gql-dart / ferry

Stream-based strongly typed GraphQL client for Dart
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Sanity Portable Text Blocks #502

Closed benlrichards closed 11 months ago

benlrichards commented 1 year ago

I am attempting to use Ferry with Sanity CMS and everything is going smoothly until I get to Portable Text Blocks, which Sanity outputs from rich text editors in Sanity Studio.

Ferry is not correctly deserializing the Portable Text. Here is the error I receive:

LinkException(Deserializing '[typename, RootQuery, Puzzle, {typename: Puzzle, _id: c4efcfbf-12e0-4e32-...' to 'GPuzzleData' failed due to: Deserializing '[__typename, Puzzle, _id, c4efcfbf-12e0-4e32-a0fc-75eaf161e728, author, {__ty...' to 'GPuzzleData_Puzzle' failed due to: Deserializing '[{_key: e97ca8fb0ab5, _type: block, children: [{_key: 9e51a09f427c0, _type: s...' to 'GJSON' failed due to: type 'List' is not a subtype of type 'String?' in type cast, #0 BuiltJsonSerializers._deserialize

I've pasted my schema, and query below. Is there a way to fix this issue? Thank you!

query Puzzle($id: ID!) { Puzzle(id: $id) { _id author { _id name } genre { _id title mediaType { _id title } } bodyRaw publishedAt } }

schema { query: RootQuery }

"""Field is a "raw" JSON alias for a different field""" directive @jsonAlias( """Source field name""" for: String! ) on FIELD_DEFINITION

"""Field references one or more documents""" directive @reference on FIELD_DEFINITION

type Author implements Document { """Document ID""" _id: ID """Document type""" _type: String """Date the document was created""" _createdAt: DateTime """Date the document was last modified""" _updatedAt: DateTime """Current document revision""" _rev: String _key: String name: String }

input AuthorFilter { """Apply filters on document level""" _: Sanity_DocumentFilter _id: IDFilter _type: StringFilter _createdAt: DatetimeFilter _updatedAt: DatetimeFilter _rev: StringFilter _key: StringFilter name: StringFilter }

input AuthorSorting { _id: SortOrder _type: SortOrder _createdAt: SortOrder _updatedAt: SortOrder _rev: SortOrder _key: SortOrder name: SortOrder }

type Block { _key: String _type: String children: [Span] style: String list: String }

input BooleanFilter { """Checks if the value is equal to the given input.""" eq: Boolean """Checks if the value is not equal to the given input.""" neq: Boolean }

type CrossDatasetReference { _key: String _type: String _ref: String _weak: Boolean _dataset: String _projectId: String }

input CrossDatasetReferenceFilter { _key: StringFilter _type: StringFilter _ref: StringFilter _weak: BooleanFilter _dataset: StringFilter _projectId: StringFilter }

input CrossDatasetReferenceSorting { _key: SortOrder _type: SortOrder _ref: SortOrder _weak: SortOrder _dataset: SortOrder _projectId: SortOrder }

""" A date string, such as 2007-12-03, compliant with the full-date format outlined in section 5.6 of the RFC 3339 profile of the ISO 8601 standard for representation of dates and times using the Gregorian calendar. """ scalar Date

input DateFilter { """Checks if the value is equal to the given input.""" eq: Date """Checks if the value is not equal to the given input.""" neq: Date """Checks if the value is greater than the given input.""" gt: Date """Checks if the value is greater than or equal to the given input.""" gte: Date """Checks if the value is lesser than the given input.""" lt: Date """Checks if the value is lesser than or equal to the given input.""" lte: Date }

""" A date-time string at UTC, such as 2007-12-03T10:15:30Z, compliant with the date-time format outlined in section 5.6 of the RFC 3339 profile of the ISO 8601 standard for representation of dates and times using the Gregorian calendar. """ scalar DateTime

input DatetimeFilter { """Checks if the value is equal to the given input.""" eq: DateTime """Checks if the value is not equal to the given input.""" neq: DateTime """Checks if the value is greater than the given input.""" gt: DateTime """Checks if the value is greater than or equal to the given input.""" gte: DateTime """Checks if the value is lesser than the given input.""" lt: DateTime """Checks if the value is lesser than or equal to the given input.""" lte: DateTime }

