grafana / grafana

The open and composable observability and data visualization platform. Visualize metrics, logs, and traces from multiple sources like Prometheus, Loki, Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, Postgres and many more.
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Feature request: Graph Pan & Zoom #1387

Open roscoe57 opened 9 years ago

roscoe57 commented 9 years ago

hi great work, really cool stuff

is there anyway to zoom in using mouse into Y axis ? it seems to lock Y and zoom into time/X axis

also once you have zoomed into a graph is there anyway to pan and move forwards/back in time without having to zoom out then back in again ?

andreparodi commented 9 years ago

This would be a nice feature. I especially find that sometimes there are some outliers that make the y axis max got very high and it's impossible to see details on the rest of the chart because the y axis max is too big.

would be great if the selection of a time range allowed you to select a particular y range as well.

roscoe57 commented 9 years ago

it would be nice to have the mouse zoom into X&Y area with configurable option to have Y zoom lock to operate as it is as well, then most other graphing packages offer right click hold (or screen icons) to pan time sideways.

RadiusMWright commented 8 years ago

+1 on the y-axis zoom feature request

jtyr commented 8 years ago

+1 for panning

iplon commented 8 years ago

+1 for panning to change the x-axis / displayed time-window with the mouse Could this be put on some keyboard-mouse combination and show up a "hand" cursor while moving the time-axis?

PaulKuiper commented 8 years ago

+1 for panning and y scaling

zas commented 8 years ago

+1 for panning and y scaling, this is really needed

timgriffiths commented 8 years ago


TechniclabErdmann commented 8 years ago


sslupsky commented 8 years ago


eranbetzalel commented 7 years ago


sslupsky commented 7 years ago

This feature request is more than a year and a half old ... any progress on thoughts on this?

sslupsky commented 7 years ago

Here are my thoughts on the UI enhancements to the graph panel for this:

  1. Include two icons, a "+" and "-" of the left hand side for zooming the axis (that is, changing the span of the y axis).
  2. Click and drag one of the horizontal grid lines to move the y axis range up or down (that is, change the y axis offset).
M-Sivanraj commented 7 years ago

+1 for both Zoom In and Out controls

gwuillou commented 7 years ago

Hello, I am totally agree to add these features. I think the scroll must be used for zoom in and zoom out and click and shift right or left to move the time range later or earlier.

Then it will be better to use the Iframe as in the example:

Now it this not easy to zoom out and to move the time range. It is a little bit tricky

Thank you for all the work done for grafana. It is a beautiful tool. But it could always be better!

B0L1CH commented 6 years ago


mikepurvis commented 6 years ago

The ideal interaction model from my perspective is how dygraphs work— zoomable, pannable plots, with multitouch and mousewheel/shift+drag.

See demo:

starwolf73 commented 5 years ago

Hello, I agree that Panning (moving horizontal) is really a must in any visualizer dashboard same as zoom. Many time I want to keep the same scale and just compare time by panning and I found it not intuitive with the way it is presently design. Mostly with tablet device getting popular to look at dashboard, this feature is now getting very popular. Also I will suggest to add an option to inverse the pan and zoom, like click/drag for pan and Shift+click/drag for zoom. This way it is more intuitive if we provide a dashboard for PC or Mobile/Tablet.

Wish I can help with this feature but my programmer knowledge is limited, I'm open to help and learn if someone can take the lead. I can also test it and provide constructive feedback. Thanks for all your work!

starwolf73 commented 5 years ago

I suggest you look at Netdata behaviour with their Pan and Zoom. It is very intuitive and friendly with mobile device.

xolom commented 5 years ago


sanderp42 commented 4 years ago

Any updates on this feature? I don't see it in action on

rmunoz10 commented 4 years ago


TheEdu commented 4 years ago

+1 panning

dturakhia commented 4 years ago


jtackaberry commented 4 years ago

Definitely a missed opportunity here. The keyboard shortcuts are painful and clearly selected by someone who never uses them. Mouse-driven pan/zooming would be extraordinarily useful.

juamiso commented 4 years ago

Just moved from flot (iobroker) to grafana and I am dissapointed that this is not a current feature. Press [scape] to exit kiosk mode ?! We live in 2020, mobile phones have no keys... Otherwise, Grafana rocks

xolom commented 4 years ago

I think we can give up hope as this issue was opened 5 years ago and nothing happened...

seikobu commented 4 years ago

I was fiddling with garafana for a while now... It looks and feels quite awesome! Sadly this thread made me realize, that it won't work out for my purposes.

I'm looking for an open source tool to visualize big datasets with a scientific background. Hence features like zoom and pan - but also other things like different multiple Y-Axis (you can only have two in Grafana, correct?) - are a must-have.

Does anyone has an idea what I could use? Unfortunately all the data resides in a MSSQL and I can't change that.

galexey commented 4 years ago

so sad - grafana is not usable on mobile in any browser without pan/zoom (at least in x-axis). otherwise grafana is great, but without that I have to go and look for an alternative.

hmartiro commented 4 years ago


jguiban commented 4 years ago

+1 Definitively a missing feature

nabelekt commented 3 years ago

I too would very much like to see the capability of panning through time without changing the current zoom level added. I think shift+click and drag on the plot would be a good implementation. A scrollbar could become hard to use effectively over very long periods of time.

nabelekt commented 3 years ago

Similar to using [shift+click and drag ] to pan, shift+scroll could be used to zoom in and out on the plot.

nabelekt commented 2 years ago

Though this request was made for the now-deprecated Graph panel, I think it applies to TImeseries as well.

sylr commented 9 months ago

Also what I would need to compare latencies before and after a major event:


olfMombach commented 4 months ago

I'm baffled that this request for basic functionality is from 2015 (literally 9 years from the past) and it still isn't possible to move the plot by grabbing.