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gr.Dropdown is not displayed #6384

Closed blademoon closed 10 months ago

blademoon commented 10 months ago

Describe the bug

I copied the code from there.

When I execute a cell in JupyterLab I don't have a dropdown list displayed.

Have you searched existing issues? πŸ”Ž


import torch

import gradio as gr
import yt_dlp as youtube_dl
from transformers import pipeline
from transformers.pipelines.audio_utils import ffmpeg_read

import tempfile
import os

MODEL_NAME = "openai/whisper-large-v3"
YT_LENGTH_LIMIT_S = 3600  # limit to 1 hour YouTube files

device = 0 if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"

pipe = pipeline(

def transcribe(inputs, task):
    if inputs is None:
        raise gr.Error("No audio file submitted! Please upload or record an audio file before submitting your request.")

    text = pipe(inputs, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, generate_kwargs={"task": task}, return_timestamps=True)["text"]
    return  text

def _return_yt_html_embed(yt_url):
    video_id = yt_url.split("?v=")[-1]
    HTML_str = (
        f'<center> <iframe width="500" height="320" src="{video_id}"> </iframe>'
        " </center>"
    return HTML_str

def download_yt_audio(yt_url, filename):
    info_loader = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL()

        info = info_loader.extract_info(yt_url, download=False)
    except youtube_dl.utils.DownloadError as err:
        raise gr.Error(str(err))

    file_length = info["duration_string"]
    file_h_m_s = file_length.split(":")
    file_h_m_s = [int(sub_length) for sub_length in file_h_m_s]

    if len(file_h_m_s) == 1:
        file_h_m_s.insert(0, 0)
    if len(file_h_m_s) == 2:
        file_h_m_s.insert(0, 0)
    file_length_s = file_h_m_s[0] * 3600 + file_h_m_s[1] * 60 + file_h_m_s[2]

    if file_length_s > YT_LENGTH_LIMIT_S:
        yt_length_limit_hms = time.strftime("%HH:%MM:%SS", time.gmtime(YT_LENGTH_LIMIT_S))
        file_length_hms = time.strftime("%HH:%MM:%SS", time.gmtime(file_length_s))
        raise gr.Error(f"Maximum YouTube length is {yt_length_limit_hms}, got {file_length_hms} YouTube video.")

    ydl_opts = {"outtmpl": filename, "format": "worstvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best[ext=mp4]/best"}

    with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:
        except youtube_dl.utils.ExtractorError as err:
            raise gr.Error(str(err))

def yt_transcribe(yt_url, task, max_filesize=75.0):
    html_embed_str = _return_yt_html_embed(yt_url)

    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname:
        filepath = os.path.join(tmpdirname, "video.mp4")
        download_yt_audio(yt_url, filepath)
        with open(filepath, "rb") as f:
            inputs =

    inputs = ffmpeg_read(inputs, pipe.feature_extractor.sampling_rate)
    inputs = {"array": inputs, "sampling_rate": pipe.feature_extractor.sampling_rate}

    text = pipe(inputs, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, generate_kwargs={"task": task}, return_timestamps=True)["text"]

    return html_embed_str, text

demo = gr.Blocks()

mf_transcribe = gr.Interface(
        gr.inputs.Audio(source="microphone", type="filepath", optional=True),
        gr.inputs.Radio(["transcribe", "translate"], label="Task", default="transcribe"),
    title="Whisper Large V3: Transcribe Audio",
        "Transcribe long-form microphone or audio inputs with the click of a button! Demo uses the"
        f" checkpoint [{MODEL_NAME}]({MODEL_NAME}) and πŸ€— Transformers to transcribe audio files"
        " of arbitrary length."

file_transcribe = gr.Interface(
        gr.inputs.Audio(source="upload", type="filepath", optional=True, label="Audio file"),
        gr.inputs.Radio(["transcribe", "translate"], label="Task", default="transcribe"),
    title="Whisper Large V3: Transcribe Audio",
        "Transcribe long-form microphone or audio inputs with the click of a button! Demo uses the"
        f" checkpoint [{MODEL_NAME}]({MODEL_NAME}) and πŸ€— Transformers to transcribe audio files"
        " of arbitrary length."

