grafana / carbon-relay-ng

Fast carbon relay+aggregator with admin interfaces for making changes online - production ready
464 stars 152 forks source link

Memory leaks in destinations #222

Closed AnderEnder closed 5 years ago

AnderEnder commented 6 years ago

We use the following toolset : carbon-relay-ng + go-carbon. Load is not big: ~500 metrics per second.

Issue: The memory grows until OOM killer kills the process (up to several GB).

There are 14 routes in configuration similar to:

init =[
    'addRoute sendAllMatch n prefix=n.  localhost:2003 spool=false pickle=false flush=50 reconn=1000',
    'addRoute sendAllMatch r prefix=r.  localhost:2003 spool=false pickle=false flush=50 reconn=1000',
    'addRoute sendAllMatch w prefix=w.  localhost:2003 spool=false pickle=false flush=50 reconn=1000',
    'addRoute sendAllMatch b prefix=b.  localhost:2003 spool=false pickle=false flush=50 reconn=1000',
    'addRoute sendAllMatch z prefix=z.  localhost:2003 spool=false pickle=false flush=50 reconn=1000',
    'addRoute sendAllMatch i prefix=i.  localhost:2003 spool=false pickle=false flush=50 reconn=1000',
    'addRoute sendAllMatch p prefix=p.  localhost:2003 spool=false pickle=false flush=50 reconn=1000',
    'addRoute sendAllMatch s prefix=s.  localhost:2003 spool=false pickle=false flush=50 reconn=1000',
    'addRoute sendAllMatch g prefix=g.  localhost:2003 spool=false pickle=false flush=50 reconn=1000',
    'addRoute sendAllMatch c prefix=c.  localhost:2003 spool=false pickle=false flush=50 reconn=1000',
    'addRoute sendAllMatch v prefix=v.  localhost:2003 spool=false pickle=false flush=50 reconn=1000',
    'addRoute sendAllMatch t prefix=t.  localhost:2003 spool=false pickle=false flush=50 reconn=1000',
    'addRoute sendAllMatch a prefix=a.  localhost:2003 spool=false pickle=false flush=50 reconn=1000',
    'addRoute sendAllMatch s prefix=s. spool=false pickle=false flush=50 reconn=1000',

Notice logs show that some connections are closed and reopened:

17:14:05.925560 ▶ NOTI  dest localhost:2003 updating conn. online: true
17:14:10.102073 ▶ NOTI  conn localhost:2003 .conn.Read returned EOF -> conn is closed. closing conn explicitly
17:14:11.001142 ▶ NOTI  dest localhost:2003 updating conn. online: true
17:16:02.954873 ▶ NOTI  conn localhost:2003 .conn.Read returned EOF -> conn is closed. closing conn explicitly
17:16:03.513569 ▶ NOTI  conn localhost:2003 .conn.Read returned EOF -> conn is closed. closing conn explicitly
17:16:03.956539 ▶ NOTI  dest localhost:2003 updating conn. online: true
17:16:04.515271 ▶ NOTI  dest localhost:2003 updating conn. online: true
17:16:05.923728 ▶ NOTI  conn localhost:2003 .conn.Read returned EOF -> conn is closed. closing conn explicitly
17:16:06.925520 ▶ NOTI  dest localhost:2003 updating conn. online: true
17:16:10.999431 ▶ NOTI  conn localhost:2003 .conn.Read returned EOF -> conn is closed. closing conn explicitly
17:16:12.001254 ▶ NOTI  dest localhost:2003 updating conn. online: true

Profiling example shows:

