gr2m / merge-schedule-action

GitHub Action to merge pull requests on a scheduled day
ISC License
138 stars 33 forks source link

PR not merged ? #66

Open cryptobench opened 2 years ago

cryptobench commented 2 years ago

Hi! First time trying this wonderful extension.

I've added /schedule 2022-06-15T15:43:50+0200 to my PR, and it seems that the extension understood it , but it has not merged it yet. What am I doing wrong?


Here's my workflow:

name: Merge Schedule

      - opened
      - edited
      - synchronize

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: gr2m/merge-schedule-action@v2
          # Merge method to use. Possible values are merge, squash or
          # rebase. Default is merge.
          merge_method: merge
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.PAT }}
gr2m commented 2 years ago

You need to add a schedule trigger, next to pull_request:, e.g.

    - cron: '0 * * * *'


yurith-rubio commented 2 years ago

Hi Gregor;

I have been trying to use the action merge-schedule-action@v2 for a while but I just cannot get how it works. I got it to work a few times but others it does not work. I am testing changing the date and using the different file actions I have found.


  1. For this to work, should I ONLY add the file merge-schedule-action@v2 inside .github/workflows folders on my project files? or should I also add the other files you have on the zip file with the latest version (e.g. package.json).
  2. Is this code correct? with the message on the description of the pull request: '/schedule'. If yes, what am I doing wrong?
name: Merge Schedule

      - opened
      - edited
      - synchronize
    - cron: '35 7 1 7 *'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: gr2m/merge-schedule-action@v2
          # Merge method to use. Possible values are merge, squash or
          # rebase. Default is merge.
          merge_method: squash
          # Time zone to use. Default is UTC.
          time_zone: 'Europe/Berlin'
          # Require all pull request statuses to be successful before
          # merging. Default is `false`.
          require_statuses_success: 'true'
          # Label to apply to the pull request if the merge fails. Default is
          # `automerge-fail`.
          automerge_fail_label: 'merge-schedule-failed'
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}     

I tried to first make different test, read the previous issues, change dates, but I am still having troubles. Hope you have some time to help me. Thank you in advance.

If needed, see:

gr2m commented 2 years ago
  • For this to work, should I ONLY add the file merge-schedule-action@v2 inside .github/workflows folders on my project files? or should I also add the other files you have on the zip file with the latest version (e.g. package.json).


  • Is this code correct? with the message on the description of the pull request: '/schedule'. If yes, what am I doing wrong?

This doesn't look right

    - cron: '35 7 1 7 *'

When you paste 35 7 1 7 * into you will get an explanation what it means, in this case:

At 07:35 on day-of-month 1 in July

Every minute would be this

    - cron: '* * * * *'

However, note that GitHub won't run your action every minute, even when you set the schedule like this. And each time it runs it will take up some of your action minutes, you will have free minutes if the repository is free, but eventually you will run out of it. I'd suggest to not go below every 30 minutes, like so

    - cron: '*/30 * * * *'

Note that the # ... line is just a comment, it's only the help explain the line below. The line that matters is - cron: '...'.

Hope that helps

misilot commented 2 years ago

Sorry to hijack, but just want to make sure I understand.

The schedule needs to be defined, and if I set a very specific time in the PR using /schedule YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS, it won't run at that specific time (unless the cron matched it exactly), but at the next time the schedule is triggered (catching up any that might have been scheduled between schedule runs?

gr2m commented 2 years ago


gr2m commented 2 years ago

It might be worth to make it more clear how this action works in the README? PRs welcome

misilot commented 2 years ago

I am trying with the following (which is really almost a copy paste from the Readme):

However, it doesn't seem to get scheduled or merged? Am I missing a step to have it recognize the schedule command in ?


codeArtisanry commented 2 years ago


PR is not merging at all


rizypb commented 2 years ago

Same issue I am encountering and PR is not being merged automatically

ConorSheehan1 commented 2 years ago

Same issue, waited 2 hours after scheduled time but PR never merged. Does the workflow have to be in main branch already?


name: Merge Schedule

      - opened
      - edited
      - synchronize
    - cron: "0 * * * *"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: gr2m/merge-schedule-action@v2
          # Merge method to use. Possible values are merge, squash or
          # rebase. Default is merge.
          merge_method: squash
          # Time zone to use. Default is UTC.
          # time_zone: 'America/Los_Angeles'
          # Require all pull request statuses to be successful before
          # merging. Default is `false`.
          require_statuses_success: "true"
          # Label to apply to the pull request if the merge fails. Default is
          # `automerge-fail`.
          automerge_fail_label: "merge-schedule-failed"
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
jakubpradzynski commented 1 year ago

@gr2m I found incorrect handling of state in method getCommitStatusesStatus.

If you look at documentation of this endpoint there is information about pending status:

pending if there are no statuses or a context is pending

So if total_count is 0, success status should be returned.

gr2m commented 1 year ago

I could see a racing condition problem where a status is not yet set by your CI. Any thoughts?

Happy to accept a pull request to account for that behavior and just see how it goes for folks

maikol-solis commented 1 year ago

I'm having the same issue. For the moment, only /schedule (without date) is working for me.

cogito-cmurphy commented 1 year ago

I believe I am having the same issue. The job comments in my PR that it's scheduled and my cron is set to every minute (self-hosted runners), however it just never does anything. I never see this happen The action sets a pending commit status if the pull request was recognized as being scheduled. Any ideas @gr2m ?

tanapatMintel commented 1 year ago

still not working, am i miss something ?

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