd36f):(readwrite) (type=0x6) Range [0 - 3204386815, step 1] value: 128 FunctionLockCategory2(0xd370):(readwrite) (type=0x6) Range [0 - 671348861, step 1] value: 0 FocusArea1(0xd372):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) Range ['-12,-8,1' - '12,8,6', step '1,1,1'] value: '0,0,6' FocusArea3(0xd374):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) Range ['-12,-8,1' - '12,8,6', step '1,1,1'] value: '0,0,6' FrameGuideGridInfo1(0xd375):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) '0,0,0,0,850,0,0,0,0,850,0,0,0,0,' FrameGuideGridInfo2(0xd376):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) '0,0,0,0,850,0,0,0,0,850,0,0,0,0,' Property 0xd381:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3,4,5,6] value: 2 LensUnknownData(0xd38a):(read only) (type=0x4) Enumeration [] value: 1 Property 0xd38b:(read only) (type=0x4) Enumeration [] value: 1 LensZoomPosCaps(0xd38c):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Range [1 - 1, step 1] value: 1 LensFNumberList(0xd38d):(read only) (type=0xffff) '200,220,250,280,320,360,400,450,500,560,640,710,800,900,1000,1100,1300,1400,1600' LensFocalLengthList(0xd38e):(read only) (type=0xffff) '9000,13700' FocusArea4(0xd395):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) Range ['-12,-8,1' - '12,8,6', step '1,1,1'] value: '0,0,6' Exposure Time(0x500d):(readwrite) (type=0x6) Enumeration [7812] value: 0.078 sec (7812) F-Number(0x5007):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [200] value: f/2 (200) LensZoomPosCaps(0xd38c):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Range [1 - 1, step 1] value: 1 FocusPosition(0xd171):(readwrite) (type=0x3) Enumeration [0,0,0,0,0,0] value: 0 Property 0xd21c:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [0] value: 4 Focus Point(0xd347):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) Range ['-12,-8,1' - '12,8,6', step '1,1,1'] value: '0,0,6' LensZoomPos(0xd170):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Range [1 - 1, step 0] value: 1 BatteryLevel(0xd242): error 2002 on query. LiveViewImageSize(0xd174):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3] value: 2 VideoOutOnOff(0xd168): error 200a on query. LiveViewImageQuality(0xd173):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,3] value: 1 ForceMode(0xd230):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 1 Property 0xd16e:(read only) (type=0x4) Range [0 - 0, step 0] value: 5 FocusArea1(0xd372):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) Range ['-12,-8,1' - '12,8,6', step '1,1,1'] value: '0,0,6' FaceDetectionMode(0xd020):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 2 RawCompression(0xd022):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3] value: 1 GrainEffect(0xd023):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3,4,5] value: 6 SetEyeAFMode(0xd024):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1] value: 1 FocusPoints(0xd025):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [3,4] value: 4 MFAssistMode(0xd026):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12] value: 1 InterlockAEAFArea(0xd027):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 1 Shadowing(0xd029):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3] value: 1 CropMode(0xd16f):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [0,2] value: 0 TNumber(0xd02f):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [0] value: 0 FocusArea4(0xd395):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) Range ['-12,-8,1' - '12,8,6', step '1,1,1'] value: '0,0,6' HighLightTone(0xd320):(readwrite) (type=0x3) Range [-20 - 40, step 5] value: 0 ShadowTone(0xd321):(readwrite) (type=0x3) Range [-20 - 40, step 5] value: 0 LongExposureNR(0xd322):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 1 FullTimeManualFocus(0xd323):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 2 LensISSwitch(0xd346):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [2] value: 2 InstantAFMode(0xd34a):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 1 PreAFMode(0xd34b):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 2 LMOMode(0xd34d):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 1 ISMode(0xd351):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3] value: 1 FocusCheckMode(0xd35e):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 2 LiveViewImageQuality(0xd173):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,3] value: 1 FileNamePrefix1(0xd365):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) 'DSCF' FileNamePrefix2(0xd366):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) 'DSF' FocusArea3(0xd374):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) Range ['-12,-8,1' - '12,8,6', step '1,1,1'] value: '0,0,6' TotalShotCount(0xd310):(readwrite) (type=0x6) Range [0 - 4294967295, step 1] value: 83 ExposurePreview(0xd359):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [3] value: 3 FrameGuideGridInfo1(0xd375):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) '0,0,0,0,850,0,0,0,0,850,0,0,0,0,' FrameGuideGridInfo2(0xd376):(readwrite) (type=0xffff) '0,0,0,0,850,0,0,0,0,850,0,0,0,0,' CustomDispInfo(0xd36e):(readwrite) (type=0x6) Range [0 - 4286578685, step 1] value: 2105540600 ViewMode1(0xd33f):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2,3,4,5] value: 3 CustomAutoPowerOff(0xd364):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Range [0 - 255, step 1] value: 0 LockButtonMode(0xd34e):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1,2] value: 1 WideDynamicRange(0xd02e):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [0,1,2,32768] value: 0 LensNameAndSerial(0xd36d):(read only) (type=0xffff) 'LX217A,XF90mmF2 R LM WR,1CC00619' LensUnknownData(0xd38a):(read only) (type=0x4) Enumeration [] value: 1 BatteryInfo1(0xd36a):(read only) (type=0x6) Range [0 - 0, step 0] value: 11 BatteryInfo2(0xd36b):(read only) (type=0xffff) '77,0,0' FunctionLockCategory1(0xd36f):(readwrite) (type=0x6) Range [0 - 3204386815, step 1] value: 128 FunctionLockCategory2(0xd370):(readwrite) (type=0x6) Range [0 - 671348861, step 1] value: 0 SensitivityFineTune1(0xd222):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Range [0 - 65535, step 1] value: 8192 SensitivityFineTune2(0xd223):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Range [0 - 65535, step 1] value: 8192 LensZoomPosCaps(0xd38c):(readwrite) (type=0x4) Range [1 - 1, step 1] value: 1 LensFNumberList(0xd38d):(read only) (type=0xffff) '200,220,250,280,320,360,400,450,500,560,640,710,800,900,1000,1100,1300,1400,1600' LensFocalLengthList(0xd38e):(read only) (type=0xffff) '9000,13700' Property 0xd17b:(readwrite) (type=0x4) Enumeration [1] value: 1

