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ChatInterface的additional_inputs参数怎么做才不被折叠? #8176

Closed Jacoo520 closed 2 weeks ago

Jacoo520 commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug

Have you searched existing issues? 🔎



model_list = ['llama2','llama3','gemma','llava','codellama','wizardlm2']
tab6 = gr.ChatInterface(fn = ollama_ai,
                        chatbot = gr.Chatbot(label = "流行大模型聊天"),
                        textbox= gr.Textbox(placeholder = "请输入你的问题",container=False),
                        additional_inputs = gr.Dropdown(choices=model_list,label='请选择模型'),
                        submit_btn = "发送",
                        clear_btn = "清除",
                        stop_btn = "停止",
                        undo_btn = "撤销",
                        retry_btn = "重试",
                        title = "AI聊天",
                        description=  "这是可以选择不同模型的聊天机器人,欢迎您的使用。")




No response

System Info

gradio: 4.24.0


I can work around it

abidlabs commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @Jacoo520 we require all issues to be submitted in English so that the team can understand and debug. Can you please translate the issue and we can reopen? Also can you please provide a standalone minimal code example that we can use to reproduce the issue above? See:

Jacoo520 commented 2 weeks ago


I'm working on a chat interface to add a drop-down menu, but this drop-down menu is collapsed when it is displayed, I just want the drop-down menu to be displayed in the layout normally, not collapsed by default, and is it possible to put the additional drop-down menu components on top? or can this layout only be done using Blocks?

abidlabs commented 2 weeks ago

You can combine Blocks and ChatInterface to get this effect, e.g.

import gradio as gr

with gr.Blocks() as demo:
    dropdown = gr.Dropdown(["a", "b"])
    gr.ChatInterface(lambda x,y,z:x+z, additional_inputs=dropdown)
