gr4ph0s / C4D_RedshiftWrapper_API

A c4d wrapper around Redshift API
MIT License
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TypeError: 'str' object is not callable when using CreateShader() #4

Open sheilan102 opened 5 years ago

sheilan102 commented 5 years ago

Hello, I'm creating a plugin and part of what it does is create Redshift materials, but I seem to be getting this error when using the CreateShader() function. I tested graphos' example with the TextureSampler and it worked perfectly, but when I'm trying to use it within my fuction I'm getting an error.

Here's my function -

def createRedshiftMaterial(op,materials,name,texpath):
    rs = Redshift()
    RSMATERIAL_ID = 1000

    # Get BaseDocument
    doc = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument()

    # Create RS Material
    c4d.CallCommand(1036759, 1000)

    mat = doc.SearchMaterial("RS Material")

    # Name it

    #Assign Material

    #Get default material node and output node
    listNode = rs.GetAllNodes()
    MatNode = None
    OutPutNode = None
    for node in listNode:
        if node.GetType() == "Output":
            OutPutNode = node
        elif node.GetType() == "Material":
            MatNode = node

    if not MatNode or not OutPutNode:

    for texture in materials[name].keys():
        position = 0,0
        if texture == "Color Map":
            position = 200,500

            # Create image path
        #imagePath = "%s\\%s.tga" %(str(texpath),materials[name][texture])

        if position[0] != 0:
            TextureNode = rs.CreateShader(rs.TexSampler, x=20, y=200)
            #TextureNode[c4d.REDSHIFT_SHADER_TEXTURESAMPLER_TEX0, c4d.REDSHIFT_FILE_PATH] = imagePath

            #Expose a paramter of the material
            MatNode.ExposeParameter(mat_input, c4d.GV_PORT_INPUT)

            #Connect Texture shader to the material
            rs.CreateConnection(TextureNode, MatNode, 0, 0)

            #Connect material shader to the output
            rs.CreateConnection(MatNode, OutPutNode, 0, 0)


    # Create Texture-Tag for our object
    textag = c4d.TextureTag()
    # Assign our material to the tag
    # Set Texture-Tag Projection
        # Assign material to our object

The error -

TextureNode = rs.CreateShader(rs.TexSampler, x=20, y=200)
File "<string>", line 350, in CreateShader
File "<string>", line 183, in _TestProperty
TypeError: 'str' object is not callable