grafana / grafana-kiosk

Kiosk Utility for Grafana
Apache License 2.0
343 stars 57 forks source link

Kiosk does not start after Grafana Update v10.1.2 #114

Open cyborgxxl opened 9 months ago

cyborgxxl commented 9 months ago


I updated grafana to v10.1.2 a few days ago and now the LCD display remains gray. The browser starts but apparently GrafanaKiosk version v1.0.6 no longer works with the current Grafana version. Can you confirm this error or is it due to my configuration? Before the update everything worked without any problems.

When I manually start Grafana Kios in the console I get the following message:

GrafanaKiosk Version: v1.0.6
2023/09/26 10:04:39 No config specified, using environment and args
2023/09/26 10:04:39 AutoFit: true
2023/09/26 10:04:39 LXDEEnabled: false
2023/09/26 10:04:39 LXDEHome: /home/pi
2023/09/26 10:04:39 Mode: full
2023/09/26 10:04:39 WindowPosition: 0,0
2023/09/26 10:04:39 WindowSize:
2023/09/26 10:04:39 URL:
2023/09/26 10:04:39 LoginMethod: anon
2023/09/26 10:04:39 Username: guest
2023/09/26 10:04:39 Password: *redacted*
2023/09/26 10:04:39 IgnoreCertificateErrors: false
2023/09/26 10:04:39 IsPlayList: false
2023/09/26 10:04:39 UseMFA: false
2023/09/26 10:04:39 Fieldname AutoLogin: false
2023/09/26 10:04:39 Fieldname Username: username
2023/09/26 10:04:39 Fieldname Password: password
2023/09/26 10:04:39 DISPLAY not set, autosetting to :0.0
2023/09/26 10:04:39 DISPLAY= :0.0
2023/09/26 10:04:39 XAUTHORITY not set, autosetting
2023/09/26 10:04:39 XAUTHORITY= /home/pi/.Xauthority
2023/09/26 10:04:39 method  anon
2023/09/26 10:04:39 Launching ANON login kiosk
2023/09/26 10:04:39 Using temp dir: /tmp/chromedp-kiosk534343618
2023/09/26 10:04:48 KioskMode: Fullscreen
2023/09/26 10:04:48 Navigating to
2023/09/26 10:04:57 console.error call:
2023/09/26 10:04:57     string - "Faro\n"
2023/09/26 10:04:57     string - "@grafana/faro-web-sdk:transport-fetch\n"
2023/09/26 10:04:57     string - "Failed sending payload to the receiver\n"
2023/09/26 10:04:57     object -
2023/09/26 10:04:57     object -
2023/09/26 10:05:00 console.error call:
2023/09/26 10:05:00     string - "Faro\n"
2023/09/26 10:05:00     string - "@grafana/faro-web-sdk:transport-fetch\n"
2023/09/26 10:05:00     string - "Failed sending payload to the receiver\n"
2023/09/26 10:05:00     object -
2023/09/26 10:05:00     object -
2023/09/26 10:05:01 console.warning call:
2023/09/26 10:05:01     string - "AT:"
2023/09/26 10:05:01     string - "[triggerView()]"
2023/09/26 10:05:01     string - "View name should be a non-empty string"
2023/09/26 10:05:01     string - ""
 console.error call:
2023/09/26 10:05:00     string - "Faro\n"
2023/09/26 10:05:00     string - "@grafana/faro-web-sdk:transport-fetch\n"

If i do "sudo systemctl status grafana-kiosk" I see the following:

● grafana-kiosk.service - Grafana Kiosk
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/grafana-kiosk.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Tue 2023-09-19 09:19:22 CEST; 1 weeks 0 days ago
    Process: 568 ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 30 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 1169 (grafana-kiosk.l)
      Tasks: 7 (limit: 3721)
        CPU: 12.718s
     CGroup: /system.slice/grafana-kiosk.service
             ├─1169 /home/pi/grafana-kiosk-v1.0.6/grafana-kiosk.linux.arm64 -URL -login-method local -username xx -password xxxxxx -field-username xx -field-password xxxxx-autofit=false -kiosk-mode=full -lxde
             └─1177 /usr/bin/pcmanfm --desktop --profile LXDE

It is all green...

My service config looks like:

Description=Grafana Kiosk


ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 30
ExecStart=/home/pi/grafana-kiosk-v1.0.6/grafana-kiosk.linux.arm64 -URL -login-method local -username xx -password xxx -field-username xx -field-password xxx -autofit=false -kiosk-mode=full -lxde

vbulbul commented 9 months ago

I have same issue on Grafana 10.1.4

root@kiosk:/home/pi# cat /etc/os-release PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)" NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="11" VERSION="11 (bullseye)" VERSION_CODENAME=bullseye ID=raspbian ID_LIKE=debian HOME_URL="" SUPPORT_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="" root@kiosk:/home/pi# uname -a Linux kiosk 6.1.21-v7+ #1642 SMP Mon Apr 3 17:20:52 BST 2023 armv7l GNU/Linux

briangann commented 9 months ago

taking a look, will update with results, i'm running with 10.1.2, but will check agains the play site also in case there is something odd going on there.

yulipumal commented 7 months ago

As I found out, it seems to be a bug in chromium on the RaspBerry Pi bookworm, when chromium is executed with parameter kiosk. 1, 2

Grafana-Kiosk does exactly this, it executes: chromium --kiosk ...

Since the proposed solution is, to add another parameter --start-maximized, besides kiosk, can this be added here as well?

briangann commented 7 months ago

taking another look, will need to spin up another pi with bookworm to see what is going on (and auto-detect which param to send)

yulipumal commented 6 months ago

any news on this problem?

briangann commented 4 months ago

will check options here, detecting which flags are available might be workable to decide which parameter to use.

briangann commented 4 months ago

i'll replicate the install and test again with bookworm, i did run into a problem with lxpanel hanging on startup, and chromium never being launched.