gphoto / libgphoto2

The libgphoto2 camera access and control library.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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'JPEG' file downloaded even when imagequality set to 'RAW' #951

Closed ajmirsky closed 5 months ago

ajmirsky commented 5 months ago

Describe the bug

With the imagequality set to 'RAW', the downloaded file is always jpeg. And the downloaded jpeg file size, doesn't match any of the imagesize or compression configurations: ~300KB vs the 6.4M/13M/26M (listed on the camera's menu). Modifying 'imagesize' or 'compression' configurations results in the same jpeg size.

Images are saved on the SD card as well when gphoto2 triggers the capture and those images do reflect changes in imagequality and imagesize.

Name the camera

Sony A6700 (PC Control) usb:003,006

libgphoto2 and gphoto2 version

gphoto2         2.5.28         gcc, popt(m), exif, cdk, no aa, jpeg, no readline
libgphoto2       standard camlibs (SKIPPING docupen lumix), gcc, no ltdl, EXIF
libgphoto2_port 0.12.2         iolibs: disk ptpip serial usb usbdiskdirect usbscsi, gcc, no ltdl, EXIF, USB, serial without locking

( compiled from master 08d03695ead88ceeb0cdf1cc83910bfee80220c8 )

To Reproduce

$ gphoto2 --get-config imagequality
Label: Image Quality
Readonly: 0
Current: RAW
Choice: 0 RAW
Choice: 1 RAW+JPEG (X.Fine)
Choice: 2 RAW+JPEG (Fine)
Choice: 3 RAW+JPEG (Std)
Choice: 4 RAW+JPEG (Light)
Choice: 5 Extra Fine
Choice: 6 Fine
Choice: 7 Standard
Choice: 8 Light

$ gphoto2 --capture-image-and-download --filename="shot_%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S.%C" --debug --debug-logfile=debug.log
New file is in location /capt0000.jpg on the camera
Saving file as shot_2024-01-10_18.55.17.jpg
Deleting file /capt0000.jpg on the camera

$ gphoto2 --get-config imagesize
Label: Image Size
Readonly: 0
Current: Large
Choice: 0 Large
Choice: 1 Medium
Choice: 2 Small

$ gphoto2 --get-config 5004
Label: Compression Setting
Readonly: 0
Type: MENU
Current: 4
Choice: 0 16
Choice: 1 20
Choice: 2 19
Choice: 3 18
Choice: 4 17
Choice: 5 4
Choice: 6 3
Choice: 7 2
Choice: 8 1

$ ls -alh
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 282K Jan 10 18:55 shot_2024-01-10_18.55.17.jpg

Debug Log File debug.log

ajmirsky commented 5 months ago

apologies. i had the 'Remote Shoot Setting' > 'Save Image Size' incorrectly set. By default, it's set to '2M'; change to 'Original' and works as expected with the A6700.

ajmirsky commented 5 months ago