go tool pprof ./carbon-relay-ng
Fetching profile over HTTP from
Saved profile in /home/andrii.radyk/pprof/pprof.carbon-relay-ng.alloc_objects.alloc_space.inuse_objects.inuse_space.009.pb.gz
File: carbon-relay-ng
Type: inuse_space
Time: Sep 15, 2017 at 3:45pm (UTC)
Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands, "o" for options)
(pprof) top
Showing nodes accounting for 145178.73kB, 98.82% of 146906.33kB total
Dropped 258 nodes (cum <= 734.53kB)
Showing top 10 nodes out of 21
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
84384.09kB 57.44% 57.44% 84387.49kB 57.44%*keepSafe).keepClean /Users/ander/go/src/
35281.69kB 24.02% 81.46% 35288.54kB 24.02% /Users/ander/go/src/
12688.03kB  8.64% 90.09% 48007.46kB 32.68% /Users/ander/go/src/
 7032.38kB  4.79% 94.88%  7032.38kB  4.79% /Users/ander/go/src/
 3574.25kB  2.43% 97.31%  3574.25kB  2.43%  regexp.(*bitState).reset /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.9/libexec/src/regexp/backtrack.go
 2186.66kB  1.49% 98.80%  2317.56kB  1.58% /Users/ander/go/src/
   26.59kB 0.018% 98.82%  1925.55kB  1.31%*Aggregator).run /Users/ander/go/src/
    4.79kB 0.0033% 98.82%  2322.86kB  1.58% /Users/ander/go/src/
    0.25kB 0.00017% 98.82%  1809.30kB  1.23% /Users/ander/go/src/
         0     0% 98.82% 48007.83kB 32.68%*Destination).updateConn /Users/ander/go/src/
(pprof) list destination.NewWriter
Total: 143.46MB
ROUTINE ======================== in /Users/ander/go/src/
   34.45MB    34.46MB (flat, cum) 24.02% of Total
         .          .     36:   if size <= 0 {
         .          .     37:           panic("invalid size requested")
         .          .     38:   }
         .          .     39:   return &Writer{
         .          .     40:           key: key,
   34.45MB    34.45MB     41:           buf: make([]byte, size),
         .          .     42:           wr:  w,
    1.69kB     8.54kB     43:           durationOverflowFlush: stats.Timer("dest=" + key + ".what=durationFlush.type=overflow"),
         .          .     44:   }
         .          .     45:}
         .          .     46:
         .          .     47:// Flush writes any buffered data to the underlying io.Writer.
         .          .     48:func (b *Writer) Flush() error {
(pprof) list destination.NewConn
Total: 143.46MB
ROUTINE ======================== in /Users/ander/go/src/
   12.39MB    46.88MB (flat, cum) 32.68% of Total
         .          .     50:   bufferSize        metrics.Gauge
         .          .     51:   numDropBadPickle  metrics.Counter
         .          .     52:}
         .          .     53:
         .          .     54:func NewConn(addr string, dest *Destination, periodFlush time.Duration, pickle bool, connBufSize, ioBufSize int) (*Conn, error) {
         .     1.47kB     55:   raddr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", addr)
         .          .     56:   if err != nil {
         .          .     57:           return nil, err
         .          .     58:   }
         .          .     59:   laddr, _ := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", "")
         .     5.29kB     60:   conn, err := net.DialTCP("tcp", laddr, raddr)
         .          .     61:   if err != nil {
         .          .     62:           return nil, err
         .          .     63:   }
         .       360B     64:   cleanAddr := util.AddrToPath(addr)
         .          .     65:   connObj := &Conn{
         .          .     66:           conn:              conn,
         .    34.46MB     67:           buffered:          NewWriter(conn, ioBufSize, cleanAddr),
    1.97kB     1.97kB     68:           shutdown:          make(chan bool, 1), // when we write here, HandleData() may not be running anymore to read from the chan
   12.38MB    12.38MB     69:           In:                make(chan []byte, connBufSize),
         .          .     70:           dest:              dest,
         .          .     71:           up:                true,
         .          .     72:           pickle:            pickle,
    1.69kB     1.69kB     73:           checkUp:           make(chan bool),
    1.69kB     1.69kB     74:           updateUp:          make(chan bool),
    1.69kB     1.69kB     75:           flush:             make(chan bool),
    1.69kB     1.69kB     76:           flushErr:          make(chan error),
         .          .     77:           periodFlush:       periodFlush,
         .     1.41kB     78:           keepSafe:          NewKeepSafe(keepsafe_initial_cap, keepsafe_keep_duration),
         .     2.54kB     79:           numErrTruncated:   stats.Counter("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Err.type=truncated"),
         .       244B     80:           numErrWrite:       stats.Counter("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Err.type=write"),
         .       244B     81:           numErrFlush:       stats.Counter("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Err.type=flush"),
         .       276B     82:           numOut:            stats.Counter("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Metric.direction=out"),
         .     5.82kB     83:           durationWrite:     stats.Timer("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".what=durationWrite"),
         .     5.85kB     84:           durationTickFlush: stats.Timer("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".what=durationFlush.type=ticker"),
         .     5.85kB     85:           durationManuFlush: stats.Timer("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".what=durationFlush.type=manual"),
         .       362B     86:           tickFlushSize:     stats.Histogram("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=B.what=FlushSize.type=ticker"),
         .       362B     87:           manuFlushSize:     stats.Histogram("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=B.what=FlushSize.type=manual"),
         .       276B     88:           numBuffered:       stats.Gauge("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Metric.what=numBuffered"),
         .       276B     89:           bufferSize:        stats.Gauge("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Metric.what=bufferSize"),
    5.62kB     5.95kB     90:           numDropBadPickle:  stats.Counter("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Metric.action=drop.reason=bad_pickle"),
         .          .     91:   }
         .          .     92:   connObj.bufferSize.Update(int64(connBufSize))
         .          .     93:
         .          .     94:   go connObj.checkEOF()
         .          .     95:
(pprof) list keepSafe
Total: 143.46MB
ROUTINE ========================*keepSafe).keepClean in /Users/ander/go/src/
   82.41MB    82.41MB (flat, cum) 57.44% of Total
         .          .     23:   go k.keepClean()
         .          .     24:   return &k
         .          .     25:}
         .          .     26:
         .          .     27:func (k *keepSafe) keepClean() {
         .     3.40kB     28:   tick := time.NewTicker(k.periodKeep)
       96B        96B     29:   for range tick.C {
         .          .     30:           k.Lock()
         .          .     31:           k.safeOld = k.safeRecent
   82.41MB    82.41MB     32:           k.safeRecent = make([][]byte, 0, k.initialCap)
         .          .     33:           k.Unlock()
         .          .     34:   }
         .          .     35:}
         .          .     36:
         .          .     37:func (k *keepSafe) Add(buf []byte) {