attach list-all-config.txt here /main/actions/bulb Label: Bulb Mode Readonly: 0 Type: TOGGLE Current: 2 END /main/actions/autofocusdrive Label: Drive Fuji Autofocus Readonly: 0 Type: TOGGLE Current: 2 END /main/actions/movie Label: Movie Capture Readonly: 0 Type: TOGGLE Current: 2 END /main/actions/opcode Label: PTP Opcode Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: 0x1001,0xparam1,0xparam2 END /main/settings/datetime Label: Camera Date and Time Readonly: 0 Type: DATE Current: 1677531420 Printable: Mon Feb 27 21:57:00 2023 Help: Use 'now' as the current time when setting.

END /main/settings/imagecomment Label: Image Comment Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: END /main/settings/devicename Label: Device Name Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: END /main/settings/copyright Label: Copyright Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: END /main/settings/cameraaction Label: Camera Action Readonly: 0 Type: RADIO Current: Shoot Choice: 0 AF Choice: 1 Cancel AF Choice: 2 Shoot Choice: 3 Bulb On Choice: 4 Bulb Off Choice: 5 Unknown value 8000 Choice: 6 Unknown value a000 Choice: 7 Unknown value 0006 Choice: 8 Unknown value 9000 Choice: 9 Unknown value 0002 Choice: 10 Unknown value 9100 Choice: 11 Unknown value 0001 Choice: 12 Unknown value 9300 Choice: 13 Unknown value 0005 Choice: 14 Unknown value 000e Choice: 15 Unknown value 9200 Choice: 16 Unknown value 0040 END /main/status/serialnumber Label: Serial Number Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: 593536383831221101F263104114E3 END /main/status/manufacturer Label: Camera Manufacturer Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: FUJIFILM END /main/status/cameramodel Label: Camera Model Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: X-T5 END /main/status/deviceversion Label: Device Version Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: 1.00 END /main/status/vendorextension Label: Vendor Extension Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: 1.0; END /main/status/lensname Label: Lens Name Readonly: 1 Type: TEXT Current: LX217A,XF90mmF2 R LM WR,1CC00619 END /main/status/shuttercounter Label: Shutter Counter Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: 0 END /main/imgsettings/imageformat Label: Image Format Readonly: 0 Type: RADIO Current: JPEG Fine Choice: 0 RAW Choice: 1 JPEG Fine Choice: 2 JPEG Normal Choice: 3 RAW + JPEG Fine Choice: 4 RAW + JPEG Normal END /main/imgsettings/filmsimulation Label: Film Simulation Readonly: 0 Type: RADIO Current: PROVIA/Standard Choice: 0 PROVIA/Standard Choice: 1 Velvia/Vivid Choice: 2 ASTIA/Soft Choice: 3 PRO Neg.Hi Choice: 4 PRO Neg.Std Choice: 5 Black & White Choice: 6 Black & White+Ye Filter Choice: 7 Black & White+R Filter Choice: 8 Black & White+G Filter Choice: 9 Sepia Choice: 10 Classic Chrome Choice: 11 ACROS Choice: 12 ACROS+Ye Filter Choice: 13 ACROS+R Filter, Choice: 14 ACROS+G Filter Choice: 15 ETERNA/Cinema Choice: 16 Classic Neg Choice: 17 ETERNA BLEACH BYPASS Choice: 18 Unknown value 0013 END /main/imgsettings/imagesize Label: Image Size Readonly: 0 Type: RADIO Current: 7728x5152 Choice: 0 3888x2592 Choice: 1 3888x2184 Choice: 2 2592x2592 Choice: 3 5472x3648 Choice: 4 5472x3080 Choice: 5 3648x3648 Choice: 6 7728x5152 Choice: 7 7728x4344 Choice: 8 5152x5152 Choice: 9 3456x2592 Choice: 10 3264x2592 Choice: 11 6864x5152 Choice: 12 6432x5152 Choice: 13 4864x3648 Choice: 14 4560x3648 END /main/imgsettings/iso Label: ISO Speed Readonly: 0 Type: RADIO Current: -3 Choice: 0 64 Choice: 1 80 Choice: 2 100 Choice: 3 125 Choice: 4 160 Choice: 5 200 Choice: 6 250 Choice: 7 320 Choice: 8 400 Choice: 9 500 Choice: 10 640 Choice: 11 800 Choice: 12 1000 Choice: 13 1250 Choice: 14 1600 Choice: 15 2000 Choice: 16 2500 Choice: 17 3200 Choice: 18 4000 Choice: 19 5000 Choice: 20 6400 Choice: 21 8000 Choice: 22 10000 Choice: 23 12800 Choice: 24 25600 Choice: 25 51200 Choice: 26 -1 Choice: 27 -2 Choice: 28 -3 END /main/imgsettings/colortemperature Label: Color Temperature Readonly: 0 Type: RADIO Current: 0 END /main/imgsettings/whitebalance Label: WhiteBalance Readonly: 0 Type: RADIO Current: Automatic Choice: 0 Automatic Choice: 1 Daylight Choice: 2 Tungsten Choice: 3 Unknown value 0008 Choice: 4 Fluorescent Lamp 1 Choice: 5 Fluorescent Lamp 2 Choice: 6 Fluorescent Lamp 3 Choice: 7 Shade Choice: 8 Choose Color Temperature Choice: 9 Preset Custom 1 Choice: 10 Preset Custom 2 Choice: 11 Preset Custom 3 Choice: 12 Unknown value 8020 Choice: 13 Unknown value 8021 END /main/imgsettings/colorspace Label: Color Space Readonly: 0 Type: RADIO Current: sRGB Choice: 0 sRGB Choice: 1 AdobeRGB END /main/capturesettings/exposurecompensation Label: Exposure Compensation Readonly: 0 Type: RADIO Current: 0 Choice: 0 -5 Choice: 1 -4.667 Choice: 2 -4.333 Choice: 3 -4 Choice: 4 -3.667 Choice: 5 -3.333 Choice: 6 -3 Choice: 7 -2.667 Choice: 8 -2.333 Choice: 9 -2 Choice: 10 -1.667 Choice: 11 -1.333 Choice: 12 -1 Choice: 13 -0.667 Choice: 14 -0.333 Choice: 15 0 Choice: 16 0.333 Choice: 17 0.667 Choice: 18 1 Choice: 19 1.333 Choice: 20 1.667 Choice: 21 2 Choice: 22 2.333 Choice: 23 2.667 Choice: 24 3 Choice: 25 3.333 Choice: 26 3.667 Choice: 27 4 Choice: 28 4.333 Choice: 29 4.667 Choice: 30 5 END /main/capturesettings/f-number Label: F-Number Readonly: 0 Type: RADIO Current: f/2 Choice: 0 f/2 END /main/capturesettings/focusmode Label: Focus Mode Readonly: 0 Type: RADIO Current: Single-Servo AF Choice: 0 Manual Choice: 1 Single-Servo AF Choice: 2 Continuous-Servo AF