Closed samyuchao closed 6 years ago
This is one way:
This mode: mentions the different techniques - "FastRBF" is that paper (they started a company:
The WildMagic library has a radial basis function interpolation implementation:
it is not that difficult to implement, really - you just solve a matrix. That gives you a function F(x,y,z), which you can plug into a marching cubes mesher, which I do have in g3sharp.
I have a sparse matrix solver (iterative, conjugate gradient) which would work with RBF setups that use locally-supported basis functions. For global support (like FastRBF), you need to solve a dense matrix, which only works up to a few thousand points. After that you need fast-multipole-methods (FMM), which is what FastRBF sells.
It seems MarchingCubes can be used to create the model. Is there any function can be used to create DMesh3 with only some points?
no, not in g3sharp currently.
so I have to create a mesh firstly, then convert to DMesh3 object,
It seems use some points and their data on borehole, and then in spatial interpolation construct the signed distance filed, and then create the mesh?