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TabbedInterface Error: the 'clear' and 'submit' of the second tab will operate the first tab #8425

Closed emptystack1024 closed 2 weeks ago

emptystack1024 commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug

image in the first image, i input '1' in the first tab, and press the submit.It shows the tight answer image in the second image, in the second tab, i press the 'clear' and 'submit' , and there is nothing in second tab, but the '1' in first tab is disappeared and the wrong answer is in the first tab. image

Have you searched existing issues? 🔎


import gradio as gr

hello_world = gr.Interface(lambda name: "Hello " + name, "text", "text")
bye_world = gr.Interface(lambda name: "Bye " + name, "text", "text")

demo = gr.TabbedInterface([hello_world, bye_world], ["Hello World", "Bye World"])

if __name__ == "__main__":


No response


No response

System Info

>>> gradio.__version__


Blocking usage of gradio

Phillweston commented 3 weeks ago

I've seen the same result, but it has still not been fixed.

Phillweston commented 2 weeks ago

I've rolled back to 4.31.5 version, which behaves properly without this error, but when upgraded to the newer version, this TabbedInterface error occurred, maybe we can analyze the code changes from 4.13.5 to 4.32.1.

emptystack1024 commented 2 weeks ago

Very Thanks!!!