The memory are used by keepSafe and Writer buffers. Looks like a number of conn objects are growing over the time, but old ones are not destroyed.

Dieterbe commented 6 years ago

the profile only accounts for a 150MB heap, e.g. was taken when relay-ng had a very healthy memory usage. there might be a legitimate issue here but it's easy to draw the wrong conclusions from this profile.

is it possible to get a profile of when memory usage was into the problematic area? ideally we integrate and then you can set it up to automatically trigger a heap profile when the heap reaches a certain treshold. would you be willing to contribute this?

AnderEnder commented 6 years ago

I left the the app for about 2.5 hours:

version by "git describe": v0.9.2-5-g37e9ca8

Part of startup log

10:56:32.127787 ▶ NOTI  listening on
10:56:32.128017 ▶ NOTI  listening on
10:56:32.128280 ▶ NOTI  listening on
10:56:32.128514 ▶ NOTI  listening on
10:56:32.128917 ▶ NOTI  admin TCP listener starting on
10:56:32.132685 ▶ NOTI  admin HTTP listener starting on
10:58:32.004443 ▶ NOTI  conn localhost:2003 .conn.Read returned EOF -> conn is closed. closing conn explicitly
10:58:32.034416 ▶ NOTI  conn localhost:2003 .conn.Read returned EOF -> conn is closed. closing conn explicitly
10:58:32.047374 ▶ NOTI  conn localhost:2003 .conn.Read returned EOF -> conn is closed. closing conn explicitly
10:58:32.053957 ▶ NOTI  conn localhost:2003 .conn.Read returned EOF -> conn is closed. closing conn explicitly
10:58:32.071024 ▶ NOTI  conn localhost:2003 .conn.Read returned EOF -> conn is closed. closing conn explicitly
10:58:32.111944 ▶ NOTI  conn localhost:2003 .conn.Read returned EOF -> conn is closed. closing conn explicitly
10:58:33.094729 ▶ NOTI  dest localhost:2003 updating conn. online: true

Memory profile:

