gpranav88-zz / clothzy-MVP

Clothzy MVP
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Refactor directory structure #5

Open agamdua opened 10 years ago

agamdua commented 10 years ago

Forgot to add this before.

The thinkster tutorial directory structure to be followed.

Link to their tutorial source on Github.

agamdua commented 10 years ago

Done. Issue can be closed once we test on staging.

agamdua commented 10 years ago

Integration of new templates broke this. Issue for that open. Not closing until completely working on staging.

agamdua commented 10 years ago

Not broken anymore, will switch to new milestone Post-MVP, don't want to mistakenly break anything (I won't, but no sense).

@gpranav88 - do you agree or would you like to prioritise this to resemble the structure we discussed?