"""A Sanity document""" interface Document { """Document ID""" _id: ID """Document type""" _type: String """Date the document was created""" _createdAt: DateTime """Date the document was last modified""" _updatedAt: DateTime """Current document revision""" _rev: String }

input DocumentFilter { """Apply filters on document level""" _: Sanity_DocumentFilter _id: IDFilter _type: StringFilter _createdAt: DatetimeFilter _updatedAt: DatetimeFilter _rev: StringFilter }

input DocumentSorting { _id: SortOrder _type: SortOrder _createdAt: SortOrder _updatedAt: SortOrder _rev: SortOrder }

type File { _key: String _type: String asset: SanityFileAsset @reference }

input FileFilter { _key: StringFilter _type: StringFilter asset: SanityFileAssetFilter }

input FileSorting { _key: SortOrder _type: SortOrder }

input FloatFilter { """Checks if the value is equal to the given input.""" eq: Float """Checks if the value is not equal to the given input.""" neq: Float """Checks if the value is greater than the given input.""" gt: Float """Checks if the value is greater than or equal to the given input.""" gte: Float """Checks if the value is lesser than the given input.""" lt: Float """Checks if the value is lesser than or equal to the given input.""" lte: Float }

type Game implements Document { """Document ID""" _id: ID """Document type""" _type: String """Date the document was created""" _createdAt: DateTime """Date the document was last modified""" _updatedAt: DateTime """Current document revision""" _rev: String _key: String puzzles: [Puzzle] gameDate: DateTime }

input GameFilter { """Apply filters on document level""" _: Sanity_DocumentFilter _id: IDFilter _type: StringFilter _createdAt: DatetimeFilter _updatedAt: DatetimeFilter _rev: StringFilter _key: StringFilter gameDate: DatetimeFilter }

input GameSorting { _id: SortOrder _type: SortOrder _createdAt: SortOrder _updatedAt: SortOrder _rev: SortOrder _key: SortOrder gameDate: SortOrder }

type Genre implements Document { """Document ID""" _id: ID """Document type""" _type: String """Date the document was created""" _createdAt: DateTime """Date the document was last modified""" _updatedAt: DateTime """Current document revision""" _rev: String _key: String title: String mediaType: MediaType @reference }

input GenreFilter { """Apply filters on document level""" _: Sanity_DocumentFilter _id: IDFilter _type: StringFilter _createdAt: DatetimeFilter _updatedAt: DatetimeFilter _rev: StringFilter _key: StringFilter title: StringFilter mediaType: MediaTypeFilter }

input GenreSorting { _id: SortOrder _type: SortOrder _createdAt: SortOrder _updatedAt: SortOrder _rev: SortOrder _key: SortOrder title: SortOrder }

type Geopoint { _key: String _type: String lat: Float lng: Float alt: Float }

input GeopointFilter { _key: StringFilter _type: StringFilter lat: FloatFilter lng: FloatFilter alt: FloatFilter }

input GeopointSorting { _key: SortOrder _type: SortOrder lat: SortOrder lng: SortOrder alt: SortOrder }

input IDFilter { """Checks if the value is equal to the given input.""" eq: ID """Checks if the value is not equal to the given input.""" neq: ID """Checks if the value matches the given word/words.""" matches: ID in: [ID!] nin: [ID!] }

type Image { _key: String _type: String asset: SanityImageAsset @reference hotspot: SanityImageHotspot crop: SanityImageCrop }

input ImageFilter { _key: StringFilter _type: StringFilter asset: SanityImageAssetFilter hotspot: SanityImageHotspotFilter crop: SanityImageCropFilter }

input ImageSorting { _key: SortOrder _type: SortOrder hotspot: SanityImageHotspotSorting crop: SanityImageCropSorting }

input IntFilter { """Checks if the value is equal to the given input.""" eq: Int """Checks if the value is not equal to the given input.""" neq: Int """Checks if the value is greater than the given input.""" gt: Int """Checks if the value is greater than or equal to the given input.""" gte: Int """Checks if the value is lesser than the given input.""" lt: Int """Checks if the value is lesser than or equal to the given input.""" lte: Int }