go tool pprof ./carbon-relay-ng
Wed Sep 20 13:27:27 UTC 2017
Fetching profile over HTTP from
Saved profile in /home/andrii.radyk/pprof/pprof.carbon-relay-ng.alloc_objects.alloc_space.inuse_objects.inuse_space.077.pb.gz
File: carbon-relay-ng
Type: inuse_space
Time: Sep 20, 2017 at 1:27pm (UTC)
Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands, "o" for options)
(pprof) top5
Showing nodes accounting for 1.97GB, 99.12% of 1.99GB total
Dropped 300 nodes (cum <= 0.01GB)
Showing top 5 nodes out of 6
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
    1.27GB 63.76% 63.76%     1.27GB 63.76%*keepSafe).keepClean /Users/ander/go/src/
    0.52GB 26.00% 89.76%     0.52GB 26.01% /Users/ander/go/src/
    0.19GB  9.35% 99.12%     0.70GB 35.38% /Users/ander/go/src/
         0     0% 99.12%     0.70GB 35.38%*Destination).updateConn /Users/ander/go/src/
         0     0% 99.12%     0.01GB  0.54%  main.main /Users/ander/go/src/
(pprof) list keepClean
Total: 1.99GB
ROUTINE ========================*keepSafe).keepClean in /Users/ander/go/src/
    1.27GB     1.27GB (flat, cum) 63.76% of Total
         .          .     23:   go k.keepClean()
         .          .     24:   return &k
         .          .     25:}
         .          .     26:
         .          .     27:func (k *keepSafe) keepClean() {
         .    52.33kB     28:   tick := time.NewTicker(k.periodKeep)
         .          .     29:   for range tick.C {
         .          .     30:           k.Lock()
         .          .     31:           k.safeOld = k.safeRecent
    1.27GB     1.27GB     32:           k.safeRecent = make([][]byte, 0, k.initialCap)
         .          .     33:           k.Unlock()
         .          .     34:   }
         .          .     35:}
         .          .     36:
         .          .     37:func (k *keepSafe) Add(buf []byte) {
(pprof) list estination.NewWriter
Total: 1.99GB
ROUTINE ======================== in /Users/ander/go/src/
  530.22MB   530.31MB (flat, cum) 26.01% of Total
         .          .     36:   if size <= 0 {
         .          .     37:           panic("invalid size requested")
         .          .     38:   }
         .          .     39:   return &Writer{
         .          .     40:           key: key,
  530.20MB   530.20MB     41:           buf: make([]byte, size),
         .          .     42:           wr:  w,
   25.97kB   121.36kB     43:           durationOverflowFlush: stats.Timer("dest=" + key + ".what=durationFlush.type=overflow"),
         .          .     44:   }
         .          .     45:}
         .          .     46:
         .          .     47:// Flush writes any buffered data to the underlying io.Writer.
         .          .     48:func (b *Writer) Flush() error {
(pprof) list destination.NewConn
Total: 1.99GB
ROUTINE ======================== in /Users/ander/go/src/
  190.68MB   721.34MB (flat, cum) 35.38% of Total
         .          .     50:   bufferSize        metrics.Gauge
         .          .     51:   numDropBadPickle  metrics.Counter
         .          .     52:}
         .          .     53:
         .          .     54:func NewConn(addr string, dest *Destination, periodFlush time.Duration, pickle bool, connBufSize, ioBufSize int) (*Conn, error) {
         .       736B     55:   raddr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", addr)
         .          .     56:   if err != nil {
         .          .     57:           return nil, err
         .          .     58:   }
         .          .     59:   laddr, _ := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", "")
         .    80.81kB     60:   conn, err := net.DialTCP("tcp", laddr, raddr)
         .          .     61:   if err != nil {
         .          .     62:           return nil, err
         .          .     63:   }
         .     5.42kB     64:   cleanAddr := util.AddrToPath(addr)
         .          .     65:   connObj := &Conn{
         .          .     66:           conn:              conn,
         .   530.31MB     67:           buffered:          NewWriter(conn, ioBufSize, cleanAddr),
   30.30kB    30.30kB     68:           shutdown:          make(chan bool, 1), // when we write here, HandleData() may not be running anymore to read from the chan
  190.46MB   190.46MB     69:           In:                make(chan []byte, connBufSize),
         .          .     70:           dest:              dest,
         .          .     71:           up:                true,
         .          .     72:           pickle:            pickle,
   25.97kB    25.97kB     73:           checkUp:           make(chan bool),
   25.97kB    25.97kB     74:           updateUp:          make(chan bool),
   25.97kB    25.97kB     75:           flush:             make(chan bool),
   25.97kB    25.97kB     76:           flushErr:          make(chan error),
         .          .     77:           periodFlush:       periodFlush,
         .    21.65kB     78:           keepSafe:          NewKeepSafe(keepsafe_initial_cap, keepsafe_keep_duration),
         .       296B     79:           numErrTruncated:   stats.Counter("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Err.type=truncated"),
         .       244B     80:           numErrWrite:       stats.Counter("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Err.type=write"),
         .       244B     81:           numErrFlush:       stats.Counter("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Err.type=flush"),
         .       276B     82:           numOut:            stats.Counter("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Metric.direction=out"),
         .    83.39kB     83:           durationWrite:     stats.Timer("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".what=durationWrite"),
         .    83.14kB     84:           durationTickFlush: stats.Timer("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".what=durationFlush.type=ticker"),
         .    83.14kB     85:           durationManuFlush: stats.Timer("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".what=durationFlush.type=manual"),
         .       362B     86:           tickFlushSize:     stats.Histogram("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=B.what=FlushSize.type=ticker"),
         .       362B     87:           manuFlushSize:     stats.Histogram("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=B.what=FlushSize.type=manual"),
         .       276B     88:           numBuffered:       stats.Gauge("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Metric.what=numBuffered"),
         .       276B     89:           bufferSize:        stats.Gauge("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Metric.what=bufferSize"),
   86.56kB    86.86kB     90:           numDropBadPickle:  stats.Counter("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Metric.action=drop.reason=bad_pickle"),
         .          .     91:   }
         .          .     92:   connObj.bufferSize.Update(int64(connBufSize))
         .          .     93:
         .          .     94:   go connObj.checkEOF()
         .          .     95:
AnderEnder commented 6 years ago

