grafana-toolbox / grafana-wtf

Grep through all Grafana entities in the spirit of git-wtf.
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jq syntax is wrong #101

Closed rahulnandan closed 11 months ago

rahulnandan commented 11 months ago

it's a very minor finding, issue- cli usage mentions one of the command as below.

grafana-wtf explore dashboards --format=json | jq 'select( .[] | .datasources | .[].type=="influxdb" )'

fix- but, the proper syntax should be as below. I have not looked at the others but, they also may have issues

grafana-wtf explore dashboards --format=json | jq '.[] | select(.datasources | .[].type=="influxdb")'
amotl commented 11 months ago

Dear @rahulnandan,

thank you for writing in and reporting this. Even reporting such minor findings help tremendously, your evaluation is right, and the presented jq filter does not work as intended. Your fix does!

With kind regards, Andreas.

amotl commented 11 months ago

Hi again.

4a28071 fixes the wrong documentation about jq filtering. May I ask you to verify it is correct now?

With kind regards, Andreas.

rahulnandan commented 11 months ago

thanks @amotl , I will verify and update here

rahulnandan commented 11 months ago

Thanks, now I can see the usage description with the proper syntax.

~  grafana-wtf --help   
      grafana-wtf [options] info
      grafana-wtf [options] explore datasources
      grafana-wtf [options] explore dashboards [--data-details] [--queries-only]
      grafana-wtf [options] find [<search-expression>]
      grafana-wtf [options] replace <search-expression> <replacement> [--dry-run]
      grafana-wtf [options] log [<dashboard_uid>] [--number=<count>] [--head=<count>] [--tail=<count>] [--reverse] [--sql=<sql>]
      grafana-wtf [options] plugins list [--id=]
      grafana-wtf [options] plugins status [--id=]
      grafana-wtf --version
      grafana-wtf (-h | --help)

      --grafana-url=<grafana-url>       URL to Grafana instance
      --grafana-token=<grafana-token>   Grafana API Key token
      --select-dashboard=<uuid>         Restrict operation to dashboard by UID.
                                        Can be a list of comma-separated dashboard UIDs.
      --format=<format>                 Output format. One of textual, tabular, json, yaml.
      --cache-ttl=<cache-ttl>           Time-to-live for the request cache in seconds. [default: 3600]
      --drop-cache                      Drop cache before requesting resources
      --concurrency=<concurrency>       Run multiple requests in parallel. [default: 5]
      --dry-run                         Dry-run mode for the `replace` subcommand.
      --verbose                         Enable verbose mode
      --version                         Show version information
      --debug                           Enable debug messages
      --http-logging                    Enable logging for underlying HTTP client machinery
      -h --help                         Show this screen


      Instead of obtaining the URL to the Grafana instance using
      the command line option "--grafana-url", you can use the
      environment variable "GRAFANA_URL".
      Likewise, use "GRAFANA_TOKEN" instead of "--grafana-token"
      for propagating the Grafana API Key.

    General information:

      # Display a bunch of meta information and statistics.
      grafana-wtf info --format=yaml

      # Display Grafana version.
      grafana-wtf info --format=json | jq -r '.grafana.version'

    Explore data sources:

      # Display all data sources and the dashboards using them, as well as unused data sources.
      grafana-wtf explore datasources --format=yaml

      # Display names of unused datasources as a flat list.
      grafana-wtf explore datasources --format=json | jq -r '.unused[]'

    Explore dashboards:

      # Display some details of all dashboards, including names of missing data sources.
      grafana-wtf explore dashboards --format=yaml

      # Display only dashboards which have missing data sources, along with their names.
      grafana-wtf explore dashboards --format=json | jq '.[] | select(.datasources_missing) | .dashboard + {ds_missing: .datasources_missing[] | [.name]}'

      # Display all dashboards which use a specific data source, filtered by data source name.
      grafana-wtf explore dashboards --format=json | jq '.[] | select(.datasources | .[].type=="<datasource_name>")'

      # Display all dashboards using data sources with a specific type. Here: InfluxDB.
      grafana-wtf explore dashboards --format=json | jq '.[] | select(.datasources | .[].type=="influxdb")'

      # Display dashboards and many more details about where data source queries are happening.
      # Specifically, within "panels", "annotations", and "templating" slots.
      grafana-wtf explore dashboards --data-details --format=json

      # Display all database queries within dashboards.
      grafana-wtf explore dashboards --data-details --queries-only --format=json | jq '.[].details | values[] | .[] | .expr,.jql,.query,.rawSql | select( . != null and . != "" )'

    Find dashboards and data sources:

      # Search through all Grafana entities for string "ldi_readings".
      grafana-wtf --grafana-url= --grafana-token=eyJrIjoiWHg...dGJpZCI6MX0= find ldi_readings

      # Search Grafana instance for string "luftdaten", using more convenient invoking flavor.
      export GRAFANA_URL=
      export GRAFANA_TOKEN=eyJrIjoiWHg...dGJpZCI6MX0=
      grafana-wtf find luftdaten

      # Search keyword within list of specific dashboards.
      grafana-wtf --select-dashboard=_JJ22OZZk,5iGTqNWZk find grafana-worldmap

      # Output search results in tabular format.
      grafana-wtf find luftdaten --format=tabular:psql

    Replace labels within dashboards:

      # Replace string within specific dashboard.
      grafana-wtf --select-dashboard=_JJ22OZZk replace grafana-worldmap-panel grafana-map-panel

      # Preview the changes beforehand, using the `--dry-run` option.
      grafana-wtf --select-dashboard=_JJ22OZZk replace grafana-worldmap-panel grafana-map-panel --dry-run

    Display edit history:

      # Display 50 most recent changes across all dashboards.
      grafana-wtf log --number=50

      # Display 5 most recent changes for specific dashboard.
      grafana-wtf log NP0wTOtmk --number=5

      # Output full history table in Grid format
      grafana-wtf log --format=tabular:grid

      # Output full history table in Markdown format
      grafana-wtf log --format=tabular:pipe

      # Display dashboards with only a single edit, in JSON format.
      grafana-wtf log --sql="
        SELECT uid, url, COUNT(version) as number_of_edits
        FROM dashboard_versions
        GROUP BY uid, url
        HAVING number_of_edits=1

      # Display dashboards with only a single edit, in YAML format, `url` attribute only.
      grafana-wtf log --format=yaml --sql="
        SELECT url
        FROM dashboard_versions
        GROUP BY uid, url
        HAVING COUNT(version)=1

    List plugins:

      # Inquire plugin list.
      grafana-wtf plugins list

      # Inquire plugin health check and metrics endpoints.
      grafana-wtf plugins status

    Cache control:

      # Use infinite cache expiration time, essentially caching forever.
      grafana-wtf find '#299c46' --cache-ttl=inf

      # Set cache expiration time to zero, essentially disabling the cache.
      grafana-wtf find geohash --cache-ttl=0

      # Setting `--cache-ttl` per environment variable `CACHE_TTL` is also possible
      export CACHE_TTL=infinite
      grafana-wtf find geohash```
amotl commented 11 months ago

Excellent. Closing this. Thanks.