gpranav88-zz / clothzy-MVP

Clothzy MVP
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Proper way to populate search, etc (collections) #46

Closed agamdua closed 10 years ago

agamdua commented 10 years ago

I'll explain later, but this solves a lot of problems that I would have to manually handle in JS (its a dummy example):


Basically he said presentation of content should never change models ($scope), I explained we'd gone with the hack because of Angular. He said it is better handled by CSS, AngularJS code remains same and uses vanilla ng-repeat which is why it doesn't have the functionality we wanted / hacked.

(Earlier I thought the better way would be to use a nested ng-repeat, I guess that's a very 'general programming' way to think about things, @gpranav88 will feel me here with nested loops!)

kartikdhar commented 10 years ago

@agamdua - Please add the following to Clothzy.CSS:

.list > div {
  padding: 5px;
  display: inline-block;

And, use the following for populating in Product-Search.html:

        <div class="row list">
                    <div class="col-lg-3" ng-repeat='val in productRow1'>
                        <div class="thumbnail thumb">
                            <p> {{ searchResults.Products[val].store }} </p>
                            <a class="quickView btn btn-default" data-toggle="modal" href="#myModal">Quick Look</a>
                            <a href="ProductHome-test.html"><img ng-src="/static/Store_{{searchResults.Products[val].store}}/Product_{{searchResults.Products[val].id}}/1-1.jpeg" alt="..."></a>
                            <div class="caption">
                                <p class="product-name"> {{searchResults.Products[val].name}} </p>
                                <p class="store-name">{{searchResults.Products[val].store}}</p>
                                <p class="price"><i class="fa fa-rupee"></i> {{searchResults.Products[val].price}}</p>
kartikdhar commented 10 years ago

It's working fine - I tested it out on my Nitrous, but I dont know how to Angularize it. I tested it by changing Clothzy.js line 227 to:

    $scope.productRow1 = _.range(0, 28);

Let me know if you need any more help on this....

agamdua commented 10 years ago

This is done, I'll just push the code to branch:heroku.

However, styling needs to be modified, @kartikdhar please check screenshot. Will reassign to you once pushed. screen shot 2014-02-05 at 7 11 19 pm