"""The JSON scalar type represents JSON values as specified by ECMA-404.""" scalar JSON

type MediaType implements Document { """Document ID""" _id: ID """Document type""" _type: String """Date the document was created""" _createdAt: DateTime """Date the document was last modified""" _updatedAt: DateTime """Current document revision""" _rev: String _key: String title: String }

input MediaTypeFilter { """Apply filters on document level""" _: Sanity_DocumentFilter _id: IDFilter _type: StringFilter _createdAt: DatetimeFilter _updatedAt: DatetimeFilter _rev: StringFilter _key: StringFilter title: StringFilter }

input MediaTypeSorting { _id: SortOrder _type: SortOrder _createdAt: SortOrder _updatedAt: SortOrder _rev: SortOrder _key: SortOrder title: SortOrder }

type Puzzle implements Document { """Document ID""" _id: ID """Document type""" _type: String """Date the document was created""" _createdAt: DateTime """Date the document was last modified""" _updatedAt: DateTime """Current document revision""" _rev: String _key: String title: String author: Author @reference genre: Genre @reference publishedAt: DateTime bodyRaw: JSON @jsonAlias(for: "body") }

input PuzzleFilter { """Apply filters on document level""" _: Sanity_DocumentFilter _id: IDFilter _type: StringFilter _createdAt: DatetimeFilter _updatedAt: DatetimeFilter _rev: StringFilter _key: StringFilter title: StringFilter author: AuthorFilter genre: GenreFilter publishedAt: DatetimeFilter }

input PuzzleSorting { _id: SortOrder _type: SortOrder _createdAt: SortOrder _updatedAt: SortOrder _rev: SortOrder _key: SortOrder title: SortOrder publishedAt: SortOrder }

type RootQuery { Puzzle( """Puzzle document ID""" id: ID! ): Puzzle Genre( """Genre document ID""" id: ID! ): Genre Game( """Game document ID""" id: ID! ): Game Author( """Author document ID""" id: ID! ): Author MediaType( """MediaType document ID""" id: ID! ): MediaType SanityImageAsset( """SanityImageAsset document ID""" id: ID! ): SanityImageAsset SanityFileAsset( """SanityFileAsset document ID""" id: ID! ): SanityFileAsset Document( """Document document ID""" id: ID! ): Document allPuzzle( where: PuzzleFilter sort: [PuzzleSorting!] """Max documents to return""" limit: Int """Offset at which to start returning documents from""" offset: Int ): [Puzzle!]! allGenre( where: GenreFilter sort: [GenreSorting!] """Max documents to return""" limit: Int """Offset at which to start returning documents from""" offset: Int ): [Genre!]! allGame( where: GameFilter sort: [GameSorting!] """Max documents to return""" limit: Int """Offset at which to start returning documents from""" offset: Int ): [Game!]! allAuthor( where: AuthorFilter sort: [AuthorSorting!] """Max documents to return""" limit: Int """Offset at which to start returning documents from""" offset: Int ): [Author!]! allMediaType( where: MediaTypeFilter sort: [MediaTypeSorting!] """Max documents to return""" limit: Int """Offset at which to start returning documents from""" offset: Int ): [MediaType!]! allSanityImageAsset( where: SanityImageAssetFilter sort: [SanityImageAssetSorting!] """Max documents to return""" limit: Int """Offset at which to start returning documents from""" offset: Int ): [SanityImageAsset!]! allSanityFileAsset( where: SanityFileAssetFilter sort: [SanityFileAssetSorting!] """Max documents to return""" limit: Int """Offset at which to start returning documents from""" offset: Int ): [SanityFileAsset!]! allDocument( where: DocumentFilter sort: [DocumentSorting!] """Max documents to return""" limit: Int """Offset at which to start returning documents from""" offset: Int ): [Document!]! }

input Sanity_DocumentFilter { """All documents referencing the given document ID.""" references: ID """All documents that are drafts.""" is_draft: Boolean }

