gpodder / gpodder-sailfish

gPodder 4 for Sailfish OS Packaging
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Show cover info when player is paused #110

Closed carmenfdezb closed 4 years ago

Keeper-of-the-Keys commented 4 years ago

@carmenfdezb Hey this has an unintended side effect on my phone that it never goes back to showing stats, does that also happen to you?

carmenfdezb commented 4 years ago

Yes, because you have an episode loaded in player (in pause). If you don't have any episode loaded in player you can see stats in cover.

carmenfdezb commented 4 years ago

For me is more useful to know what episode is loaded in player independently if player is playing or not. Maybe an option to clear player is needed. Sorry for all the inconvenience, you can see the change I did, so you can revert my commit easily.

Keeper-of-the-Keys commented 4 years ago

OK I figured out what is going on, but a nice fix requires a change in gpodder-ui-qml, for now I'm hacking this in :man_shrugging:

Keeper-of-the-Keys commented 4 years ago

FYI this was the fix The cleaner fix is that I will probably add a property isPaused and isStopped to player.

carmenfdezb commented 4 years ago

Thank you @Keeper-of-the-Keys!! On the other hand, I made an icon cover action to skip forward in episode, what do you think: Captura_20191210_001-m In any case, we can decide here what actions could be available from cover, for example, if you want see stat in cover.

carmenfdezb commented 4 years ago

Furthermore, when player is paused it doesn't make sense the sync option from cover

sfbg commented 4 years ago

Fantastic Icon!

I would still like to have the sync icon if no show is playing. Perhaps in the place of the fast forward icon, but please not remove it.

sfbg commented 4 years ago

TBH, for me the optimal solution would be to still show the cover (perhaps much smaller, as a minature) and the stats at the same time, when no show is playing. I do not have a specific design, currently, though.

carmenfdezb commented 4 years ago

In that case, I think the best solution is to add an option jn settings to select cover actions

Keeper-of-the-Keys commented 4 years ago

I thought I was the only one who wanted to skip tracks from the cover? Doing a decent settings interface would be a nice feature because then we can also allow people to set their own default filters etc. There is a settings file but so I guess a first step would just be to allow editing the file and then figure out how to do settings the SFOS way (ie. allow people to do application settings through Settings > Apps > gPodder)

Keeper-of-the-Keys commented 4 years ago

@sfbg show stats superimposed on the coverart and no title/duration maybe?

carmenfdezb commented 4 years ago

@sfbg show stats superimposed on the coverart and no title/duration maybe?

IMHO, it is too much info in a cover, and sorry but I don't undertand why info cover is differente if player is playing (player info) or is paused (stat info), when an episode is already loaded in player. Of course, I think stat info is very useful, but not If I'm using the player. I don't know what is the best solution here.

I thought I was the only one who wanted to skip tracks from the cover?

I use mainly skip seconds in the same episode instead of skip tracks, but I understand that it is not the same preference for other users. This must be configured in Settings, but why not inside app?

Keeper-of-the-Keys commented 4 years ago

I like the stats a lot, I decide based on them if I can add another podcast subscription yet or not and atm they are only on the cover. For now I think wait and see if we get any positive/negative user feedback to decide how things should be (and get our own impressions from using it).

I have also been toying with the idea of showing stats in the podcast overview but we need to be careful that the UI doesn't turn into a mess as a result.

carmenfdezb commented 4 years ago

I've been thinking about this, and maybe this could be the solution: Captura_01 Captura_02 What do you think?

Keeper-of-the-Keys commented 4 years ago

I think that looks like a very interesting concept :)