I am working with the spldv package in R, thank you very much for this clear and usable implementation!
I have two questions about standard errors:
In the documentation it says: "The variance-covariance matrix can be computed using the traditional White-corrected coefficient covariance matrix from the last two-stage least squares estimator of the linearlized model." Are these also the standard errors that get reported if I use getSummary on the binlgmm object? Or do I need to do the White-correction myself via for example coeftest?
Is it possible to use clustered standard errors when using the Klier & McMillen logit model as implemented by spldv? If so, how do I do it?
Dear G. Piras,
I am working with the spldv package in R, thank you very much for this clear and usable implementation!
I have two questions about standard errors:
Kind regards. A.L. Lemmens