graemeg / fpGUI

fpGUI Toolkit is a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal
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Get a list of monitors #112

Open ozon85 opened 3 years ago

ozon85 commented 3 years ago

Is there a way to get a list of monitors as in LCL: screen. monitors ? I'm trying to put the form in the middle of the main monitor, because "wpScreenCenter" makes the form appear on the edge if use two monitors in the extended screen mode.

graemeg commented 3 years ago

Seems that was an oversight - not having that included. I played around with the code, and it seems pretty easy to implement. Got it working under X11, and already found the API docs for the Windows implementation.

Which branch of fpGUI are you using? The maint or develop branch? I'll probably add it to both

ozon85 commented 3 years ago

I am using the latest release 1.4.1 What is the master branch? Is it stable? I'm trying to make an application compiled from code on github using fpc. I'd like a stable release

graemeg commented 3 years ago

The master branch is the last released version - thus 1.4.1. The maint branch is the v1.4.1 code, but with a lot of extra fixes (no new features though - so it is stable too). I should probably make a 1.4.2 release at some point. I would recommend you use the maint branch instead - it also has fixes for newer FPC versions.

The develop branch is what will become the v2.0.0 release and where the latest changes, fixes and new features get added. This is also the branch where Agg2D can be used as the window canvas (giving anti-aliased rendering, PNG support, Alpha Blending support etc).

ozon85 commented 3 years ago

I downloaded the fpGUI-maint branch and compiled my application with this fpgui_toolkit package. When running in windows, the application freezes for a few seconds, after which it does not work correctly in comparison with the 1.4.1 release: an element of the TfpgPageControl type with the Align := alClient parameter is not drawn when the form is resized; the file selection dialog does not show a drop-down list of disks drawing+opendialog

The normal behavior of the form is in the develop branch, but opendialog is displayed incorrectly when opening and after resizing: Develop-opendialog1


ozon85 commented 3 years ago

In addition to the previous post: For develop branch, in the dialog, the button hint flashes about 3 times and does not appear anymore