gpoore / minted

minted is a LaTeX package that provides syntax highlighting using the Pygments library. Highlighted source code can be customized using fancyvrb.
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How can one change the caption position? #119

Closed aw-think closed 8 years ago

aw-think commented 8 years ago

How is it possible to change the caption position inside a listing environment? Let's say someone would have all caption left aligned under the floating object (figure, table and listing).

gpoore commented 8 years ago

The best option for customizing captions is probably to load minted with the newfloat option (\usepackage[newfloat]{minted}). This will use the newfloat package to create the listing environment. Then you can use the caption package, which newfloat is part of, to customize the caption appearance.

aw-think commented 8 years ago

I'm using Koma Script scrreprt where I set the option captions=nooneline, so that all captions are not centered under the floating, they are all left aligned.

If I now use the option newfloat it works fine, but a quick look in the log shows me, that I always get a warning if I use the minted package: lineno.sty Command \@parboxrestore has changed. Seems about the linenumbering.

gpoore commented 8 years ago

It looks like Koma Script or something else is redefining \@parboxrestore, and lineno is then raising a warning. lineno is only used for line breaking; actual line numbering uses the fancyvrb package. So if you're using breaklines=true, and lines seem to be breaking OK, then everything is probably fine (only a small portion of lineno is actually used). But I'll look into this as a potential package conflict.

aw-think commented 8 years ago

I've tested with the following raw document from my preamble until I got the warning message. The package which is making the problem is csquotes, but only if one loads it first. If one loads the package after minted, there is no warning:

\usepackage[english, ngerman]{babel}    

\usepackage[autostyle=true,german=quotes]{csquotes} % before minted, warning: Command \@parboxrestore has changed.

\usepackage[outputdir=./build]{minted} % 

%\usepackage[autostyle=true,german=quotes]{csquotes} % after minted, no warning

\usepackage{mwe} % only for minimal working example text


gpoore commented 8 years ago

I'm closing this since it seems to be an issue with package loading order. I've added a note in the FAQ about this for the next release.