END /main/capturesettings/expprogram Label: Exposure Program Readonly: 0 Type: RADIO Current: Action Choice: 0 M Choice: 1 A Choice: 2 S Choice: 3 Action END /main/capturesettings/capturemode Label: Still Capture Mode Readonly: 0 Type: RADIO Current: Self-timer Choice: 0 Self-timer Choice: 1 Unknown value 0006 Choice: 2 Unknown value 0010 END /main/capturesettings/focusmetermode Label: Focus Metering Mode Readonly: 0 Type: RADIO Current: Single-area AF Choice: 0 Single-area AF Choice: 1 Dynamic-area AF Choice: 2 Group-dynamic AF END /main/capturesettings/exposuremetermode Label: Exposure Metering Mode Readonly: 0 Type: RADIO Current: Average Choice: 0 Average Choice: 1 Center Weighted Choice: 2 Multi Spot Choice: 3 Center Spot END /main/capturesettings/capturedelay Label: Capture Delay Readonly: 0 Type: RADIO Current: 0.000s Choice: 0 10.000s Choice: 1 2.000s Choice: 2 0.000s END /main/capturesettings/shutterspeed Label: Shutter Speed Readonly: 0 Type: RADIO Current: 1/125 Choice: 0 1/125 END /main/capturesettings/liveviewsize Label: Live View Size Readonly: 0 Type: RADIO Current: VGA Choice: 0 XGA Choice: 1 VGA Choice: 2 QVGA END /main/other/5003 Label: Image Size Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 7728x5152 Choice: 0 3888x2592 Choice: 1 3888x2184 Choice: 2 2592x2592 Choice: 3 5472x3648 Choice: 4 5472x3080 Choice: 5 3648x3648 Choice: 6 7728x5152 Choice: 7 7728x4344 Choice: 8 5152x5152 Choice: 9 3456x2592 Choice: 10 3264x2592 Choice: 11 6864x5152 Choice: 12 6432x5152 Choice: 13 4864x3648 Choice: 14 4560x3648 END /main/other/5005 Label: White Balance Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 2 Choice: 1 4 Choice: 2 6 Choice: 3 8 Choice: 4 32769 Choice: 5 32770 Choice: 6 32771 Choice: 7 32774 Choice: 8 32775 Choice: 9 32776 Choice: 10 32777 Choice: 11 32778 Choice: 12 32800 Choice: 13 32801 END /main/other/5007 Label: F-Number Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 200 Choice: 0 200 END /main/other/500a Label: Focus Mode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 32769 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 32769 Choice: 2 32770 END /main/other/500b Label: Exposure Metering Mode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 Choice: 3 4 END /main/other/500d Label: Exposure Time Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 7812 Choice: 0 7812 END /main/other/500e Label: Exposure Program Mode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 6 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 3 Choice: 2 4 Choice: 3 6 END /main/other/500f Label: Exposure Index (film speed ISO) Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: -3 Choice: 0 64 Choice: 1 80 Choice: 2 100 Choice: 3 125 Choice: 4 160 Choice: 5 200 Choice: 6 250 Choice: 7 320 Choice: 8 400 Choice: 9 500 Choice: 10 640 Choice: 11 800 Choice: 12 1000 Choice: 13 1250 Choice: 14 1600 Choice: 15 2000 Choice: 16 2500 Choice: 17 3200 Choice: 18 4000 Choice: 19 5000 Choice: 20 6400 Choice: 21 8000 Choice: 22 10000 Choice: 23 12800 Choice: 24 25600 Choice: 25 51200 Choice: 26 -1 Choice: 27 -2 Choice: 28 -3 END /main/other/5010 Label: Exposure Bias Compensation Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 -5000 Choice: 1 -4667 Choice: 2 -4333 Choice: 3 -4000 Choice: 4 -3667 Choice: 5 -3333 Choice: 6 -3000 Choice: 7 -2667 Choice: 8 -2333 Choice: 9 -2000 Choice: 10 -1667 Choice: 11 -1333 Choice: 12 -1000 Choice: 13 -667 Choice: 14 -333 Choice: 15 0 Choice: 16 333 Choice: 17 667 Choice: 18 1000 Choice: 19 1333 Choice: 20 1667 Choice: 21 2000 Choice: 22 2333 Choice: 23 2667 Choice: 24 3000 Choice: 25 3333 Choice: 26 3667 Choice: 27 4000 Choice: 28 4333 Choice: 29 4667 Choice: 30 5000 END /main/other/5011 Label: Date & Time Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: 20230227T215700 END /main/other/5012 Label: Pre-Capture Delay Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 10000 Choice: 1 2000 Choice: 2 0 END /main/other/5015 Label: Sharpness Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 0 Bottom: -40 Top: 40 Step: 10 END /main/other/501c Label: Focus Metering Mode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 32769 Choice: 0 32769 Choice: 1 32770 Choice: 2 32771 END /main/other/d001 Label: Film Simulation Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 Choice: 3 4 Choice: 4 5 Choice: 5 6 Choice: 6 7 Choice: 7 8 Choice: 8 9 Choice: 9 10 Choice: 10 11 Choice: 11 12 Choice: 12 13 Choice: 13 14 Choice: 14 15 Choice: 15 16 Choice: 16 17 Choice: 17 18 Choice: 18 19 END /main/other/d007 Label: DRangeMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 65535 Choice: 0 65535 Choice: 1 100 Choice: 2 200 Choice: 3 400 END /main/other/d008 Label: ColorMode Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 0 Bottom: -40 Top: 40 Step: 10 END /main/other/d00a Label: ColorSpace Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d00b Label: WhitebalanceTune1 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 -9 Choice: 1 -8 Choice: 2 -7 Choice: 3 -6 Choice: 4 -5 Choice: 5 -4 Choice: 6 -3 Choice: 7 -2 Choice: 8 -1 Choice: 9 0 Choice: 10 1 Choice: 11 2 Choice: 12 3 Choice: 13 4 Choice: 14 5 Choice: 15 6 Choice: 16 7 Choice: 17 8 Choice: 18 9 END /main/other/d00c Label: WhitebalanceTune2 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 -9 Choice: 1 -8 Choice: 2 -7 Choice: 3 -6 Choice: 4 -5 Choice: 5 -4 Choice: 6 -3 Choice: 7 -2 Choice: 8 -1 Choice: 9 0 Choice: 10 1 Choice: 11 2 Choice: 12 3 Choice: 13 4 Choice: 14 5 Choice: 15 6 Choice: 16 7 Choice: 