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gPodder 4 for Sailfish OS Packaging
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[discussion] access to episodes page #139

Open thigg opened 3 years ago

thigg commented 3 years ago

Besides that the episodes page should load on application startup and not when you open it, I find myself sometimes annoyed when using the pulley to open it. I guess it is because the pulley are two actions (pull +coordinate selection) and episodes is basically my main page.

I wanted to start a discussion about how the ui can be improved here.

I'll start with some ideas:

sfbg commented 3 years ago

Hi, Great initiative. I have been having ideas on the exact same topic for a while, but never had the time to implement them and test them out.

This is how I imagine it:

If all three screens are always there we, would have a more consistent navigation (reminiscent of the Harmattan 3 screens).

I do not have an opinion on the initial startup screen, but would not mind it being the Episode list (Downloaded).

thigg commented 3 years ago

How about having a media player like in the stock media app? what is your opinion on that?

sfbg commented 3 years ago

It might be fine, I do not know. It is just quite different from how I am used to using gPodder. But I am open to new options for sure.

thigg commented 3 years ago

maybe we should just draft some designs and select what seems to be the best?

Keeper-of-the-Keys commented 3 years ago

I'm puzzled here, when you open a podcast you are going to EpisodesPage afaik, when you apply a filter EpisodesPage gets modified. I never use a pulley to get into the Episode List, only when I want to filter the list.

Also to the best of my knowledge (at least the way I use it) it does end up on the page stack.

Other then that I would actually like to replace filters with a search window that has presets, in the long run I would actually like to add search across all/multiple podcasts so that I can search for all episodes with a certain subject/word in the description.

thigg commented 3 years ago

Other then that I would actually like to replace filters with a search window that has presets, in the long run I would actually like to add search across all/multiple podcasts so that I can search for all episodes with a certain subject/word in the description.

Just a quick comment: your point is multiple but not all podcasts, right? Because the text search over all is implemented in the PR

Keeper-of-the-Keys commented 3 years ago

Cool, I had not yet tested it :) I thought it was only in the podcast you were filtering will test it after I do the gpodder-ui-qml stuff.

Searching across a subset of podcasts would be a more advanced function I guess.

thigg commented 3 years ago

How do you think about something like this?

We could add a searchbar like this to the page somehow. When clicked, it shows suggestions like fresh, downloaded, podcast etc. When a suggestion is clicked, it is added as tag with a possibility to add additional input (see examples). Tags should be removable. Tags should always be placed first in the searchfield (right for RTL languages). Tags are AND related If the tags fill more than 50% of the space, the box changes to multiline (tags in the first row, cursor in the second).

The result is built into a search query and loads the according model.

Example: All If no Tag is selected, no filter is applied, thus all episodes are shown

Example: Fresh The user clicks on the searchbar, a list of suggestions appears, the user clicks on fresh. A tag "fresh" appears in the searchbox, it can be removed by clicking on it/ the X on the field. The user may click the searchbutton/or switch focus to reload the model.

Example: Podcasts the user clicks on the "podcast:" suggestion, visually a "podcast: " tag is created and the cursor appears inside the tag. The suggestions are now replaced with the list of podcasts. Typing filters this list. If the user selects a podcast, the cursor is placed into the normal field again and the user may add more tags.

Example: Textsearch The user already selected the fresh tag. On typing the suggestions disappear/are filtered out and an unclickable "search for text" suggestion appears. If the search button is clicked, the model is filtered for tags + searchtext

I have no idea how much effort it is to implement this/ if something like that exists already. I built something like this years ago, but this was pure JS. Using QML might be a whole different story...

Additionally clicking on a podcast in the podcast overview would just select the appropriate podcast: filter, thus we could unify the episode pages.