gradio-app / gradio

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fix changelog #8321

Closed abidlabs closed 1 month ago

gradio-pr-bot commented 1 month ago

🪼 branch checks and previews

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:unicorn: Changes detected! Details
gradio-pr-bot commented 1 month ago

🦄 change detected

This Pull Request includes changes to the following packages.

Package Version
gradio patch

With the following changelog entry.

Added image-to-image diffusers pipeline

⚠️ The changeset file for this pull request has been modified manually, so the changeset generation bot has been disabled. To go back into automatic mode, delete the changeset file.

#### Something isn't right? - Maintainers can change the version label to modify the version bump. - If the bot has failed to detect any changes, or if this pull request needs to update multiple packages to different versions or requires a more comprehensive changelog entry, maintainers can [update the changelog file directly](