gradual-verification / silicon-gv

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Unfold of predicates inefficient, can be improved by preserving argument framing in OH #42

Closed jennalwise closed 2 years ago

jennalwise commented 2 years ago


The partial specification (recreated_2583.c0) of the AVL benchmark given at the end of this comment/issue is running extremely slow in silicon-gv (not finishing static verification after 20+mins and sometimes failing with out of memory errors). The issue is at unfold statements. If the predicate that is consumed is not in the current imprecise symbolic state, then the verifier conservatively removes all heap chunks from the heap and optimistic heap because they may alias with the predicate's body. However, this removes heap chunks that frame arguments to the predicate, meaning that the information produced into the state from the predicate body is dropped on the floor. In recreated_2583.c0, this results in a blow up in branching due to lost information. This blow-up is extremely large and fast, in the middle of a large computation one unfold statement was being executed 24 times down 24 paths and the rest of the computation would result in a few more branches meaning 48 then 96 etc branches of execution.

More details about the issue can be found here (towards the end of the file), including a simple example illustrating the problem: .


#use <conio>
#use <stress>
struct Height;
struct Node;

struct Height
  int height;

struct Node
  int key;
  struct Node* left;
  struct Node* right;
  int leftHeight;
  int rightHeight;

//@predicate avlh(struct Node* root, int height1);
//@predicate left(struct Node* y, int xlh, int xrh, int yrh);
//@predicate right(struct Node* y, int ylh, int xlh, int xrh);

//@predicate avlh(struct Node* root, int height1) = ? &&(root == NULL ? height1 == 0 : acc(root->left) && acc(root->right) && acc(root->key) && acc(root->leftHeight) && acc(root->rightHeight) && avlh(root->left, root->leftHeight) && avlh(root->right, root->rightHeight) && root->leftHeight - root->rightHeight < 2 && root->rightHeight - root->leftHeight < 2 && root->leftHeight >= 0 && root->rightHeight >= 0 && (root->leftHeight > root->rightHeight ? height1 == root->leftHeight + 1 : height1 == root->rightHeight + 1));
//@predicate left(struct Node* y, int xlh, int xrh, int yrh) = y != NULL && acc(y->left) && acc(y->right) && acc(y->key) && acc(y->leftHeight) && acc(y->rightHeight) && y->rightHeight == yrh && avlh(y->right, yrh) && y->left != NULL && acc(y->left->left) && acc(y->left->right) && acc(y->left->key) && acc(y->left->leftHeight) && acc(y->left->rightHeight) && y->left->rightHeight == xrh && y->left->leftHeight == xlh && avlh(y->left->left, xlh) && avlh(y->left->right, xrh) && (y->left->leftHeight > y->left->rightHeight ? y->leftHeight == y->left->leftHeight + 1 : y->leftHeight == y->left->rightHeight + 1);
//@predicate right(struct Node* y, int ylh, int xlh, int xrh) = ? && y != NULL && acc(y->left) && acc(y->right) && acc(y->key) && acc(y->leftHeight) && acc(y->rightHeight) && y->leftHeight == ylh && avlh(y->left, ylh) && y->right != NULL && acc(y->right->left) && acc(y->right->right) && acc(y->right->key) && acc(y->right->leftHeight) && acc(y->right->rightHeight) && y->right->rightHeight == xrh && y->right->leftHeight == xlh && avlh(y->right->left, xlh) && avlh(y->right->right, xrh) && (y->right->leftHeight > y->right->rightHeight ? y->rightHeight == y->right->leftHeight + 1 : y->rightHeight == y->right->rightHeight + 1);

struct Node* emptyTree();
int getBalance(struct Node* N);
struct Node* insert(struct Node* node, int h, int key, struct Height* hp);
struct Node* leftRotate(struct Node* x, int xlh, int ylh, int yrh);
int main();
int maximum(int a, int b);
struct Node* newNode(int key);
void preOrder(struct Node* root, int h);
struct Node* rightRotate(struct Node* y, int xlh, int xrh, int yrh);

