Closed apblack closed 7 years ago
Here is a program that provokes the bug:
method valueOf (nullaryBlock) {
def y = "foobar"
var x := valueOf {
case {17->1}
case {19->2}
case {y.substringFrom 1 size 3 -> "it's foo"}
It's in svn (.../Bugs/expressionMatch.grace). This seems to be the same bug as #159.
Here's something weird: the following program
method valueOf (nullaryBlock) {
def y = "21"
var x := valueOf {
case {17->1}
case {19->2}
case {y.asNumber -> "it's 21"}
case {_ → "no match"}
outputs it's 21
without complaint! It seems that the compiler only complains when an expression with a parameter is used.
I think that this bug is caused by the block-rewriting pass in identifierresolution. It thinks that method requests in the pattern-position are "destructuring matches", no longer in Grace.
I think that the solution is to remove that rewriting pass, and fix the parser to parse the input correctly in the first place. I think that "correctly" means that
, that's the type of the parameter, otherwise the type is false
, treat it as if the programmer had written _:e
The block-rewriting pass has gone, and so has this bug. Because blocks are patterns, some legal code may give surprising results, but the compiler does not crash! For example:
var x := "foo"
for (1..10) do { x*2 → print(x) }
The block is legal, but produces the run-time error:
RequestError on line 2 of #147: argument to block.apply(_) does not match pattern.
because the argument is 1
, and the pattern "foofoo"
Perhaps a beginningStudent dialect ought to make patterns illegal?
If a student erroneously writes an expression rather than new identifier as a block parameter, the compiler will crash (while asking for its dType).
This happened during the final exam, so I didn't get to capture the program. But it was something like
where input was a method parameter.