grafana / grafana-community-support-squad

Public repository for the Grafana community support squad
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2023 Q1 OKR updates #61

Open mellieA opened 1 year ago

mellieA commented 1 year ago
Great support in the community forum Update 3/21
Collaborate with Developer Programs, K6 DevRel/Support & David to learn about other ways we can track community health. Create a design doc to track what we learn. Not started
Respond to community forum questions in each of these categories: Alerting & Dashboards at 65%
Alerting 45.3
Dashboards 62.2
Solve (and categorise) the top 20 forum topics of the last quarter 65%
Collaborate with the docs team to improve Grafana tutorials by deprecating and publishing at least 2 new tutorials Alerting tutorial in progress, Usman working on one too
Keep improving play
Update dashboards to use live data from 2 real public data sources
Migrate community dashboards to play using the new JSON datasource
Put together some guidelines on how play works and present to the rest of the eng org
Get the cloud infra team to own the infra of play
Stir up more community involvement
share our OKRs with the members of the VIP slack channel Done
Gather topics from the people in the VIP slack channel they’d like us to bring to the office hours Requested
Share our new team dashboards with the wider community by writing a blog post Matt to work on
Gather feedback from the VIP slack channel by the end of the quarter Not Started
Invest in knowledge sharing within and outside the squad
Organise 2 office hours with other teams Antonio Scheduling
Organise 2 retrospectives with the squad One complete with DevRel
Organise at least 1 internal knowledge sharing session Not scheduled
mellieA commented 1 year ago
Great support in the community forum Update 4/10
Collaborate with Developer Programs, K6 DevRel/Support & David to learn about other ways we can track community health. Create a design doc to track what we learn. Doc Started
Respond to community forum questions in each of these categories: Alerting & Dashboards at 65%
Alerting 51.3
Dashboards 68.6
Solve (and categorise) the top 20 forum topics of the last quarter 80%
Collaborate with the docs team to improve Grafana tutorials by deprecating and publishing at least 2 new tutorials Alerting tutorial in progress, Usman's is ready for review
Keep improving play
Update dashboards to use live data from 2 real public data sources Not yet
Migrate community dashboards to play using the new JSON datasource Not yet
Put together some guidelines on how play works and present to the rest of the eng org Not yet
Get the cloud infra team to own the infra of play Matt working on this
Stir up more community involvement
share our OKRs with the members of the VIP slack channel Done
Gather topics from the people in the VIP slack channel they’d like us to bring to the office hours Requested
Share our new team dashboards with the wider community by writing a blog post Matt to work on, not started yet
Gather feedback from the VIP slack channel by the end of the quarter Not Started
Invest in knowledge sharing within and outside the squad
Organise 2 office hours with other teams Antonio Scheduling
Organise 2 retrospectives with the squad One complete with DevRel
Organise at least 1 internal knowledge sharing session Not scheduled