struct Node* emptyTree()
  //@requires true;
  //@ensures avlh(\result, 0);
  struct Node* node = NULL;
  node = NULL;
  //@fold avlh(node, 0);
  return node;

int getBalance(struct Node* N)
  //@requires N == NULL ? true : acc(N->leftHeight) && acc(N->rightHeight);
  //@ensures N == NULL ? \result == 0 : acc(N->leftHeight) && acc(N->rightHeight) && \result == N->leftHeight - N->rightHeight;
  if (N == NULL)
    return 0;
    return N->leftHeight - N->rightHeight;

struct Node* insert(struct Node* node, int h, int key, struct Height* hp)
  //@requires ? && acc(hp->height) && avlh(node, h);
  //@ensures ? && acc(hp->height) && avlh(\result, hp->height) && hp->height >= h && hp->height <= h + 1 && \result != NULL;
  struct Node* n = NULL;
  struct Node* _ = NULL;
  int _1 = 0;
  int llh = 0;
  int lrh = 0;
  int rh = 0;
  struct Node* n1 = NULL;
  int _2 = 0;
  int llh1 = 0;
  int lrlh = 0;
  int lrrh = 0;
  int lrh1 = 0;
  int rh1 = 0;
  struct Node* n2 = NULL;
  struct Node* _3 = NULL;
  int _4 = 0;
  struct Node* _5 = NULL;
  int _6 = 0;
  int lh = 0;
  int rlh = 0;
  int rrh = 0;
  struct Node* n3 = NULL;
  int _7 = 0;
  int rllh = 0;
  int rlrh = 0;
  int rrh1 = 0;
  int rlh1 = 0;
  int lh1 = 0;
  struct Node* n4 = NULL;
  struct Node* _8 = NULL;
  int _9 = 0;
  //@unfold avlh(node, h);
  if (node == NULL)
    n = newNode(key);
    hp->height = 1;
    //@assert acc(hp->height) && avlh(n, hp->height) && hp->height >= h && hp->height <= h + 1 && n != NULL;
    return n;
    if (key == node->key)
      hp->height = h;
      //@fold avlh(node, hp->height);
      //@assert acc(hp->height) && avlh(node, hp->height) && hp->height >= h && hp->height <= h + 1 && node != NULL;
      return node;
      if (key < node->key)
        _ = insert(node->left, node->leftHeight, key, hp);
        node->left = _;
        node->leftHeight = hp->height;
        if (node->leftHeight - node->rightHeight < 2)
          _1 = maximum(node->leftHeight, node->rightHeight);
          hp->height = 1 + _1;
          //@fold avlh(node, hp->height);
          //@assert acc(hp->height) && avlh(node, hp->height) && hp->height >= h && hp->height <= h + 1 && node != NULL;
          return node;
          //@assert node->left != NULL;
          //@unfold avlh(node->left, node->leftHeight);
          if (node->left->leftHeight >= node->left->rightHeight)
            llh = node->left->leftHeight;
            lrh = node->left->rightHeight;
            rh = node->rightHeight;
            //@fold left(node, llh, lrh, rh);
            n1 = rightRotate(node, llh, lrh, rh);
            //@unfold right(n1, llh, lrh, rh);
            //@assert n1->rightHeight == 1 + lrh;
            //@fold avlh(n1->right, n1->rightHeight);
            _2 = maximum(n1->leftHeight, n1->rightHeight);
            hp->height = 1 + _2;
            //@fold avlh(n1, hp->height);
            //@assert acc(hp->height) && avlh(n1, hp->height) && hp->height >= h && hp->height <= h + 1 && n1 != NULL;
            return n1;
            //@unfold avlh(node->left->right, node->left->rightHeight);
            llh1 = node->left->leftHeight;
            lrlh = node->left->right->leftHeight;
            lrrh = node->left->right->rightHeight;
            //@fold right(node->left, llh1, lrlh, lrrh);
            _3 = leftRotate(node->left, llh1, lrlh, lrrh);
            node->left = _3;
            //@unfold left(node->left, llh1, lrlh, lrrh);