17 8 Choice: 18 9 END /main/other/d017 Label: Color Temperature Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 0 END /main/other/d018 Label: Quality Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 Choice: 3 4 Choice: 4 5 END /main/other/d01b Label: ThroughImageZoom Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 4 Choice: 3 5 Choice: 4 17 END /main/other/d01c Label: NoiseReduction Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 8192 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 4096 Choice: 2 8192 Choice: 3 12288 Choice: 4 16384 Choice: 5 20480 Choice: 6 24576 Choice: 7 28672 Choice: 8 32768 END /main/other/d020 Label: FaceDetectionMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d022 Label: RawCompression Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 END /main/other/d023 Label: GrainEffect Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 6 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 Choice: 3 4 Choice: 4 5 END /main/other/d024 Label: SetEyeAFMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 END /main/other/d025 Label: FocusPoints Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 4 Choice: 0 3 Choice: 1 4 END /main/other/d026 Label: MFAssistMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 Choice: 3 4 Choice: 4 5 Choice: 5 6 Choice: 6 7 Choice: 7 8 Choice: 8 9 Choice: 9 10 Choice: 10 11 Choice: 11 12 END /main/other/d027 Label: InterlockAEAFArea Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d028 Label: CommandDialMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d029 Label: Shadowing Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 END /main/other/d02a Label: ExposureIndex Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 32769 Choice: 0 32769 END /main/other/d02b Label: MovieISO Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 32769 Choice: 0 32769 END /main/other/d02d Label: PTP Property 0xd02d Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 32769 Choice: 0 32769 END /main/other/d02e Label: WideDynamicRange Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 32768 END /main/other/d02f Label: TNumber Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 END /main/other/d030 Label: PTP Property 0xd030 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 END /main/other/d031 Label: PTP Property 0xd031 Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 0 Bottom: 0 Top: 0 Step: 10 END /main/other/d032 Label: PTP Property 0xd032 Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 0 Bottom: -50 Top: 50 Step: 10 END /main/other/d033 Label: PTP Property 0xd033 Readonly: 1 Type: MENU Current: 1 END /main/other/d034 Label: PTP Property 0xd034 Readonly: 1 Type: MENU Current: 1 END /main/other/d035 Label: PTP Property 0xd035 Readonly: 1 Type: MENU Current: 1 END /main/other/d036 Label: PTP Property 0xd036 Readonly: 1 Type: MENU Current: 1 END /main/other/d038 Label: PTP Property 0xd038 Readonly: 1 Type: RANGE Current: 0 Bottom: 0 Top: 0 Step: 0 END /main/other/d039 Label: PTP Property 0xd039 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 65536 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 131072 Choice: 3 2 Choice: 4 262144 Choice: 5 4 Choice: 6 524288 Choice: 7 8 Choice: 8 16 Choice: 9 16777216 Choice: 10 256 Choice: 11 33554432 Choice: 12 512 Choice: 13 67108864 Choice: 14 1024 Choice: 15 134217728 Choice: 16 2048 Choice: 17 268435456 Choice: 18 4096 Choice: 19 196611 Choice: 20 131075 Choice: 21 3 END /main/other/d040 Label: PTP Property 0xd040 Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 0 Bottom: 0 Top: 4.29497e+09 Step: 1 END /main/other/d100 Label: Comment Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: END /main/other/d104 Label: BlackImageTone Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 0 Bottom: 0 Top: 0 Step: 10 END /main/other/d106 Label: FrameGuideMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 END /main/other/d10a Label: ShutterPriorityMode1 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d10b Label: ShutterPriorityMode2 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d112 Label: AFIlluminator Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d136 Label: FunctionLock Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 END /main/other/d145 Label: Password Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: 0000 END /main/other/d153 Label: FirmwareVersion Readonly: 1 Type: TEXT Current: 256 END /main/other/d154 Label: ShotCount Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 83 Bottom: 0 Top: 4.29497e+09 Step: 1 END /main/other/d155 Label: ShutterExchangeCount Readonly: 1 Type: RANGE Current: 0 Bottom: 0 Top: 0 Step: 0 END /main/other/d156 Label: PTP Property 0xd156 Readonly: 1 Type: TEXT Current: 368 END /main/other/d157 Label: WorldClock Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d158 Label: TimeDifference1 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 -23 Choice: 1 -22 Choice: 2 -21 Choice: 3 -20 Choice: 4 -19 Choice: 5 -18 Choice: 6 -17 Choice: 7 -16 Choice: 8 -15 Choice: 9 -14 Choice: 10 -13 Choice: 11 -12 Choice: 12 -11 Choice: 13 -10 Choice: 14 -9 Choice: 15 -8 Choice: 16 -7 Choice: 17 -6 Choice: 18 -5 Choice: 19 -4 Choice: 20 -3 Choice: 21 -2 Choice: 22 -1 Choice: 23 0 Choice: 24 1 Choice: 25 2 Choice: 26 3 Choice: 27 4 Choice: 28 5 Choice: 29 6 Choice: 30 7 Choice: 31 8 Choice: 32 9 Choice: 33 10 Choice: 34 11 Choice: 35 12 Choice: 36 13 Choice: 37 14 Choice: 38 15 Choice: 39 16 Choice: 40 17 Choice: 41 18 Choice: 42 19 Choice: 43 