gpranav88-zz / clothzy-MVP

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Sort out modal issue in product search page #41

Open kartikdhar opened 10 years ago

kartikdhar commented 10 years ago

On clicking quick look - the modal should popup - using AngularUI


kartikdhar commented 10 years ago


kartikdhar commented 10 years ago

@agamdua see if this could be helpful:

agamdua commented 10 years ago

Reassigning to @kartikdhar to fix layout etc.

Then back to me for fixing the known angular issues.

This is how the modal is currently working on my local: screen shot 2014-01-31 at 9 00 40 pm

agamdua commented 10 years ago

Hover in AngularJS - jQuery hover is probably being overwritten.

agamdua commented 10 years ago

@kartikdhar - ng-click not necessary. just do an ng-href="/product/{{searchResults.Products[val].id}} - to view product and ng-href="/store/{{searchResults.Products[val].store}}"

on the buttons. If it doesn't work, then I'll write a 2 click() functions

kartikdhar commented 10 years ago

@agamdua - the modal is throwing up an issue. When I move the quick view button inside the thumbnail div, the modal link does not work. It could be a reference issue. Need you to run me through the open() function once

agamdua commented 10 years ago

@kartikdhar - this is the link you can refer to in case you have to add links on buttons anywhere if an ng-href outside/on/inside the button doesn't work. I've documented all explanation, and of course, can hit me up anytime.

Its fairly standard code which can be reused anywhere on any button.