type SanityAssetSourceData { _key: String _type: String """A canonical name for the source this asset is originating from""" name: String """The unique ID for the asset within the originating source so you can programatically find back to it""" id: String """A URL to find more information about this asset in the originating source""" url: String }

input SanityAssetSourceDataFilter { _key: StringFilter _type: StringFilter name: StringFilter id: StringFilter url: StringFilter }

input SanityAssetSourceDataSorting { _key: SortOrder _type: SortOrder name: SortOrder id: SortOrder url: SortOrder }

type SanityFileAsset implements Document { """Document ID""" _id: ID """Document type""" _type: String """Date the document was created""" _createdAt: DateTime """Date the document was last modified""" _updatedAt: DateTime """Current document revision""" _rev: String _key: String originalFilename: String label: String title: String description: String altText: String sha1hash: String extension: String mimeType: String size: Float assetId: String path: String url: String source: SanityAssetSourceData }

input SanityFileAssetFilter { """Apply filters on document level""" _: Sanity_DocumentFilter _id: IDFilter _type: StringFilter _createdAt: DatetimeFilter _updatedAt: DatetimeFilter _rev: StringFilter _key: StringFilter originalFilename: StringFilter label: StringFilter title: StringFilter description: StringFilter altText: StringFilter sha1hash: StringFilter extension: StringFilter mimeType: StringFilter size: FloatFilter assetId: StringFilter path: StringFilter url: StringFilter source: SanityAssetSourceDataFilter }

input SanityFileAssetSorting { _id: SortOrder _type: SortOrder _createdAt: SortOrder _updatedAt: SortOrder _rev: SortOrder _key: SortOrder originalFilename: SortOrder label: SortOrder title: SortOrder description: SortOrder altText: SortOrder sha1hash: SortOrder extension: SortOrder mimeType: SortOrder size: SortOrder assetId: SortOrder path: SortOrder url: SortOrder source: SanityAssetSourceDataSorting }

type SanityImageAsset implements Document { """Document ID""" _id: ID """Document type""" _type: String """Date the document was created""" _createdAt: DateTime """Date the document was last modified""" _updatedAt: DateTime """Current document revision""" _rev: String _key: String originalFilename: String label: String title: String description: String altText: String sha1hash: String extension: String mimeType: String size: Float assetId: String uploadId: String path: String url: String metadata: SanityImageMetadata source: SanityAssetSourceData }

input SanityImageAssetFilter { """Apply filters on document level""" _: Sanity_DocumentFilter _id: IDFilter _type: StringFilter _createdAt: DatetimeFilter _updatedAt: DatetimeFilter _rev: StringFilter _key: StringFilter originalFilename: StringFilter label: StringFilter title: StringFilter description: StringFilter altText: StringFilter sha1hash: StringFilter extension: StringFilter mimeType: StringFilter size: FloatFilter assetId: StringFilter uploadId: StringFilter path: StringFilter url: StringFilter metadata: SanityImageMetadataFilter source: SanityAssetSourceDataFilter }

input SanityImageAssetSorting { _id: SortOrder _type: SortOrder _createdAt: SortOrder _updatedAt: SortOrder _rev: SortOrder _key: SortOrder originalFilename: SortOrder label: SortOrder title: SortOrder description: SortOrder altText: SortOrder sha1hash: SortOrder extension: SortOrder mimeType: SortOrder size: SortOrder assetId: SortOrder uploadId: SortOrder path: SortOrder url: SortOrder metadata: SanityImageMetadataSorting source: SanityAssetSourceDataSorting }

type SanityImageCrop { _key: String _type: String top: Float bottom: Float left: Float right: Float }

input SanityImageCropFilter { _key: StringFilter _type: StringFilter top: FloatFilter bottom: FloatFilter left: FloatFilter right: FloatFilter }

input SanityImageCropSorting { _key: SortOrder _type: SortOrder top: SortOrder bottom: SortOrder left: SortOrder right: SortOrder }

type SanityImageDimensions { _key: String _type: String height: Float width: Float aspectRatio: Float }

