gpodder / gpodder-sailfish

gPodder 4 for Sailfish OS Packaging
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Automatic episode download #167

Open BluishHumility opened 1 year ago

BluishHumility commented 1 year ago


I wanted to humbly request a feature to automatically download new episodes be added.

I'm coming from AntennaPod where the app was configured to automatically check for and download new episodes a couple times a day and toss them into the queue. It does this while connected to WiFi, which helped bring my mobile data usage down to basically nothing because no need to stream while on the move.

I do see episodes can similarly be downloaded and added to the queue in gpodder-sailfish, however there doesn't appear to be any way to do this aside from clicking into each subscription one by one, checking if there are any new episodes, and downloading them piecemeal. Since I have about twenty subscriptions, it's a little clunky and time consuming.

If it is not realistic to add a feature like this I understand, I just thought I would ask because I personally found it tremendously helpful.

Keeper-of-the-Keys commented 1 year ago

Hey, That sounds like a cool feature, I don't know how much time I have at the moment so no promises and of course patches by others to add this are welcome.

How does AntennaPod deal with new subscriptions, does it download all episodes of something new you add or does it only start downloading new episodes in the 2nd update and on?

BluishHumility commented 1 year ago

Thanks for taking a look!

The way I had AntennaPod set up, when I added a new subscription it would do nothing (until a new episode was released, then it would download it). If I wanted to download previous episodes I would just go back and manually download them.

I also had enabled the option of automatically deleting downloaded episodes after they are listened to, so the storage use ended up being fairly trivial. The main benefit in my case was no mobile data use (downloads only over WiFi) and no need to stream over a mobile data connection (often my mobile data connection is spotty or nonexistent).

No worries if there isn't time for adding in a feature like that, I completely sympathize with the lack of free time. Thanks again for taking a look!