20 Choice: 44 21 Choice: 45 22 Choice: 46 23 END /main/other/d159 Label: TimeDifference2 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 15 Choice: 2 30 Choice: 3 45 END /main/other/d15a Label: Language Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 15 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 Choice: 5 5 Choice: 6 6 Choice: 7 7 Choice: 8 8 Choice: 9 9 Choice: 10 10 Choice: 11 11 Choice: 12 12 Choice: 13 13 Choice: 14 14 Choice: 15 15 Choice: 16 16 Choice: 17 17 Choice: 18 18 Choice: 19 19 Choice: 20 20 Choice: 21 21 Choice: 22 22 Choice: 23 23 Choice: 24 24 Choice: 25 25 Choice: 26 26 Choice: 27 27 Choice: 28 28 Choice: 29 29 Choice: 30 30 Choice: 31 31 Choice: 32 32 Choice: 33 33 Choice: 34 34 END /main/other/d15b Label: FrameNumberSequence Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d16d Label: PTP Property 0xd16d Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 83 Bottom: 0 Top: 4.29497e+09 Step: 1 END /main/other/d16e Label: PTP Property 0xd16e Readonly: 1 Type: RANGE Current: 5 Bottom: 0 Top: 0 Step: 0 END /main/other/d16f Label: CropMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d170 Label: LensZoomPos Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 1 Bottom: 1 Top: 1 Step: 0 END /main/other/d171 Label: FocusPosition Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 0 Choice: 2 0 Choice: 3 0 Choice: 4 0 Choice: 5 0 END /main/other/d173 Label: LiveViewImageQuality Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 3 END /main/other/d174 Label: LiveViewImageSize Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 END /main/other/d17b Label: PTP Property 0xd17b Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 END /main/other/d17e Label: CropAreaFrameInfo Readonly: 1 Type: TEXT Current: END /main/other/d17f Label: ResetSetting Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 4 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 4 Choice: 3 5 Choice: 4 7 END /main/other/d182 Label: PTP Property 0xd182 Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 0 Bottom: -1 Top: 999 Step: 1 END /main/other/d189 Label: PTP Property 0xd189 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 END /main/other/d18a Label: PTP Property 0xd18a Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: END /main/other/d18b Label: PTP Property 0xd18b Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: 512,512,4,1, END /main/other/d18c Label: PTP Property 0xd18c Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 Choice: 3 4 Choice: 4 5 Choice: 5 6 Choice: 6 7 END /main/other/d18d Label: PTP Property 0xd18d Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: END /main/other/d1b0 Label: PTP Property 0xd1b0 Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: 0x00000000,0x00, END /main/other/d1b1 Label: PTP Property 0xd1b1 Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: END /main/other/d1b2 Label: PTP Property 0xd1b2 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 7 Choice: 0 7 Choice: 1 18 END /main/other/d1b3 Label: PTP Property 0xd1b3 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 100 Choice: 0 100 Choice: 1 140 Choice: 2 200 END /main/other/d1b6 Label: PTP Property 0xd1b6 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d1b8 Label: PTP Property 0xd1b8 Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 1 Bottom: 0 Top: 0 Step: 0 END /main/other/d1b9 Label: PTP Property 0xd1b9 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 END /main/other/d1ba Label: PTP Property 0xd1ba Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 1 Bottom: 0 Top: 0 Step: 0 END /main/other/d1bb Label: PTP Property 0xd1bb Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 END /main/other/d1bc Label: PTP Property 0xd1bc Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d1bd Label: PTP Property 0xd1bd Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 Choice: 3 4 Choice: 4 5 Choice: 5 6 Choice: 6 7 END /main/other/d1be Label: PTP Property 0xd1be Readonly: 1 Type: MENU Current: 2 END /main/other/d1bf Label: PTP Property 0xd1bf Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 40 Bottom: 10 Top: 80 Step: 10 END /main/other/d1c0 Label: PTP Property 0xd1c0 Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 40 Bottom: 10 Top: 80 Step: 10 END /main/other/d201 Label: ReleaseMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 4 Choice: 0 4 Choice: 1 6 Choice: 2 16 END /main/other/d207 Label: PriorityMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d208 Label: PTP Property 0xd208 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 772 Choice: 0 512 Choice: 1 4 Choice: 2 772 Choice: 3 1280 Choice: 4 12 Choice: 5 32768 Choice: 6 40960 Choice: 7 6 Choice: 8 36864 Choice: 9 2 Choice: 10 37120 Choice: 11 1 Choice: 12 37632 Choice: 13 5 Choice: 14 14 Choice: 15 37376 Choice: 16 64 END /main/other/d209 Label: AFStatus Readonly: 1 Type: MENU Current: 1 END /main/other/d20a Label: PTP Property 0xd20a Readonly: 1 Type: MENU Current: 1 END /main/other/d20b Label: DeviceName Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: END /main/other/d20c Label: MediaRecord Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 4 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 Choice: 3 4 END /main/other/d20d Label: MediaCapacity Readonly: 1 Type: TEXT Current: 0,15,56477824,9,0,0,0,0 END /main/other/d20e Label: FreeSDRAMImages Readonly: 1 Type: RANGE Current: 12 Bottom: 0 Top: 0 Step: 0 END /main/other/d211 Label: MediaStatus Readonly: 1 Type: RANGE Current: 769 