@Dieterbe, any news about this issue?

Dieterbe commented 6 years ago

you're sure the rate is only 500 metrics/s across all routes? if so, this looks like somehow references to old connections stick around and aren't cleaned up properly, i have no other explanation for why those structures would accumulate so much space otherwise. this needs more investigation but i don't have time right now.

bzed commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately I can confirm this issue - I see them on very busy and even on rather bored realys.

% go tool pprof ./carbon-relay-ng                                                                                                                 
Fetching profile over HTTP from
Saved profile in /home/bzed/pprof/pprof.carbon-relay-ng.alloc_objects.alloc_space.inuse_objects.inuse_space.001.pb.gz
File: carbon-relay-ng
Type: inuse_space
Time: Dec 18, 2017 at 2:09pm (CET)
Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands, "o" for options)
(pprof) top
Showing nodes accounting for 33.28GB, 99.74% of 33.37GB total
Dropped 50 nodes (cum <= 0.17GB)
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
   14.90GB 44.67% 44.67%    14.91GB 44.67% /home/bzed/workspace/gocode/src/
   10.73GB 32.17% 76.84%    25.64GB 76.84% /home/bzed/workspace/gocode/src/
    7.64GB 22.91% 99.74%     7.64GB 22.91%*keepSafe).keepClean /home/bzed/workspace/gocode/src/
         0     0% 99.74%    25.64GB 76.84%*Destination).updateConn /home/bzed/workspace/gocode/src/
(pprof) list destination.NewWriter
Total: 33.37GB
ROUTINE ======================== in /home/bzed/workspace/gocode/src/
   14.90GB    14.91GB (flat, cum) 44.67% of Total
         .          .     36:   if size <= 0 {
         .          .     37:       panic("invalid size requested")
         .          .     38:   }
         .          .     39:   return &Writer{
         .          .     40:       key: key,
   14.90GB    14.90GB     41:       buf: make([]byte, size),
         .          .     42:       wr:  w,
         .   512.02kB     43:       durationOverflowFlush: stats.Timer("dest=" + key + ".what=durationFlush.type=overflow"),
         .          .     44:   }
         .          .     45:}
         .          .     46:
         .          .     47:// Flush writes any buffered data to the underlying io.Writer.
         .          .     48:func (b *Writer) Flush() error {
(pprof) list destination.NewConn
Total: 33.37GB
ROUTINE ======================== in /home/bzed/workspace/gocode/src/
   10.73GB    25.64GB (flat, cum) 76.84% of Total
         .          .     55:   raddr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", addr)
         .          .     56:   if err != nil {
         .          .     57:       return nil, err
         .          .     58:   }
         .          .     59:   laddr, _ := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", "")
         .   512.02kB     60:   conn, err := net.DialTCP("tcp", laddr, raddr)
         .          .     61:   if err != nil {
         .          .     62:       return nil, err
         .          .     63:   }
         .          .     64:   cleanAddr := util.AddrToPath(addr)
         .          .     65:   connObj := &Conn{
         .          .     66:       conn:              conn,
         .    14.91GB     67:       buffered:          NewWriter(conn, ioBufSize, cleanAddr),
         .          .     68:       shutdown:          make(chan bool, 1), // when we write here, HandleData() may not be running anymore to read from the chan
   10.73GB    10.73GB     69:       In:                make(chan []byte, connBufSize),
         .          .     70:       dest:              dest,
         .          .     71:       up:                true,
         .          .     72:       pickle:            pickle,
         .          .     73:       checkUp:           make(chan bool),
         .          .     74:       updateUp:          make(chan bool),
  512.05kB   512.05kB     75:       flush:             make(chan bool),
         .          .     76:       flushErr:          make(chan error),
         .          .     77:       periodFlush:       periodFlush,
         .   512.04kB     78:       keepSafe:          NewKeepSafe(keepsafe_initial_cap, keepsafe_keep_duration),
         .          .     79:       numErrTruncated:   stats.Counter("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Err.type=truncated"),
         .          .     80:       numErrWrite:       stats.Counter("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Err.type=write"),
         .          .     81:       numErrFlush:       stats.Counter("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Err.type=flush"),
         .          .     82:       numOut:            stats.Counter("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Metric.direction=out"),
         .   512.05kB     83:       durationWrite:     stats.Timer("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".what=durationWrite"),
         .   512.02kB     84:       durationTickFlush: stats.Timer("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".what=durationFlush.type=ticker"),
         .          .     85:       durationManuFlush: stats.Timer("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".what=durationFlush.type=manual"),
         .          .     86:       tickFlushSize:     stats.Histogram("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=B.what=FlushSize.type=ticker"),
         .          .     87:       manuFlushSize:     stats.Histogram("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=B.what=FlushSize.type=manual"),
         .          .     88:       numBuffered:       stats.Gauge("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Metric.what=numBuffered"),
         .          .     89:       bufferSize:        stats.Gauge("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Metric.what=bufferSize"),
       2MB        2MB     90:       numDropBadPickle:  stats.Counter("dest=" + cleanAddr + ".unit=Metric.action=drop.reason=bad_pickle"),
         .          .     91:   }
         .          .     92:   connObj.bufferSize.Update(int64(connBufSize))
         .          .     93:
         .          .     94:   go connObj.checkEOF()
         .          .     95:
(pprof) list keepSafe
Total: 33.37GB
ROUTINE ========================*keepSafe).keepClean in /home/bzed/workspace/gocode/src/
    7.64GB     7.64GB (flat, cum) 22.91% of Total
         .          .     27:func (k *keepSafe) keepClean() {
         .          .     28:   tick := time.NewTicker(k.periodKeep)
         .          .     29:   for range tick.C {
         .          .     30:       k.Lock()
         .          .     31:       k.safeOld = k.safeRecent
    7.64GB     7.64GB     32:       k.safeRecent = make([][]byte, 0, k.initialCap)
         .          .     33:       k.Unlock()
         .          .     34:   }
         .          .     35:}
         .          .     36:
         .          .     37:func (k *keepSafe) Add(buf []byte) {
bzed commented 6 years ago

