Closed pseudotensor closed 7 months ago
More generally, I've seen spurious hangs in UI for no apparent reason, that I think must be related to what happens in this repro.
I think hangs some are happening because the UI is lagging, a related issue. Basically I can see that the UI lags behind the back end for streaming. The BE gets done long before the UI. However, once the BE is done and stop iteration is hit, the UI also stops.
It's like the signal to stop overrides any remaining UI renderings, and further makes the UI hang as it is some kind of mixed state according to the UI gradio code.
I can reproduce this particular scenario over and over.
Any update? I gave full repro.
Any update? I gave full repro.
I think the issue is that during the iteration of response_2
the html string is malformed or something like that and that's what's causing the frontend to crash/hang.
Describe the bug
Once html part starts, everything gets stuck. Even through a next response starts freshly yield back to the text box, it never recovers.
The html is perfectly valid once fully rendered, but in any case the 3rd block rendering should have started freshly.
In addition, it shouldn't hang the UI after being done with yielding and doing the return.
Note that gradio renders the html fine if I change the code to render the html in a single go.
However, in my case this doesn't work for whatever reason, and instead the hang happens just after the "sources" block is rendered, and the 3rd response never happens and the hang stays forever.
So I'm giving a repro you might fake a work-around for, but that won't work in general. There must be some more general issue that makes the UI hang.
Have you searched existing issues? 🔎
Choose textbox of 0.001 . Once html hit, text goes way. Once html is done being pushed with extra spaces, it should be wiped clean by the 3rd response that starts over with new text, but instead the UI hangs.
valid html:
No response
System Info
Blocking usage of gradio