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Static archiver call does not use command file #1028

Open JuergenHaug opened 5 years ago

JuergenHaug commented 5 years ago

The "old native build" fails to create a static archive due the 32k command line limit.

Program 'arm-none-eabi-ar.exe' failed to run: The filename or extension is too longAt line:1 char:1

The invocation of the compiler and linker use command files, can that be activated for the archiver too ? I did some digging in the code and using the GccOptionsFileArgsWriter for ArStaticLibraryArchiver seems to do the trick.

Unfortunately we are cross-compiling a C application. My impression is, that is it is too early to migrate to the new native build for this case.

Expected Behavior

Call to static archiver of gcc should use command file.

Current Behavior

Arguments are passed via command line and will eventually hit the 32k limit.


Creating a static archive from ~25 object files. The files are passed using absolute paths, which makes the command line call too large.

Your Environment

cross compiling c application using arm gcc, gradle 5.5, Win10

lacasseio commented 5 years ago

Thanks for reporting this issue and I agree the ar could use a command file. The broader question is if every ar tool support command file. I think we can try to make the change and see where the tests may be failing. Would you be willing to help with this? Here are the steps I think we can so to solve this issue:

That would be really helpful. I can take care of porting the integration test to the new native plugins.

jbelle commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'd like to help resolve this issue. I implemented an integration test that generates many source files and builds a library with the cpp-library plugin. The command line for the ar static library archiver then exceeds the windows command line length limit and the test fails on windows. With your proposed changes to ArStaticLibraryArchiver the test passes. As far as I can tell from the test results of platform-native and language-native, these changes don't introduce any further issues. Please let me know how I can proceed.

BigPapa314 commented 1 year ago

This issue still exists in gradle 7.5.1 ist there any plan to proceed?

jbelle commented 1 year ago

It's not clear whether all static library archivers support command files and how we can make sure not to break existing builds. My pull request got closed after some time due to inactivity and I don't know how to proceed. I guess even some configuration option that allows to enable command file usage would help, for example in GccCommandLineToolConfiguration?

It is possible to modify the command line arguments using CommandLineToolConfiguration#withArguments to work around this issue:

model {
  toolChains {
    withType(GccCompatibleToolChain) {
      eachPlatform {
        // Use a command file for the static library archiver to avoid the windows command line length limit.
        staticLibArchiver.withArguments { args ->
          // We need a different location for the command file for each task because Gradle executes tasks in parallel.
          def tmpDir = java.nio.file.Files.createTempDirectory(file("${buildDir}/tmp").toPath(), "createStaticLibrary")
          // Write the arguments to a command file and modify the command line arguments accordingly.
          new org.gradle.nativeplatform.toolchain.internal.gcc.GccOptionsFileArgsWriter(tmpDir.toFile()).execute(args)
BigPapa314 commented 1 year ago

You made my day!

Here is my setup of the staticLibArchiver:

// Use a command file for the static library archiver to avoid the windows command line length limit.
staticLibArchiver.withArguments { args ->
  // We need a different location for the command file for each task because Gradle executes tasks in parallel.
  def tmpDir = java.nio.file.Files.createTempDirectory(file("${buildDir}/tmp").toPath(), "createStaticLibrary")

  // Write the arguments to a command file and modify the command line arguments accordingly.
  new org.gradle.nativeplatform.toolchain.internal.gcc.GccOptionsFileArgsWriter(tmpDir.toFile()).execute(args)

  // arm-none-eabi-gcc-ar needs at least one command line argument
  def withDummyArgument = ['-v'] + args