I think the commit mentioned above makes things better - need to run it for some hours to have some comparable results. Seems there is still a memory leak somewhere, though. Reproducing the problem is easy: use haproxy or nc to listen on a lot of ports, connect carbon-relay-ng to them and restart your listener several times (in case of haproxy: stop and start, restarts will pass on connections).

bzed commented 6 years ago

Looking at the real reason doesn't seem to be fixed - as it still leaks some memory, but my workaround works.

bzed commented 6 years ago

Still leaking in

ROUTINE ========================*keepSafe).keepClean in /home/bzed/workspace/gocode/src/
    1.99GB     1.99GB (flat, cum) 88.43% of Total
         .          .     27:func (k *keepSafe) keepClean() {
         .          .     28:   tick := time.NewTicker(k.periodKeep)
         .          .     29:   for range tick.C {
         .          .     30:       k.Lock()
         .          .     31:       k.safeOld = k.safeRecent
    1.99GB     1.99GB     32:       k.safeRecent = make([][]byte, 0, k.initialCap)
         .          .     33:       k.Unlock()
         .          .     34:   }
         .          .     35:}
         .          .     36:
         .          .     37:func (k *keepSafe) Add(buf []byte) {
AnderEnder commented 6 years ago

@bzed, is tested on real production traffic. Confirmed that memory leaks are gone and the RES memory is stable around 407MB.

