Closed IanEdington closed 3 months ago
❯ tofu plan -out=plan
aws_dynamodb_table.terraform_state_locks: Refreshing state... [id=terraform-state-locks]
aws_s3_bucket.terraform_state: Refreshing state... [id=gpo-terraform-state]
github_actions_secret.SSH_HOST_PROD: Refreshing state... []
github_actions_secret.SSH_HOST_STAGE: Refreshing state... []
github_actions_secret.SSH_PUBLIC_KEY: Refreshing state... []
github_actions_secret.SSH_USER: Refreshing state... []
github_actions_secret.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: Refreshing state... []
module.default_github_labels_for_gpo_ca.github_issue_labels.labels: Refreshing state... []
module.default_github_labels_for_secure_gpo_ca.github_issue_labels.labels: Refreshing state... []
module.default_github_labels_for_gpo_platform_configs.github_issue_labels.labels: Refreshing state... [id=gpo-platform-configs]
module.default_github_labels_for_readme.github_issue_labels.labels: Refreshing state... [id=readme]
aws_s3_bucket_versioning.terraform_state_bucket_versioning: Refreshing state... [id=gpo-terraform-state]
aws_s3_bucket_server_side_encryption_configuration.terraform_state_crypto_conf: Refreshing state... [id=gpo-terraform-state]
OpenTofu used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
~ update in-place
OpenTofu will perform the following actions:
# module.default_github_labels_for_gpo_ca.github_issue_labels.labels will be updated in-place
~ resource "github_issue_labels" "labels" {
id = ""
# (1 unchanged attribute hidden)
+ label {
+ color = "5319E7"
+ description = "A large project that needs to be broken into parts"
+ name = "Epic"
+ url = (known after apply)
# (9 unchanged blocks hidden)
# module.default_github_labels_for_gpo_platform_configs.github_issue_labels.labels will be updated in-place
~ resource "github_issue_labels" "labels" {
id = "gpo-platform-configs"
# (1 unchanged attribute hidden)
+ label {
+ color = "5319E7"
+ description = "A large project that needs to be broken into parts"
+ name = "Epic"
+ url = (known after apply)
# (9 unchanged blocks hidden)
# module.default_github_labels_for_readme.github_issue_labels.labels will be updated in-place
~ resource "github_issue_labels" "labels" {
id = "readme"
# (1 unchanged attribute hidden)
+ label {
+ color = "5319E7"
+ description = "A large project that needs to be broken into parts"
+ name = "Epic"
+ url = (known after apply)
# (9 unchanged blocks hidden)
# module.default_github_labels_for_secure_gpo_ca.github_issue_labels.labels will be updated in-place
~ resource "github_issue_labels" "labels" {
id = ""
# (1 unchanged attribute hidden)
+ label {
+ color = "5319E7"
+ description = "A large project that needs to be broken into parts"
+ name = "Epic"
+ url = (known after apply)
# (9 unchanged blocks hidden)
Plan: 0 to add, 4 to change, 0 to destroy.
❮ tofu apply "plan"
module.default_github_labels_for_readme.github_issue_labels.labels: Modifying... [id=readme]
module.default_github_labels_for_gpo_platform_configs.github_issue_labels.labels: Modifying... [id=gpo-platform-configs]
module.default_github_labels_for_readme.github_issue_labels.labels: Modifications complete after 0s [id=readme]
module.default_github_labels_for_gpo_platform_configs.github_issue_labels.labels: Modifications complete after 0s [id=gpo-platform-configs]
module.default_github_labels_for_secure_gpo_ca.github_issue_labels.labels: Modifying... []
module.default_github_labels_for_gpo_ca.github_issue_labels.labels: Modifying... []
module.default_github_labels_for_gpo_ca.github_issue_labels.labels: Modifications complete after 0s []
module.default_github_labels_for_secure_gpo_ca.github_issue_labels.labels: Modifications complete after 0s []
Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 4 changed, 0 destroyed.
fixes: #10