Bottom: 0 Top: 0 Step: 0 END /main/other/d215 Label: Copyright Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: END /main/other/d216 Label: Copyright2 Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: END /main/other/d21c Label: PTP Property 0xd21c Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 4 Choice: 0 0 END /main/other/d21d Label: PTP Property 0xd21d Readonly: 1 Type: RANGE Current: 100 Bottom: 0 Top: 0 Step: 0 END /main/other/d222 Label: SensitivityFineTune1 Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 8192 Bottom: 0 Top: 65535 Step: 1 END /main/other/d223 Label: SensitivityFineTune2 Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 8192 Bottom: 0 Top: 65535 Step: 1 END /main/other/d224 Label: PTP Property 0xd224 Readonly: 1 Type: RANGE Current: 0 Bottom: 0 Top: 0 Step: 0 END /main/other/d225 Label: PTP Property 0xd225 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1,2, Choice: 0 1,2, Choice: 1 2,2, END /main/other/d226 Label: PTP Property 0xd226 Readonly: 1 Type: TEXT Current: 256,245,266,0,0,0, END /main/other/d227 Label: PTP Property 0xd227 Readonly: 1 Type: TEXT Current: ?0, END /main/other/d228 Label: PTP Property 0xd228 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 Choice: 3 4 END /main/other/d22e Label: PTP Property 0xd22e Readonly: 1 Type: MENU Current: 1 END /main/other/d230 Label: ForceMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d231 Label: PTP Property 0xd231 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 10 Choice: 2 20 Choice: 3 50 Choice: 4 150 END /main/other/d232 Label: PTP Property 0xd232 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 Choice: 3 4 Choice: 4 5 Choice: 5 6 END /main/other/d233 Label: PTP Property 0xd233 Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 2.50356e-12 Bottom: 0 Top: 0 Step: 0 END /main/other/d234 Label: PTP Property 0xd234 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 2 END /main/other/d236 Label: PTP Property 0xd236 Readonly: 1 Type: MENU Current: 1 END /main/other/d237 Label: PTP Property 0xd237 Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: END /main/other/d238 Label: PTP Property 0xd238 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 END /main/other/d239 Label: PTP Property 0xd239 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d23a Label: PTP Property 0xd23a Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 116 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 3 Choice: 4 4 Choice: 5 5 Choice: 6 6 Choice: 7 7 Choice: 8 8 Choice: 9 9 Choice: 10 10 Choice: 11 11 Choice: 12 12 Choice: 13 13 Choice: 14 14 Choice: 15 15 Choice: 16 16 Choice: 17 17 Choice: 18 18 Choice: 19 19 Choice: 20 20 Choice: 21 21 Choice: 22 22 Choice: 23 23 Choice: 24 24 Choice: 25 25 Choice: 26 26 Choice: 27 27 Choice: 28 28 Choice: 29 29 Choice: 30 30 Choice: 31 31 Choice: 32 32 Choice: 33 33 Choice: 34 34 Choice: 35 35 Choice: 36 36 Choice: 37 37 Choice: 38 38 Choice: 39 39 Choice: 40 40 Choice: 41 41 Choice: 42 42 Choice: 43 43 Choice: 44 44 Choice: 45 45 Choice: 46 46 Choice: 47 47 Choice: 48 48 Choice: 49 49 Choice: 50 50 Choice: 51 51 Choice: 52 52 Choice: 53 53 Choice: 54 54 Choice: 55 55 Choice: 56 56 Choice: 57 57 Choice: 58 58 Choice: 59 59 Choice: 60 60 Choice: 61 61 Choice: 62 62 Choice: 63 63 Choice: 64 64 Choice: 65 65 Choice: 66 66 Choice: 67 67 Choice: 68 68 Choice: 69 69 Choice: 70 70 Choice: 71 71 Choice: 72 72 Choice: 73 73 Choice: 74 74 Choice: 75 75 Choice: 76 76 Choice: 77 77 Choice: 78 78 Choice: 79 79 Choice: 80 80 Choice: 81 81 Choice: 82 82 Choice: 83 83 Choice: 84 84 Choice: 85 85 Choice: 86 86 Choice: 87 87 Choice: 88 88 Choice: 89 89 Choice: 90 90 Choice: 91 91 Choice: 92 92 Choice: 93 93 Choice: 94 94 Choice: 95 95 Choice: 96 96 Choice: 97 97 Choice: 98 98 Choice: 99 99 Choice: 100 100 Choice: 101 101 Choice: 102 102 Choice: 103 103 Choice: 104 104 Choice: 105 105 Choice: 106 106 Choice: 107 107 Choice: 108 108 Choice: 109 109 Choice: 110 110 Choice: 111 111 Choice: 112 112 Choice: 113 113 Choice: 114 114 Choice: 115 115 Choice: 116 116 END /main/other/d23b Label: PTP Property 0xd23b Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d23c Label: PTP Property 0xd23c Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 2 Choice: 1 1 END /main/other/d23e Label: PTP Property 0xd23e Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d23f Label: PTP Property 0xd23f Readonly: 1 Type: RANGE Current: 777 Bottom: 0 Top: 0 Step: 0 END /main/other/d262 Label: PTP Property 0xd262 Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 257 Bottom: 257 Top: 1799 Step: 1 END /main/other/d297 Label: PTP Property 0xd297 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 4 Choice: 1 3 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 1 END /main/other/d304 Label: PTP Property 0xd304 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 Choice: 3 4 Choice: 4 5 Choice: 5 7 END /main/other/d305 Label: PTP Property 0xd305 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d306 Label: PTP Property 0xd306 Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 0 Bottom: 0 Top: 32716 Step: 1 END /main/other/d307 Label: PTP Property 0xd307 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d310 Label: TotalShotCount Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 83 Bottom: 0 Top: 4.29497e+09 Step: 1 END /main/other/d320 Label: HighLightTone Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 0 Bottom: -20 Top: 40 Step: 5 END /main/other/d321 Label: ShadowTone Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 