grafana / faro-web-sdk

The Grafana Faro Web SDK, part of the Grafana Faro project, is a highly configurable web SDK for real user monitoring (RUM) that instruments browser frontend applications to capture observability signals. Frontend telemetry can then be correlated with backend and infrastructure data for full-stack observability.
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Console instrumentation ignore span context when calling pushLog #632

Open mxab opened 5 days ago

mxab commented 5 days ago


When using e.g. inside an active span the instrumented console doesn't provide the span context to the pushLogs call

If this is missing the pushLog doesn't attach tracing infos to the log statment

Steps to reproduce

      .startActiveSpan('hello world', (span) => {
        // send a log message"sending hello to backend")

Expected behavior

When using inside a active span the logs should have trace data

Actual behavior

No trace / span data inside the logs on the faro side for kind=log log entries


mxab commented 2 days ago

Ok, so I miss read the code it falls back on calling the tracesApi.getTraceContext() if no span context is provided.

But if I debug it in the browser the otel.trace.getSpanContext( returns an undefined context


But the console.log is called inside an active span:


Any ideas what I'm missing @codecapitano ?

codecapitano commented 2 days ago

Hi @mxab I tested it in the Faro demo. But I think there's an issue because I got another ask recently because of an undefined context.

Screenshot from the demo.

codecapitano commented 2 days ago

@mxab When and were do you initialize Faro? Do you maybe have something else running which initializes otel?

Maybe you can share your Faro config?

codecapitano commented 2 days ago

But if I debug it in the browser the otel.trace.getSpanContext( returns an undefined context

getSpanConext is fetching the context with this line of code:
const ctx = otel?.trace.getSpanContext(;

If there's no active span it returns undefined because it can't find an active context.

mxab commented 1 day ago

Hmm the returns a value


But the returned base context seems to be empty, there fore not finding any span context.

The general init is an angular application

import { ErrorHandler, NgModule, APP_INITIALIZER } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';

import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { HomeComponent } from './home/home.component';
import { ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { provideHttpClient, withInterceptorsFromDi } from '@angular/common/http';
import { FaroErrorHandler } from './errors';

import { getWebInstrumentations, initializeFaro, createSession, faro } from '@grafana/faro-web-sdk';
import { TracingInstrumentation } from '@grafana/faro-web-tracing';
import { NavigationStart, Router } from '@angular/router';
import { filter, map } from 'rxjs';

function initFaro(router: Router): Function {
  return async () => {

    initializeFaro({  // <---------------------------------------------------------INIT FARO
      url: 'http://localhost:12347/collect',

      apiKey: 'secret',
      app: {
        name: 'my-angular-app',
        version: '1.0.0',
        environment: 'development'

      sessionTracking: {
        enabled: true,
        session: createSession({
      instrumentations: [...getWebInstrumentations(), new TracingInstrumentation(
          instrumentationOptions: {
            // Requests to these URLs will have tracing headers attached.
            propagateTraceHeaderCorsUrls: [new RegExp('http://localhost:8080/*'), new RegExp('http://localhost:8000/*')],
   // --------------------------------------------- end init

  // ---------------------------------------------- configure faro view setting
      filter(e => e instanceof NavigationStart),
      map(e => e as NavigationStart))
      .subscribe((e: NavigationStart) => {
          name: e.url
  //---------------------------------------------- end faro view

  declarations: [
  bootstrap: [AppComponent],
  imports: [BrowserModule, ReactiveFormsModule, AppRoutingModule],
  providers: [
    { provide: APP_INITIALIZER, useFactory: initFaro, multi: true, deps: [Router] }, // <------------------ faro init via APP_INITIALIZER
    { provide: ErrorHandler, useClass: FaroErrorHandler },
export class AppModule { }

I have another application which uses 1.6.0 where it works. The setup looks similar. Investigating more....

codecapitano commented 1 day ago

Thank you so much Max 🙏 Please don't hesitate to ask or when you want to validate assumptions. You can also find ob the Faro community Slack

Hmm ok, with 1.8.0 we update the otel dependencies in the web-tracing and Faro core packages.


codecapitano commented 1 day ago

Maybe an idea: I see that the initOtel(trace, context)) function in faro core doesn't validate the inputs.

Maybe it happens that it gets called multiple times and overwrites the context with undefined at the last call. 🤔

mxab commented 1 day ago

I downgraded to 1.6.0 but the issue remain.

I noticed when I the inside the .startActiveSpan('hello world', (span) => {

The span it self has a value of a NonRecordingSpan3 

    "_spanContext": {
        "traceId": "00000000000000000000000000000000",
        "spanId": "0000000000000000",
        "traceFlags": 0
      .startActiveSpan('hello world', (span) => {
        // send a log message"sending hello to backend")
        const request$ = this.http.get<{message: string, id: number}>(backend, {
          params: {

        lastValueFrom(request$).then((res) => {
"got response from backend ", res.message)
        }).finally(() => {

codecapitano commented 1 day ago

Did you already try the otel logger?

Right before calling the Faro init function you can enable otel logging.

import { diag, DiagConsoleLogger, DiagLogLevel } from '@opentelemetry/api';
// ...
 diag.setLogger(new DiagConsoleLogger(), DiagLogLevel.ALL);

And you can also enable Faro debug logs

  // ...
  internalLoggerLevel: InternalLoggerLevel.VERBOSE