yt_transcribe = gr.Interface(
        gr.inputs.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder="Paste the URL to a YouTube video here", label="YouTube URL"),
        gr.inputs.Radio(["transcribe", "translate"], label="Task", default="transcribe")
    outputs=["html", "text"],
    title="Whisper Large V3: Transcribe YouTube",
        "Transcribe long-form YouTube videos with the click of a button! Demo uses the checkpoint"
        f" [{MODEL_NAME}]({MODEL_NAME}) and πŸ€— Transformers to transcribe video files of"
        " arbitrary length."

with demo:
    gr.TabbedInterface([mf_transcribe, file_transcribe, yt_transcribe], ["Microphone", "Audio file", "YouTube"])



I have:


There should be:



Special tokens have been added in the vocabulary, make sure the associated word embeddings are fine-tuned or trained.
Special tokens have been added in the vocabulary, make sure the associated word embeddings are fine-tuned or trained.
/tmp/ipykernel_1835/ GradioDeprecationWarning: Usage of gradio.inputs is deprecated, and will not be supported in the future, please import your component from gradio.components
  gr.inputs.Audio(source="microphone", type="filepath", optional=True),
/tmp/ipykernel_1835/ GradioDeprecationWarning: `optional` parameter is deprecated, and it has no effect
  gr.inputs.Audio(source="microphone", type="filepath", optional=True),
/tmp/ipykernel_1835/ GradioDeprecationWarning: Usage of gradio.inputs is deprecated, and will not be supported in the future, please import your component from gradio.components
  gr.inputs.Radio(["transcribe", "translate"], label="Task", default="transcribe"),
/tmp/ipykernel_1835/ GradioDeprecationWarning: `optional` parameter is deprecated, and it has no effect
  gr.inputs.Radio(["transcribe", "translate"], label="Task", default="transcribe"),
/home/artyom/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gradio/ UserWarning: Cannot load huggingface. Caught Exception: The space huggingface does not exist
  warnings.warn(f"Cannot load {theme}. Caught Exception: {str(e)}")
/tmp/ipykernel_1835/ GradioDeprecationWarning: `layout` parameter is deprecated, and it has no effect
  mf_transcribe = gr.Interface(
/tmp/ipykernel_1835/ GradioDeprecationWarning: Usage of gradio.inputs is deprecated, and will not be supported in the future, please import your component from gradio.components
  gr.inputs.Audio(source="upload", type="filepath", optional=True, label="Audio file"),
/tmp/ipykernel_1835/ GradioDeprecationWarning: `optional` parameter is deprecated, and it has no effect
  gr.inputs.Audio(source="upload", type="filepath", optional=True, label="Audio file"),
/tmp/ipykernel_1835/ GradioDeprecationWarning: Usage of gradio.inputs is deprecated, and will not be supported in the future, please import your component from gradio.components
  gr.inputs.Radio(["transcribe", "translate"], label="Task", default="transcribe"),
/tmp/ipykernel_1835/ GradioDeprecationWarning: `optional` parameter is deprecated, and it has no effect
  gr.inputs.Radio(["transcribe", "translate"], label="Task", default="transcribe"),
/tmp/ipykernel_1835/ GradioDeprecationWarning: `layout` parameter is deprecated, and it has no effect
  file_transcribe = gr.Interface(
/tmp/ipykernel_1835/ GradioDeprecationWarning: Usage of gradio.inputs is deprecated, and will not be supported in the future, please import your component from gradio.components
  gr.inputs.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder="Paste the URL to a YouTube video here", label="YouTube URL"),
/tmp/ipykernel_1835/ GradioDeprecationWarning: `optional` parameter is deprecated, and it has no effect
  gr.inputs.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder="Paste the URL to a YouTube video here", label="YouTube URL"),
/tmp/ipykernel_1835/ GradioDeprecationWarning: `numeric` parameter is deprecated, and it has no effect
  gr.inputs.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder="Paste the URL to a YouTube video here", label="YouTube URL"),
/tmp/ipykernel_1835/ GradioDeprecationWarning: Usage of gradio.inputs is deprecated, and will not be supported in the future, please import your component from gradio.components
  gr.inputs.Radio(["transcribe", "translate"], label="Task", default="transcribe")
/tmp/ipykernel_1835/ GradioDeprecationWarning: `optional` parameter is deprecated, and it has no effect
  gr.inputs.Radio(["transcribe", "translate"], label="Task", default="transcribe")
/tmp/ipykernel_1835/ GradioDeprecationWarning: `layout` parameter is deprecated, and it has no effect
  yt_transcribe = gr.Interface(
/home/artyom/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gradio/ UserWarning: api_name predict already exists, using predict_1
/home/artyom/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gradio/ UserWarning: api_name predict already exists, using predict_2
/tmp/ipykernel_1835/ GradioDeprecationWarning: The `enable_queue` parameter has been deprecated. Please use the `.queue()` method instead.
  demo.launch(enable_queue=True, debug=True)
Running on local URL:

To create a public link, set `share=True` in `launch()`.

System Info

Gradio Environment Information:
Operating System: Linux
gradio version: 3.50.2
gradio_client version: 0.6.1

gradio dependencies in your environment:

aiofiles: 23.2.1
altair: 5.1.2
fastapi: 0.104.0
ffmpy: 0.3.1
gradio-client==0.6.1 is not installed.
httpx: 0.25.0
huggingface-hub: 0.17.3
importlib-resources: 6.1.0
jinja2: 3.1.2
markupsafe: 2.1.3
matplotlib: 3.8.0
numpy: 1.24.4
orjson: 3.9.9
packaging: 23.2
pandas: 1.5.3
pillow: 10.0.1
pydantic: 2.4.2
pydub: 0.25.1
python-multipart: 0.0.6
pyyaml: 6.0
requests: 2.31.0
semantic-version: 2.10.0
typing-extensions: 4.8.0
uvicorn: 0.23.2
websockets: 11.0.3
authlib; extra == 'oauth' is not installed.
itsdangerous; extra == 'oauth' is not installed.

gradio_client dependencies in your environment:

fsspec: 2023.10.0
httpx: 0.25.0
huggingface-hub: 0.17.3
packaging: 23.2
requests: 2.31.0
typing-extensions: 4.8.0
websockets: 11.0.3


Blocking usage of gradio

blademoon commented 10 months ago

I tried updating Gradio using the command:

pip install git+

Get new Exception:


New System Info:

Gradio Environment Information:
Operating System: Linux
gradio version: 4.2.0
gradio_client version: 0.7.0

gradio dependencies in your environment:

aiofiles: 23.2.1
altair: 5.1.2
fastapi: 0.104.1
ffmpy: 0.3.1
gradio-client==0.7.0 is not installed.
httpx: 0.25.1
huggingface-hub: 0.17.3
importlib-resources: 6.1.1
jinja2: 3.1.2
markupsafe: 2.1.3
matplotlib: 3.8.1
numpy: 1.26.1
orjson: 3.9.10
packaging: 23.2
pandas: 2.1.2
pillow: 10.0.1
pydantic: 2.4.2
pydub: 0.25.1
python-multipart: 0.0.6
pyyaml: 6.0.1
requests: 2.31.0
semantic-version: 2.10.0
tomlkit==0.12.0 is not installed.
typer: 0.9.0
typing-extensions: 4.8.0
uvicorn: 0.24.0.post1
websockets: 11.0.3
authlib; extra == 'oauth' is not installed.
itsdangerous; extra == 'oauth' is not installed.

gradio_client dependencies in your environment:

fsspec: 2023.10.0
httpx: 0.25.1
huggingface-hub: 0.17.3
packaging: 23.2
requests: 2.31.0
typing-extensions: 4.8.0
websockets: 11.0.3
freddyaboulton commented 10 months ago

Hi @blademoon - gr.inputs was deprecated in gradio 4.0. Please use gr.Textbox, gr.Radio, etc!

Going to close for now. Happy to reopen if more issues persist.

blademoon commented 10 months ago

@freddyaboulton Thanks. I must have missed that information somewhere.