grafana-tools / sdk

Library for using Grafana' structures in Go programs and client for Grafana REST API.
Apache License 2.0
317 stars 187 forks source link

Example code for creating new dashboard with row #212

Open ykyuen opened 2 years ago

ykyuen commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

i follow the example code and try creating a new dashboard.

package main

import (


func main() {
    const GRAFANA_URL = "http://localhost:3000"

    // Initialize the grafana client
    grafanaClient, err := sdk.NewClient(GRAFANA_URL, GRAFANA_API_KEY, sdk.DefaultHTTPClient)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to create a client: %s\n", err)

    // Create dashboard
    board := sdk.NewBoard("Sample dashboard title")
    board.ID = 1
    board.Time.From = "now-30m"
    board.Time.To = "now"
    row1 := board.AddRow("Sample row title")
    row1.Add(sdk.NewGraph("Sample graph"))
    graph := sdk.NewGraph("Sample graph 2")
    target := sdk.Target{
        RefID:      "A",
        Datasource: "Sample Source 1",
        Expr:       "sample request 1"}
    response, err := grafanaClient.SetDashboard(context.TODO() ,*board, sdk.SetDashboardParams{
        Overwrite: false,
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("error on uploading dashboard %s", board.Title)
    } else {
        fmt.Printf("dashboard URL: %v", GRAFANA_URL + *response.URL)

The dashboard is successfully created but there is no row with name "Sample row title". sc-2022-06-08-23-55-25

What i suppose to have... sc-2022-06-09-00-02-09

What did i miss?

Thanks for developing this project.

Regards, Kit

GiedriusS commented 2 years ago

What is the resulting JSON of this dashboard? :thinking:

ykyuen commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the follow up. here is the exported json.

  "annotations": {
    "list": [
        "builtIn": 1,
        "datasource": "-- Grafana --",
        "enable": true,
        "hide": true,
        "iconColor": "rgba(0, 211, 255, 1)",
        "name": "Annotations & Alerts",
        "type": "dashboard"
  "editable": true,
  "gnetId": null,
  "graphTooltip": 0,
  "id": 34,
  "links": [],
  "panels": [
      "aliasColors": null,
      "bars": false,
      "dashLength": 10,
      "dashes": false,
      "datasource": null,
      "editable": false,
      "error": false,
      "fieldConfig": {
        "defaults": {
          "custom": {}
        "overrides": []
      "fill": 0,
      "fillGradient": 0,
      "gridPos": {
        "h": 7,
        "w": 24,
        "x": 0,
        "y": 0
      "hiddenSeries": false,
      "id": 1,
      "isNew": true,
      "legend": {
        "alignAsTable": false,
        "avg": false,
        "current": false,
        "hideEmpty": false,
        "hideZero": false,
        "max": false,
        "min": false,
        "rightSide": false,
        "show": false,
        "total": false,
        "values": false
      "lines": false,
      "linewidth": 0,
      "nullPointMode": "connected",
      "options": {
        "alertThreshold": true
      "percentage": false,
      "pluginVersion": "7.3.1",
      "pointradius": 5,
      "points": false,
      "renderer": "flot",
      "seriesOverrides": [],
      "spaceLength": 10,
      "stack": false,
      "steppedLine": false,
      "thresholds": [],
      "timeFrom": null,
      "timeRegions": [],
      "timeShift": null,
      "title": "Sample graph",
      "tooltip": {
        "shared": false,
        "sort": 0,
        "value_type": ""
      "type": "graph",
      "x-axis": true,
      "xaxis": {
        "buckets": null,
        "format": "",
        "logBase": 0,
        "mode": "time",
        "name": null,
        "show": false,
        "values": []
      "y-axis": true,
      "yaxes": null,
      "yaxis": {
        "align": false,
        "alignLevel": null
      "aliasColors": null,
      "bars": false,
      "dashLength": 10,
      "dashes": false,
      "datasource": null,
      "editable": false,
      "error": false,
      "fieldConfig": {
        "defaults": {
          "custom": {}
        "overrides": []
      "fill": 0,
      "fillGradient": 0,
      "gridPos": {
        "h": 7,
        "w": 24,
        "x": 0,
        "y": 7
      "hiddenSeries": false,
      "id": 2,
      "isNew": true,
      "legend": {
        "alignAsTable": false,
        "avg": false,
        "current": false,
        "hideEmpty": false,
        "hideZero": false,
        "max": false,
        "min": false,
        "rightSide": false,
        "show": false,
        "total": false,
        "values": false
      "lines": false,
      "linewidth": 0,
      "nullPointMode": "connected",
      "options": {
        "alertThreshold": true
      "percentage": false,
      "pluginVersion": "7.3.1",
      "pointradius": 5,
      "points": false,
      "renderer": "flot",
      "seriesOverrides": [],
      "spaceLength": 10,
      "stack": false,
      "steppedLine": false,
      "targets": [
          "datasource": "Sample Source 1",
          "expr": "sample request 1",
          "refId": "A"
      "thresholds": [],
      "timeFrom": null,
      "timeRegions": [],
      "timeShift": null,
      "title": "Sample graph 2",
      "tooltip": {
        "shared": false,
        "sort": 0,
        "value_type": ""
      "type": "graph",
      "x-axis": true,
      "xaxis": {
        "buckets": null,
        "format": "",
        "logBase": 0,
        "mode": "time",
        "name": null,
        "show": false,
        "values": []
      "y-axis": true,
      "yaxes": null,
      "yaxis": {
        "align": false,
        "alignLevel": null
  "schemaVersion": 26,
  "style": "dark",
  "tags": [],
  "templating": {
    "list": []
  "time": {
    "from": "now-30m",
    "to": "now"
  "timepicker": {
    "refresh_intervals": null,
    "time_options": null
  "timezone": "browser",
  "title": "Sample dashboard title",
  "uid": "2PfuKQCnk",
  "version": 1