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DataFrame does not handle large amounts of data in a single cell well #8532

Open zhangmengqidouya opened 2 weeks ago

zhangmengqidouya commented 2 weeks ago

dataframe需求截图 使用dataFrame组件时遇到以下问题,请求解决(如果现有能力已支持,还请指导下如何解决): 1、表格中有一列的数据太多导致展示不太友好,是否可以支持只展示一小段数据然后后面点击展开更多功能后才展示全部数据? 2、点击单元格数据会自动跳转到该单元格数据的中心位置,这个功能针对数据量大的数据情况下不好用,容易来回跳转。如果不想跳转该如何设置? 3、如果在点击dataframe单元格数据时想去弹框来展示该单元格具体的数据,是否有方法支持?

freddyaboulton commented 1 week ago

Hi @zhangmengqidouya - Can you please rewrite this in english?

zhangmengqidouya commented 1 week ago

When using the dataFrame component, I encountered the following issues and request for solutions (if current capabilities support it, please guide how to resolve):  1、There is a column in the table with too much data, making the display unfriendly. Can users initially show only a small snippet of data and then click to "expand more" to show all data? 2、Clicking on a cell's data causes a jump to that cell's core location. This function is not useful in scenarios with large amounts of data, as it can cause back and forth jumping. How can this setting be disabled? 3、Is there a way to display the specific data of a cell in a popup when clicking on data in a dataFrame cell? dataframe需求截图