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Add ability to save prompts with chatinterface #8554

Closed pngwn closed 21 hours ago

pngwn commented 1 week ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Saving prompts would be a wonderful integration. Prompts are worth a ton these days, and I didn’t find an easy way to save all the prompts passed into it.


Describe the solution you'd like

Some way to easily save the prompts passed into ChatInterface to a huggingface dataset. Maybe something like:

import gradio as gr

hf_writer = gr.HuggingFaceDatasetSaver(

demo = gr.ChatInterface(


We already have an API like this for flagging, so if we could reuse the HuggingFaceDatasetSaver that would be ideal.

natolambert commented 1 week ago

Ohhh HuggingFaceDatasetSaver is cool!!!

abidlabs commented 1 week ago

I kinda regret implementing HuggingFaceDatasetSaver, as it is a clunky and shallow abstraction. It would have been better to let users write an arbitrary call back function when the Flag button was clicked. Anyways, in this case, its pretty straightforward to save prompts part of your ChatInterface function, something like:

from datasets import Dataset, DatasetDict
from huggingface_hub import HfApi, HfFolder
import gradio as gr

prompts = {'text': []}
dataset = Dataset.from_dict(empty_data)

def get_response(prompt, history):
   prompts = prompts.add_item(new_sample)
   return ...

demo = gr.ChatInterface(


I would suggest that we make an example demo and share it, rather than including a relatively shallow abstraction that we will have to maintain

natolambert commented 5 days ago

@abidlabs let me try this. Will there be any issue with asynchronicity? Not sure how multiple queries to get_response get handled in the back end?

abidlabs commented 5 days ago

to prevent issues with concurrency, by default, only 1 worker will be running get_response() at any given time (this can be changed by setting the concurrency_limit parameter of gr.ChatInterface():

i.e. if one user is getting a submission back, all other users will be waiting in queue

natolambert commented 5 days ago

This makes sense. There is some flexibility in this by using streaming maybe (+ a VLLM backend enables async-ness). I was also wondering if VLLM implemented a saving method, both make sense on my side.

I think eventually we'll want to enable more than one worker, hopefully multiple people use our demo's. I'll look.

abidlabs commented 5 days ago

Yes concurrency_limit=1 is just a default because often a machine will only have the resources to support a single user for ML demos, but in many demos (including lmsys chat arena for example), this is increased to support more users at a time. in which case, you'll want to add a lock around the dataset to ensure no race conditions

natolambert commented 21 hours ago

Another solution idea that I have, given that I'm modifying the ChatInterface source is to store all the conversations to an internal variable of the chat interface, and then save prompts every N seconds with another process.

Saving data outside of the predict() function seems best if I can full it off. Given we have GPUs to enable concurrency.

natolambert commented 21 hours ago

Or, if I really want this, I should just save the prompts locally in the predict() function, then periodically upload the results.

abidlabs commented 21 hours ago

Yup agreed, I'm going to close this issue since I think should be handled user-side. @pngwn feel free to reopen if you disagree

pngwn commented 19 hours ago

I agree that it should be handled in userland conceptually but I think we can make it easier somehow. I'll reopen if I can come up with a decent proposal.