Dieterbe commented 6 years ago

the problem with the keepsafe stuff is: 1) the keepClean goroutine leaks (remains alive after the keepsafe is no longer used) 2) because of 1, the k.safeOld and k.safeRecent are maintained (and always contain k.initialCap worth of data)

I don't think the PR properly addresses these issues. i'm working one which I think does :

i'll have a look at the writer stuff next

Dieterbe commented 6 years ago

followup on above message. I have been looking at the writer stuff but it looks sane. I see no reason why the bufwriter memory would remain live when it shouldn't. i also tried with this patch and a test setup where i continuously kill and re-instantiate an endpoint and the logs say:


IOW I think the conn objects are correctly cleaned up, the writers showing up in the mem profiles looks legitimate. @bzed @AnderEnder instead of #248 could you try #259 and post your findings?

for a sanity check, it would also help if you can enable debug mode and confirm that each log entry like .conn.Read returned EOF -> conn is closed. closing conn explicitly", c.dest.Addr) is followed by these shortly after.

        log.Debug("conn %s Close() called. sending shutdown\n", c.dest.Addr)
        log.Debug("conn %s c.conn.Close()\n", c.dest.Addr)
        log.Debug("conn %s c.conn is closed\n", c.dest.Addr)
Dieterbe commented 6 years ago

anyone ? @bzed @AnderEnder see my 2 comments above please. I'ld like to get the proper fix merged.

AnderEnder commented 6 years ago

@Dieterbe, unfortunately I do not have the environment anymore, where I can reproduce it. I can try to reproduce it locally and get back to you.

Dieterbe commented 6 years ago

that would be appreciated, thanks.

bzed commented 6 years ago

@Dieterbe sorry, was on holidays and still trying to catch up with todos.... its on the list!

AnderEnder commented 6 years ago


Unfortunately my test shows that the issue is till there:

vagrant@carbon-dev:/home/go/src/$ ./carbon-relay-ng version
carbon-relay-ng 0.9.4-8-g0d50fe3 (built with go1.10)

vagrant@carbon-dev:/home/go/src/$ while true; do ps auxwww | grep carbon-relay-ng | grep -v grep ; sleep 60; done
vagrant   2347 10.2  1.8 178984 38180 pts/0    Sl   16:01   0:01 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 16.0  6.1 271860 124980 pts/0   Sl   16:01   0:11 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 14.4 13.0 281640 267056 pts/0   Sl   16:01   0:19 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 15.2 22.2 472300 456372 pts/0   Sl   16:01   0:29 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 14.9 24.0 506516 492788 pts/0   Sl   16:01   0:37 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 14.6 24.1 565180 495064 pts/0   Sl   16:01   0:45 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 14.0 27.7 635340 567740 pts/0   Sl   16:01   0:52 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 13.9 31.1 669560 638840 pts/0   Sl   16:01   1:00 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 13.8 37.6 925352 770616 pts/0   Sl   16:01   1:08 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 13.8 38.0 925416 779568 pts/0   Sl   16:01   1:16 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 13.7 39.3 965188 804880 pts/0   Sl   16:01   1:24 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 14.1 42.6 965252 872464 pts/0   Sl   16:01   1:35 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 14.5 43.1 1063028 883828 pts/0  Rl   16:01   1:46 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 14.9 44.5 1063028 913020 pts/0  Sl   16:01   1:58 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 15.0 45.3 1175460 928912 pts/0  Sl   16:01   2:08 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 16.1 47.4 1175460 971384 pts/0  Sl   16:01   2:27 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 16.9 47.6 1295228 975180 pts/0  Sl   16:01   2:44 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 17.7 51.3 1295228 1050956 pts/0 Sl   16:01   3:03 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 19.1 51.1 1402780 1046724 pts/0 Sl   16:01   3:29 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 21.1 53.7 1402780 1099796 pts/0 Sl   16:01   4:03 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 21.8 53.6 1510328 1098864 pts/0 Sl   16:01   4:25 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 22.3 56.7 1510328 1161968 pts/0 Sl   16:01   4:44 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 23.4 56.8 1608100 1164788 pts/0 Sl   16:01   5:12 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 24.9 59.4 1608100 1217216 pts/0 Sl   16:01   5:47 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 25.7 60.3 1725428 1235188 pts/0 Rl   16:01   6:14 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 26.9 64.0 1725428 1311740 pts/0 Sl   16:01   6:47 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 27.8 64.2 1832980 1315732 pts/0 Sl   16:01   7:19 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 29.0 67.6 1832980 1384340 pts/0 Sl   16:01   7:55 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 29.9 67.7 1942980 1388124 pts/0 Sl   16:01   8:28 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 30.8 71.7 1942980 1468740 pts/0 Sl   16:01   9:01 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini
vagrant   2347 31.8 71.8 2048080 1470916 pts/0 Sl   16:01   9:37 /home/go/src/ /home/carbon/carbon-relay-ng.ini

So 30 minutes and 1.5Gb is already consumed by carbon-relay-ng.

I used the same version go-carbon: 0.10.1, which closes incoming connections very often. It does not require any traffic at all.