0 Bottom: -20 Top: 40 Step: 5 END /main/other/d322 Label: LongExposureNR Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d323 Label: FullTimeManualFocus Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d33f Label: ViewMode1 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 3 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 Choice: 3 4 Choice: 4 5 END /main/other/d346 Label: LensISSwitch Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 2 END /main/other/d347 Label: Focus Point Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 2.50356e-12 Bottom: 0 Top: 0 Step: 0 END /main/other/d34a Label: InstantAFMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d34b Label: PreAFMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d34d Label: LMOMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d34e Label: LockButtonMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d351 Label: ISMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 END /main/other/d352 Label: DateTimeDispFormat Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 END /main/other/d359 Label: ExposurePreview Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 3 Choice: 0 3 END /main/other/d35e Label: FocusCheckMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d35f Label: FocusScaleUnit Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d364 Label: CustomAutoPowerOff Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 0 Bottom: 0 Top: 255 Step: 1 END /main/other/d365 Label: FileNamePrefix1 Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: DSCF END /main/other/d366 Label: FileNamePrefix2 Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: DSF END /main/other/d369 Label: PTP Property 0xd369 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 3 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 3 END /main/other/d36a Label: BatteryInfo1 Readonly: 1 Type: RANGE Current: 11 Bottom: 0 Top: 0 Step: 0 END /main/other/d36b Label: BatteryInfo2 Readonly: 1 Type: TEXT Current: 77,0,0 END /main/other/d36d Label: LensNameAndSerial Readonly: 1 Type: TEXT Current: LX217A,XF90mmF2 R LM WR,1CC00619 END /main/other/d36e Label: CustomDispInfo Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 2.10554e+09 Bottom: 0 Top: 4.28658e+09 Step: 1 END /main/other/d36f Label: FunctionLockCategory1 Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 128 Bottom: 0 Top: 3.20439e+09 Step: 1 END /main/other/d370 Label: FunctionLockCategory2 Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 0 Bottom: 0 Top: 6.71349e+08 Step: 1 END /main/other/d372 Label: FocusArea1 Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 2.50356e-12 Bottom: 0 Top: 0 Step: 0 END /main/other/d374 Label: FocusArea3 Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 2.50356e-12 Bottom: 0 Top: 0 Step: 0 END /main/other/d375 Label: FrameGuideGridInfo1 Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: 0,0,0,0,850,0,0,0,0,850,0,0,0,0, END /main/other/d376 Label: FrameGuideGridInfo2 Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: 0,0,0,0,850,0,0,0,0,850,0,0,0,0, END /main/other/d381 Label: PTP Property 0xd381 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 Choice: 3 4 Choice: 4 5 Choice: 5 6 END /main/other/d38a Label: LensUnknownData Readonly: 1 Type: MENU Current: 1 END /main/other/d38b Label: PTP Property 0xd38b Readonly: 1 Type: MENU Current: 1 END /main/other/d38c Label: LensZoomPosCaps Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 END /main/other/d38d Label: LensFNumberList Readonly: 1 Type: TEXT Current: 200,220,250,280,320,360,400,450,500,560,640,710,800,900,1000,1100,1300,1400,1600 END /main/other/d38e Label: LensFocalLengthList Readonly: 1 Type: TEXT Current: 9000,13700 END /main/other/d395 Label: FocusArea4 Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 2.50356e-12 Bottom: 0 Top: 0 Step: 0 END /main/other/500d Label: Exposure Time Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 7812 Choice: 0 7812 END /main/other/5007 Label: F-Number Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 200 Choice: 0 200 END /main/other/d38c Label: LensZoomPosCaps Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 END /main/other/d171 Label: FocusPosition Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 0 Choice: 2 0 Choice: 3 0 Choice: 4 0 Choice: 5 0 END /main/other/d21c Label: PTP Property 0xd21c Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 4 Choice: 0 0 END /main/other/d347 Label: Focus Point Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 2.50356e-12 Bottom: 0 Top: 0 Step: 0 END /main/other/d170 Label: LensZoomPos Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 1 Bottom: 1 Top: 1 Step: 0 END /main/other/d174 Label: LiveViewImageSize Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 END /main/other/d173 Label: LiveViewImageQuality Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 3 END /main/other/d230 Label: ForceMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d16e Label: PTP Property 0xd16e Readonly: 1 Type: RANGE Current: 5 Bottom: 0 Top: 0 Step: 0 END /main/other/d372 Label: FocusArea1 Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 2.50356e-12 Bottom: 0 Top: 0 Step: 0 END /main/other/d020 Label: FaceDetectionMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d022 Label: RawCompression Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 END /main/other/d023 Label: GrainEffect Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 6 