gpu / JOCL

Java bindings for OpenCL
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JVM crash on call of org.jocl.CL.clEnquequeNDRangeKernelNative #24

Open AhmetCanSolak opened 5 years ago

AhmetCanSolak commented 5 years ago

In my program i am calling org.jocl.CL.clEnquequeNDRangeKernelNative multiple times. JVM crashes after some number of iteration. As i said, after running for a while it crashes. It crashes with a EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION.

Any ideas on how to debug this? At least i want to know what is thrown in native frame. Should i go for minidumps?

gpu commented 5 years ago

It's hard to give specific recommendations without more specific information. Can you provide more information about what the kernel actually does? Beyond that, one (very "coarse") debugging step could be to comment out the kernel code (making the kernel "empty"), to narrow down the source for the problem - specifically, to see whether it's a problem directly related to JOCL, or whether it's caused by the kernel writing to invalid memory locations or so.

An example that can directly be compiled and started and where the issue can be reproduced would be helpful, but I see that this can be difficult. But maybe even a few lines of code showing how you set up the kernel parameters and launch the kernel could help to make some more specific guesses, at least.