gradle-nexus / publish-plugin

Gradle plugin for publishing to Nexus repositories
Apache License 2.0
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Error when publishing release version (not SNAPSHOT) to free (not PRO) Nexes server #149

Open ComBatVision opened 2 years ago

ComBatVision commented 2 years ago


Is it possible to disable Nexus PRO staging profiles feature somehow? Plugin fails when attempt to publish release version with following error:

Failed to load staging profiles, server at https://nexus.server/repository/maven-public/ responded with status code 404, body:

<!DOCTYPE html>
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        Nexus Repository Manager
        OSS 3.39.0-01

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    <span class="title">Error 404</span>
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      Not Found

My configuration looks like:

plugins {
    kotlin("multiplatform") version "1.7.10" apply false
    id("") apply false
    id("io.github.gradle-nexus.publish-plugin") version "1.1.0"

allprojects {
    group = "com.example"
    version = "1.0"

    repositories {

nexusPublishing {
    repositories {
        create("myNexus") {
szpak commented 2 years ago

Why do you need gradle-nexus-publish-plugin for publishing to Nexus OSS? The built-in maven-publish should be enough.

vlsi commented 2 years ago

Technically speaking, you can disable staging behavior via extension property:

ComBatVision commented 2 years ago

Why do you need gradle-nexus-publish-plugin for publishing to Nexus OSS? The built-in maven-publish should be enough.

Good question which I also asked to my team DevOps. Probably I will use maven-publish. I just wanted to understand if it is possible to configure nexus plug-in to work in my case.

Technically speaking, you can disable staging behavior via extension property:

It is a final variable and it can not be assigned in build.gradle.

vlsi commented 2 years ago

@ComBatVision , you could use useStaging.set(true)

ComBatVision commented 2 years ago

@vlsi Thanks. If I put useStaging.set(false) then I receive another error: Could not PUT 'https://nexus.server/repository/maven-snapshots/com.examople/lib-js/1.0/lib-js-1.0.jar'. Received status code 400 from server: Repository version policy: SNAPSHOT does not allow version: 1.0

vlsi commented 2 years ago

@szpak , it looks like it is worth fixing code at

In other words, the current code uses useStaging for snapshot vs release decision, however, I would suggest that useStaging should be separate from deploy to SNAPSHOT vs deploy to non-snapshot.