Until now Gqrx is using gr-osmosdr withch is not very well maintained.
it's SoapySDR support is poor: we can't use all settings of some devices like SDRPlay devices, we must use string args, and it sometimes not react like it should in my experience.
The idea, would be to add gr-soapy support directly into Gqrx, providing SoapySDR support this way and no more via gr-osmosdr.
Until now Gqrx is using gr-osmosdr withch is not very well maintained.
it's SoapySDR support is poor: we can't use all settings of some devices like SDRPlay devices, we must use string args, and it sometimes not react like it should in my experience.
The idea, would be to add gr-soapy support directly into Gqrx, providing SoapySDR support this way and no more via gr-osmosdr.