input SanityImageDimensionsFilter { _key: StringFilter _type: StringFilter height: FloatFilter width: FloatFilter aspectRatio: FloatFilter }

input SanityImageDimensionsSorting { _key: SortOrder _type: SortOrder height: SortOrder width: SortOrder aspectRatio: SortOrder }

type SanityImageHotspot { _key: String _type: String x: Float y: Float height: Float width: Float }

input SanityImageHotspotFilter { _key: StringFilter _type: StringFilter x: FloatFilter y: FloatFilter height: FloatFilter width: FloatFilter }

input SanityImageHotspotSorting { _key: SortOrder _type: SortOrder x: SortOrder y: SortOrder height: SortOrder width: SortOrder }

type SanityImageMetadata { _key: String _type: String location: Geopoint dimensions: SanityImageDimensions palette: SanityImagePalette lqip: String blurHash: String hasAlpha: Boolean isOpaque: Boolean }

input SanityImageMetadataFilter { _key: StringFilter _type: StringFilter location: GeopointFilter dimensions: SanityImageDimensionsFilter palette: SanityImagePaletteFilter lqip: StringFilter blurHash: StringFilter hasAlpha: BooleanFilter isOpaque: BooleanFilter }

input SanityImageMetadataSorting { _key: SortOrder _type: SortOrder location: GeopointSorting dimensions: SanityImageDimensionsSorting palette: SanityImagePaletteSorting lqip: SortOrder blurHash: SortOrder hasAlpha: SortOrder isOpaque: SortOrder }

type SanityImagePalette { _key: String _type: String darkMuted: SanityImagePaletteSwatch lightVibrant: SanityImagePaletteSwatch darkVibrant: SanityImagePaletteSwatch vibrant: SanityImagePaletteSwatch dominant: SanityImagePaletteSwatch lightMuted: SanityImagePaletteSwatch muted: SanityImagePaletteSwatch }

input SanityImagePaletteFilter { _key: StringFilter _type: StringFilter darkMuted: SanityImagePaletteSwatchFilter lightVibrant: SanityImagePaletteSwatchFilter darkVibrant: SanityImagePaletteSwatchFilter vibrant: SanityImagePaletteSwatchFilter dominant: SanityImagePaletteSwatchFilter lightMuted: SanityImagePaletteSwatchFilter muted: SanityImagePaletteSwatchFilter }

input SanityImagePaletteSorting { _key: SortOrder _type: SortOrder darkMuted: SanityImagePaletteSwatchSorting lightVibrant: SanityImagePaletteSwatchSorting darkVibrant: SanityImagePaletteSwatchSorting vibrant: SanityImagePaletteSwatchSorting dominant: SanityImagePaletteSwatchSorting lightMuted: SanityImagePaletteSwatchSorting muted: SanityImagePaletteSwatchSorting }

type SanityImagePaletteSwatch { _key: String _type: String background: String foreground: String population: Float title: String }

input SanityImagePaletteSwatchFilter { _key: StringFilter _type: StringFilter background: StringFilter foreground: StringFilter population: FloatFilter title: StringFilter }

input SanityImagePaletteSwatchSorting { _key: SortOrder _type: SortOrder background: SortOrder foreground: SortOrder population: SortOrder title: SortOrder }

type Slug { _key: String _type: String current: String source: String }

input SlugFilter { _key: StringFilter _type: StringFilter current: StringFilter source: StringFilter }

input SlugSorting { _key: SortOrder _type: SortOrder current: SortOrder source: SortOrder }

enum SortOrder { """Sorts on the value in ascending order.""" ASC """Sorts on the value in descending order.""" DESC }

type Span { _key: String _type: String marks: [String] text: String }

input StringFilter { """Checks if the value is equal to the given input.""" eq: String """Checks if the value is not equal to the given input.""" neq: String """Checks if the value matches the given word/words.""" matches: String in: [String!] nin: [String!] }

knaeckeKami commented 1 year ago

It's hard to make out form the unformatted code you pasted, but you probably need to configure the custom scalars defined in the schema (JSON)