grafana-wizzy / wizzy

Manage & automate Grafana with easy wizzy
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[Feature] Pass configuration file in environment variable #176

Closed forzagreen closed 4 years ago

forzagreen commented 4 years ago

The configuration file is fixed as conf/wizzy.json here:

It will be very useful to have many configuration files, and to pass the configuration file to be used as an environment variable or as a parameter:

export WIZZY_CONF_FILE="conf/wizzy.json"
wizzy list dashboards


wizzy --conf-file "conf/wizzy.json" list dashboards
forzagreen commented 4 years ago

Well, I close since a similar solution is implemented using envs and context:

# configure 2 environments:
wizzy set grafana envs DEV url ""
wizzy set grafana envs PROD url ""

# list dashboards in DEV:
wizzy set context grafana DEV
wizzy list dashboards

# list dashboards in PROD:
wizzy set context grafana PROD
wizzy list dashboards
