gr0grig / obsidian-virt-folder

Creating a hierarchical structure like Luhmann's Zettelkasten
MIT License
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Option to Add Multiples Notes to a Folder #5

Open obsidiest opened 4 weeks ago

obsidiest commented 4 weeks ago

If possible, please add the option to add multiple notes to a single virtual folder (whether by shift-clicking the notes and then right clicking to select the option in a context menu, and/or through command palette.

I tried using another plugin for this purpose, but when I tried adding the property Folders and linked note as the value [[Example]] to a set of 3 selected files, it only shows up on the VirtFolder tree for the single note in that set I right-clicked before clicking the Add props to selected files option, even though all 3 notes received the same property addition.

I then have to go into 1 of the other non-right clicked individual files and manually enter the folders value or add another one (whether its fake or not) for the VirtFolder tree to become updated with the previous addition.

Given this inefficiency, it would be helpful if either the option requested could be natively added or if the bug with VirtFolder not updating for when multiple notes have their Folders values added with the multi-properties plugin were rectified.

gr0grig commented 4 weeks ago

I don't fully understand the question. You can add any number of children to any note. But it is done through the child, in which the parent is referenced.

Send me an example of your notes, how you want it to look.

obsidiest commented 3 weeks ago

I don't fully understand the question. You can add any number of children to any note. But it is done through the child, in which the parent is referenced.

Essentially I want to to be able to bulk add multiple children to a note (virtual folder) in one step (whether through the context menu or command palette).

As described in my previous comment, I tried another plugin to try to do that but the VirtFolder tree display didnt update with the initial bulk addition without additional input afterwards.

gr0grig commented 3 weeks ago

Essentially I want to to be able to bulk add multiple children to a note (virtual folder) in one step (whether through the context menu or command palette).

ok, and how do you see this in implementation? The note selection menu searches one at a time. Because it uses fuzzy search and display the full path to the note.

but the VirtFolder tree display didnt update

The trigger for the changes is a command call. This can probably be fixed. Show me what yaml looks like after the obsidian-multi-properties.