Dieterbe commented 6 years ago

you sure you ran the code from #259 right? is there an easy way to replicate your setup? if so can you provide instructions and configs.

bzed commented 6 years ago

@Dieterbe the code from #259 is running well for some days now. Looking at kcachegrind I think I see some minor memory leaks that were gone with my changes, but so far I can't complain.

bzed commented 6 years ago

AnderEnder commented 6 years ago

you sure you ran the code from #259 right? is there an easy way to replicate your setup? if so can you provide instructions and configs.

@Dieterbe, I described the version in the previous message: 0.9.4-8-g0d50fe3, so the revision is 0d50fe3:

$ git checkout 0d50fe3
HEAD is now at 0d50fe3 fix goroutine and memory leak in keepSafe

$ git log -n1
commit 0d50fe3725514c3a4233b492afa25002623fd6ed (HEAD -> memleak-fix2, origin/memleak-fix2, origin/memleak-fix)
Author: Dieter Plaetinck <>
Date:   Wed Feb 21 15:52:45 2018 +0100

    fix goroutine and memory leak in keepSafe

Do you need a profiling for this version? I assume that it will be similar to the previous one.

Dieterbe commented 6 years ago

OK i missed that, that's the right version hmm that's strange then. for @bzed #259 seems to work fine, but for you it doesn't. can you provide steps to reproduce?

AnderEnder commented 6 years ago
Dieterbe commented 5 years ago

Good news. I finally had some time to dig into this. Using @AnderEnder 's instructions above I was able to consistently reproduce and experiment. For my experiments i patched go-carbon to timeout the inbound connection after 10s. This made the issue very visible. And it shows how bad it was.

I've found several issues and fixed them. My inital PR, #259 was a partial fix and I have merged it to master. Followup fixes are in PR #329

I used this script to collect profiles, memory measurements, and output, stepping through the various commits, before the merge of #259, after the merge of #259, and then all commits in the new PR, and it plots the memory stats via gnuplot.

Here's the relevant commits and their effect

recent master.

48ba6d0c366928f6e7d89164cf57f67c7501c48d Pretty clearly, terribly leaky. 48ba6d0c366928f6e7d89164cf57f67c7501c48d

current master (#259 merged)

13677e76494dde60002cd6b52a496780ec96f3ee Better, but still leaky.


next follows 3 commits that clean up code, but don't have a material impact.

The rss measurements seem to be randomly transposed over the time axis. not sure why. seems like the golang heap measurement is more reliable and useful.

09256f8540d956effaa7f40a19bd4d50abe711fd 179dca380fb2c347d0ecc9b84f9f055ffc248fca 51decb33ce21c83d2db9ba24b3f4543079db5f45

09256f8540d956effaa7f40a19bd4d50abe711fd 179dca380fb2c347d0ecc9b84f9f055ffc248fca 51decb33ce21c83d2db9ba24b3f4543079db5f45

a commit that gets rid of a leaking goroutine that was holding open a reference to Conn.

this was preventing Conn from getting GC'd. This was basically the main fix right here. 675dad74d926c7655643b74b4b9b02fb3cfb3c21


some more commits

3e1dcd45c84d34277994ffa4af0f9b0d530266ed 9c84297b85763bc1887aa2da8b6ec55d6f4aa368 890aac2fd9cea23838c5ea6ca993158fdb78d522

code cleanup + fix when keepSafe is closed not much difference visible here. the heap differences in spikes are probably simply measurement artifacts. there was a bug in #259, which is we shouldn't close keepSafe when marking the connection as dead, but only after giving the destination the change to read the keepSafe buffer. so we fix that here, it's a slight timing change.

3e1dcd45c84d34277994ffa4af0f9b0d530266ed 9c84297b85763bc1887aa2da8b6ec55d6f4aa368 890aac2fd9cea23838c5ea6ca993158fdb78d522


I believe this is finally fixed now. Please test #329; i want to merge it soon.

Dieterbe commented 5 years ago

I have merged the PR to master. so you can test it. note that the latest but unreleased code now uses the master tag on docker hub, and a separate repository. see #330 for more info.

bzed commented 5 years ago

It's running fine in our dev environment since yesterday. Will start to put it on prod next week, so far no issues.

Dieterbe commented 5 years ago

As I'm feeling pretty confident about this, and a bunch of other stuff was dying to make it into a release, I've gone ahead and tagged the new release 0.11.0, so now you can deploy that. I'm gonna close this issue but feel free to post further updates and experiences here.