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 Choice: 3 4 Choice: 4 5 END /main/other/d024 Label: SetEyeAFMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 END /main/other/d025 Label: FocusPoints Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 4 Choice: 0 3 Choice: 1 4 END /main/other/d026 Label: MFAssistMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 Choice: 3 4 Choice: 4 5 Choice: 5 6 Choice: 6 7 Choice: 7 8 Choice: 8 9 Choice: 9 10 Choice: 10 11 Choice: 11 12 END /main/other/d027 Label: InterlockAEAFArea Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d029 Label: Shadowing Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 END /main/other/d16f Label: CropMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d02f Label: TNumber Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 END /main/other/d395 Label: FocusArea4 Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 2.50356e-12 Bottom: 0 Top: 0 Step: 0 END /main/other/d320 Label: HighLightTone Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 0 Bottom: -20 Top: 40 Step: 5 END /main/other/d321 Label: ShadowTone Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 0 Bottom: -20 Top: 40 Step: 5 END /main/other/d322 Label: LongExposureNR Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d323 Label: FullTimeManualFocus Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d346 Label: LensISSwitch Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 2 END /main/other/d34a Label: InstantAFMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d34b Label: PreAFMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d34d Label: LMOMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d351 Label: ISMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 END /main/other/d35e Label: FocusCheckMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 2 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d173 Label: LiveViewImageQuality Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 3 END /main/other/d365 Label: FileNamePrefix1 Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: DSCF END /main/other/d366 Label: FileNamePrefix2 Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: DSF END /main/other/d374 Label: FocusArea3 Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 2.50356e-12 Bottom: 0 Top: 0 Step: 0 END /main/other/d310 Label: TotalShotCount Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 83 Bottom: 0 Top: 4.29497e+09 Step: 1 END /main/other/d359 Label: ExposurePreview Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 3 Choice: 0 3 END /main/other/d375 Label: FrameGuideGridInfo1 Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: 0,0,0,0,850,0,0,0,0,850,0,0,0,0, END /main/other/d376 Label: FrameGuideGridInfo2 Readonly: 0 Type: TEXT Current: 0,0,0,0,850,0,0,0,0,850,0,0,0,0, END /main/other/d36e Label: CustomDispInfo Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 2.10554e+09 Bottom: 0 Top: 4.28658e+09 Step: 1 END /main/other/d33f Label: ViewMode1 Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 3 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 Choice: 2 3 Choice: 3 4 Choice: 4 5 END /main/other/d364 Label: CustomAutoPowerOff Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 0 Bottom: 0 Top: 255 Step: 1 END /main/other/d34e Label: LockButtonMode Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 Choice: 1 2 END /main/other/d02e Label: WideDynamicRange Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 0 Choice: 0 0 Choice: 1 1 Choice: 2 2 Choice: 3 32768 END /main/other/d36d Label: LensNameAndSerial Readonly: 1 Type: TEXT Current: LX217A,XF90mmF2 R LM WR,1CC00619 END /main/other/d38a Label: LensUnknownData Readonly: 1 Type: MENU Current: 1 END /main/other/d36a Label: BatteryInfo1 Readonly: 1 Type: RANGE Current: 11 Bottom: 0 Top: 0 Step: 0 END /main/other/d36b Label: BatteryInfo2 Readonly: 1 Type: TEXT Current: 77,0,0 END /main/other/d36f Label: FunctionLockCategory1 Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 128 Bottom: 0 Top: 3.20439e+09 Step: 1 END /main/other/d370 Label: FunctionLockCategory2 Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 0 Bottom: 0 Top: 6.71349e+08 Step: 1 END /main/other/d222 Label: SensitivityFineTune1 Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 8192 Bottom: 0 Top: 65535 Step: 1 END /main/other/d223 Label: SensitivityFineTune2 Readonly: 0 Type: RANGE Current: 8192 Bottom: 0 Top: 65535 Step: 1 END /main/other/d38c Label: LensZoomPosCaps Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 END /main/other/d38d Label: LensFNumberList Readonly: 1 Type: TEXT Current: 200,220,250,280,320,360,400,450,500,560,640,710,800,900,1000,1100,1300,1400,1600 END /main/other/d38e Label: LensFocalLengthList Readonly: 1 Type: TEXT Current: 9000,13700 END /main/other/d17b Label: PTP Property 0xd17b Readonly: 0 Type: MENU Current: 1 Choice: 0 1 END

test capture gphoto2 --capture-image New file in path /store_10000001/DSCF0001.jpg in camera

previe capture gphoto2 --capture-preview Error (-1: 'Unspecified error')

msmeissn commented 1 year ago

what is the gphoto2 --version

capture works already as far as your report shows.

msmeissn commented 1 year ago

and for preview capture

gphoto2 --capture-preview --debug --debug-logfile=preview.txt and attach preview.txt here

jacceko commented 1 year ago

gphoto2 --version 2.5.27

jacceko commented 1 year ago

gphoto2 --capture-preview --debug --debug-logfile=preview.txt preview.txt

msmeissn commented 10 months ago

id is in git now, all looks good