gpu / JOCLBlast

JOCLBlast - Java bindings for CLBlast
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New version of CLBlast 1.1.0 #10

Closed blueberry closed 7 years ago

blueberry commented 7 years ago

@gpu CLBlast 1.1.0 has been released.

CNugteren commented 7 years ago

Note that there is one new routine in the API (see changelog): SIM2COL/DIM2COL/CIM2COL/ZIM2COL/HIM2COL

gpu commented 7 years ago

Thanks for this heads-up, I'll prepare the update ASAP. The new routine should already be covered by the code generator, but I'll check this.

gpu commented 7 years ago

@blueberry @amherag : The tag for building the native libraries for 1.1.0 is at

blueberry commented 7 years ago

@gpu @amherag I'll be able to compile it next week. Sorry for the delay.

amherag commented 7 years ago

@gpu @blueberry Hmm... the jar says 1.0.2 instead of 1.1.0. The pom.xml still has version 1.0.2 too. I'll say it's okay to just rename the jar to 1.1.0, so here's the file.

blueberry commented 7 years ago

@gpu Here's the linux version:

@gpu @amherag @CNugteren Thank you all!

gpu commented 7 years ago

Indeed, the version number in the POM is not yet updated, but this should not affect the remaining parts of the release - it's a SNAPSHOT after all. I'll do the update and release ASAP.

gpu commented 7 years ago

The new version has been released, and will soon be in Maven Central at


Thanks again to @amherag @blueberry and @CNugteren !