            //@fold avlh(node->left->left, node->left->leftHeight);
            llh1 = node->left->leftHeight;
            lrh1 = node->left->rightHeight;
            rh1 = node->rightHeight;
            //@fold left(node, llh1, lrh1, rh1);
            n2 = rightRotate(node, llh1, lrh1, rh1);
            //@unfold right(n2, llh1, lrh1, rh1);
            //@fold avlh(n2->right, n2->rightHeight);
            _4 = maximum(n2->leftHeight, n2->rightHeight);
            hp->height = 1 + _4;
            //@fold avlh(n2, hp->height);
            //@assert acc(hp->height) && avlh(n2, hp->height) && hp->height >= h && hp->height <= h + 1 && n2 != NULL;
            return n2;
        _5 = insert(node->right, node->rightHeight, key, hp);
        node->right = _5;
        node->rightHeight = hp->height;
        if (node->rightHeight - node->leftHeight < 2)
          _6 = maximum(node->leftHeight, node->rightHeight);
          hp->height = 1 + _6;
          //@fold avlh(node, hp->height);
          //@assert acc(hp->height) && avlh(node, hp->height) && hp->height >= h && hp->height <= h + 1 && node != NULL;
          return node;
          //@unfold avlh(node->right, node->rightHeight);
          if (node->right->rightHeight >= node->right->leftHeight)
            lh = node->leftHeight;
            rlh = node->right->leftHeight;
            rrh = node->right->rightHeight;
            //@fold right(node, lh, rlh, rrh);
            n3 = leftRotate(node, lh, rlh, rrh);
            //@unfold left(n3, lh, rlh, rrh);
            //@fold avlh(n3->left, n3->leftHeight);
            _7 = maximum(n3->leftHeight, n3->rightHeight);
            hp->height = 1 + _7;
            //@fold avlh(n3, hp->height);
            //@assert acc(hp->height) && avlh(n3, hp->height) && hp->height >= h && hp->height <= h + 1 && n3 != NULL;
            return n3;
            //@unfold avlh(node->right->left, node->right->leftHeight);
            rllh = node->right->left->leftHeight;
            rlrh = node->right->left->rightHeight;
            rrh1 = node->right->rightHeight;
            //@fold left(node->right, rllh, rlrh, rrh1);
            _8 = rightRotate(node->right, rllh, rlrh, rrh1);
            node->right = _8;
            //@unfold right(node->right, rllh, rlrh, rrh1);
            //@fold avlh(node->right->right, node->right->rightHeight);
            rrh1 = node->right->rightHeight;
            rlh1 = node->right->leftHeight;
            lh1 = node->leftHeight;
            //@fold right(node, lh1, rlh1, rrh1);
            n4 = leftRotate(node, lh1, rlh1, rrh1);
            //@unfold left(n4, lh1, rlh1, rrh1);
            //@fold avlh(n4->left, n4->leftHeight);
            _9 = maximum(n4->leftHeight, n4->rightHeight);
            hp->height = 1 + _9;
            //@fold avlh(n4, hp->height);
            //@assert acc(hp->height) && avlh(n4, hp->height) && hp->height >= h && hp->height <= h + 1 && n4 != NULL;
            return n4;

struct Node* leftRotate(struct Node* x, int xlh, int ylh, int yrh)
  //@requires right(x, xlh, ylh, yrh);
  //@ensures left(\result, xlh, ylh, yrh);
  struct Node* y = NULL;
  struct Node* T2 = NULL;
  int _ = 0;
  //@unfold right(x, xlh, ylh, yrh);
  y = x->right;
  T2 = y->left;
  y->left = x;
  x->right = T2;
  x->rightHeight = ylh;
  _ = maximum(xlh + 1, ylh + 1);
  y->leftHeight = _;
  //@fold left(y, xlh, ylh, yrh);
  return y;

