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difference between \r\n, \r, and \n #137

Open gracekrcx opened 1 year ago

gracekrcx commented 1 year ago

wiki 有列表顯示 Software applications and operating system representation of a newline with one or two control characters

'white-space': 'pre-wrap' 是非常適合的換行方式 NewLines.jsx 其實真的不懂 white-space


The white-space CSS property sets how white space inside an element is handled.

Whitespace characters 有哪些

Infra 動態標準將五個字元定義為「ASCII 空白字元」:

  1. U+0009 TAB、
  2. U+000A LF、
  3. U+000C FF、
  4. U+000D CR
  5. U+0020 SPACE。


 Example #1: <br /> newline
<span style={{ whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap' }}>
 {"Example #2: \r new line or \u000A new line"}
{/* do not forget add style { white-space: pre-wrap } */}
<Example3 text={"Example #2: \r new line or \u000A new line"} />

New line in react


React JSX 字串處理 What is the difference between \r\n, \r, and \n? [duplicate] Unix / Linux / OS X / Windows 系统下的回车换行符都分别是什么?

gracekrcx commented 1 year ago



HTML Letter Symbols, Letter Entities and ASCII Letter Character Code Reference

HTML ENTITY : &middot;link

怎麼 &middot; 有反應但 &#10; 沒反應??? 所以查了 u000a not work in jsx element (其實不是沒反應,只是 browser 處理的方式,需要加上 css 才會有反應)

function createMarkup() {
  return {__html: 'First &middot; Second'};

function MyComponent() {
  return <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={createMarkup()} />;
gracekrcx commented 1 year ago

關鍵字:u000a not work in jsx element 找到了底下的文章

newline characters are normally interpreted by HTML as spaces Newline character doesn't render in browser Why does the browser renders a newline as space? newlines character ignored by jsx table

gracekrcx commented 1 year ago

跳脫符號 除了常規的、可印出來的字元,特殊字元也可以被跳脫符號來表示編碼。

解釋: 跳脫符號 \ 表示編碼 \n 所以 \n 內涵編碼的成分,只是看起來是反斜線n

字串中的跳脫字元(Escaping characters)

gracekrcx commented 1 year ago
export default function App() {
  function createMarkup() {
    return {__html: 'First &#10; Second'};

  const text = 'Tommy Tommy \u000a Carl Carl'

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <div style={{
      'white-space': 'pre-wrap'
      }} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={createMarkup()} />
      <h2 style={{
      'white-space': 'pre-wrap'
gracekrcx commented 7 months ago

使用的「語法」跟你的「平台」有關 ASCII 表格 從ASCII到Unicode CRLF和LF的差異 CRLF 回车(CR)与换行(LF), '\r'和'\n'的区别