int main()
  //@requires true;
  //@ensures true;
  int stress = 0;
  int seed = 0;
  struct Node* root = NULL;
  struct Height* hp = NULL;
  int i = 0;
  int r = 0;
  struct Node* root1 = NULL;
  stress = 0;
  seed = 1;
  root = NULL;
  hp = alloc(struct Height);
  hp->height = 0;
  //@fold avlh(root, 0);
  i = 0;
  while (i < stress)
    //@loop_invariant 0 <= i && i <= stress && acc(hp->height) && avlh(root, hp->height);
    r = rand(seed);
    seed = r;
    root1 = insert(root, hp->height, r, hp);
    preOrder(root1, hp->height);
    i = i + 1;
    root = root1;
  return 0;

int maximum(int a, int b)
  //@requires true;
  //@ensures a > b ? \result == a : \result == b;
  if (a > b)
    return a;
    return b;

struct Node* newNode(int key)
  //@requires true;
  //@ensures avlh(\result, 1) && \result != NULL;
  struct Node* node = NULL;
  struct Node* _ = NULL;
  struct Node* _1 = NULL;
  node = alloc(struct Node);
  node->key = key;
  node->leftHeight = 0;
  node->rightHeight = 0;
  _ = emptyTree();
  node->left = _;
  _1 = emptyTree();
  node->right = _1;
  //@fold avlh(node, 1);
  return node;

void preOrder(struct Node* root, int h)
  //@requires avlh(root, h);
  //@ensures avlh(root, h);
  //@unfold avlh(root, h);
  if (root != NULL)
    printchar(' ');
    preOrder(root->left, root->leftHeight);
    preOrder(root->right, root->rightHeight);
  //@fold avlh(root, h);

struct Node* rightRotate(struct Node* y, int xlh, int xrh, int yrh)
  //@requires left(y, xlh, xrh, yrh);
  //@ensures right(\result, xlh, xrh, yrh);
  struct Node* x = NULL;
  struct Node* T2 = NULL;
  int _ = 0;
  //@unfold left(y, xlh, xrh, yrh);
  x = y->left;
  T2 = x->right;
  x->right = y;
  y->left = T2;
  y->leftHeight = xrh;
  _ = maximum(xrh + 1, yrh + 1);
  x->rightHeight = _;
  //@fold right(x, xlh, xrh, yrh);
  return x;
jennalwise commented 2 years ago


I implemented a solution in these commits:,, and .

The solution is to keep consumption the same, but collect the frame of the arguments in the predicate and produce those into the optimistic heap after consumption. This is sound, because the optimistic heap is allowed to have duplicate permissions to the heap (which will contain the predicate's body after the unfold and the body may overlap with the frame), and access to those heap locations are either exposed by the predicate body and can therefore be used or are part of the frame and can continue to be used despite the unfold. In contrast, fold statements are hiding heap locations from the verifier, so if the argument frame overlaps with the predicate body the verifier should not have access to the argument frame after the fold even in the optimistic heap (this is unsound).

jennalwise commented 2 years ago

Side Note

Something to think about: a similar problem might appear at method calls with the frame of arguments to the method, at folds (which the above solution is unsound for) for arguments to the predicate, and field assigns where consumption of the field being assigned to happens. The above solution is likely unsound for the aforementioned areas, so optimizing them must be either unsound or a new solution need to be thought of and applied for them. On a positive note, the unfold optimization has a significant impact on AVL's static performance such that the aforementioned areas are fine as is. Also, figuring out joins for pure branches and improving the expressiveness of our static specification language will help with this without any special optimizations in the aforementioned areas.

jennalwise commented 2 years ago

Fixed in this closed pull request: