grafana / grafana

The open and composable observability and data visualization platform. Visualize metrics, logs, and traces from multiple sources like Prometheus, Loki, Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, Postgres and many more.
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Dependency Dashboard #40378

Open renovate[bot] opened 2 years ago

renovate[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

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[!WARNING] Renovate failed to look up the following dependencies: Failed to look up npm package ~7.0.0, Failed to look up npm package 7.3.4.

Files affected: package.json


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Detected dependencies

package.json - `@emotion/css 11.11.2` - `@emotion/react 11.11.4` - `@floating-ui/react 0.26.13` - `@glideapps/glide-data-grid ^6.0.0` - `@grafana/aws-sdk 0.3.3` - `@grafana/experimental 1.7.10` - `@grafana/faro-core ^1.3.6` - `@grafana/faro-web-sdk ^1.3.6` - `@grafana/google-sdk 0.1.2` - `@grafana/lezer-logql 0.2.3` - `@grafana/monaco-logql ^0.0.7` - `@grafana/scenes ^4.14.0` - `@kusto/monaco-kusto ^10.0.0` - `@leeoniya/ufuzzy 1.0.14` - `@lezer/common 1.2.1` - `@lezer/highlight 1.2.0` - `@lezer/lr 1.3.3` - `@locker/near-membrane-dom 0.13.6` - `@locker/near-membrane-shared 0.13.6` - `@locker/near-membrane-shared-dom 0.13.6` - `@msagl/core ^1.1.16` - `@msagl/parser ^1.1.16` - `@opentelemetry/api 1.8.0` - `@opentelemetry/exporter-collector 0.25.0` - `@opentelemetry/semantic-conventions 1.23.0` - `@popperjs/core 2.11.8` - `@prometheus-io/lezer-promql ^0.37.0-rc.1` - `@react-aria/dialog 3.5.13` - `@react-aria/focus 3.17.0` - `@react-aria/overlays 3.22.0` - `@react-aria/utils 3.24.0` - `@react-awesome-query-builder/ui 6.4.2` - `@reduxjs/toolkit 1.9.5` - `@testing-library/react-hooks ^8.0.1` - `@visx/event 3.3.0` - `@visx/gradient 3.3.0` - `@visx/group 3.3.0` - `@visx/shape 3.5.0` - `@visx/tooltip 3.3.0` - `@welldone-software/why-did-you-render 8.0.1` - `angular 1.8.3` - `angular-bindonce 0.3.1` - `angular-route 1.8.3` - `angular-sanitize 1.8.3` - `ansicolor 1.1.100` - `baron 3.0.3` - `brace 0.11.1` - `centrifuge 5.1.1` - `classnames 2.5.1` - `combokeys ^3.0.0` - `comlink 4.4.1` - `common-tags 1.8.2` - `d3 7.9.0` - `d3-force 3.0.0` - `d3-scale-chromatic 3.1.0` - `dangerously-set-html-content 1.1.0` - `date-fns 3.6.0` - `debounce-promise 3.1.2` - `diff ^5.1.0` - `fast-deep-equal ^3.1.3` - `fast-json-patch 3.1.1` - `file-saver 2.0.5` - `i18next ^23.0.0` - `i18next-browser-languagedetector ^7.0.2` - `immer 10.0.4` - `immutable 4.3.5` - `jquery 3.7.1` - `js-yaml ^4.1.0` - `json-markup ^1.1.0` - `json-source-map 0.6.1` - `jsurl ^0.1.5` - `kbar 0.1.0-beta.45` - `leven ^4.0.0` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `logfmt ^1.3.2` - `lru-cache 10.2.2` - `lru-memoize ^1.1.0` - `lucene ^2.1.1` - `marked 12.0.2` - `memoize-one 6.0.0` - `ml-regression-polynomial ^3.0.0` - `ml-regression-simple-linear ^3.0.0` - `moment 2.30.1` - `moment-timezone 0.5.45` - `mousetrap 1.6.5` - `mousetrap-global-bind 1.1.0` - `moveable 0.53.0` - `nanoid ^5.0.4` - `node-forge ^1.3.1` - `ol 7.4.0` - `ol-ext 4.0.18` - `pluralize ^8.0.0` - `prismjs 1.29.0` - `rc-slider 10.6.2` - `rc-time-picker 3.7.3` - `rc-tree 5.8.5` - `re-resizable 6.9.16` - `react 18.2.0` - `react-beautiful-dnd 13.1.1` - `react-diff-viewer ^3.1.1` - `react-dom 18.2.0` - `react-draggable 4.4.6` - `react-dropzone ^14.2.3` - `react-grid-layout 1.4.4` - `react-highlight-words 0.20.0` - `react-hook-form ^7.49.2` - `react-i18next ^14.0.0` - `react-inlinesvg 3.0.2` - `react-loading-skeleton 3.4.0` - `react-moveable 0.56.0` - `react-redux 8.1.3` - `react-resizable 3.0.5` - `react-responsive-carousel ^3.2.23` - `react-router 5.3.3` - `react-router-dom-v5-compat ^6.10.0` - `react-select 5.8.0` - 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`@playwright/test 1.43.1` - `@pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin 0.5.13` - `@react-types/button 3.9.3` - `@react-types/menu 3.9.8` - `@react-types/overlays 3.8.6` - `@react-types/shared 3.22.1` - `@rtk-query/codegen-openapi ^1.2.0` - `@rtsao/plugin-proposal-class-properties 7.0.1-patch.1` - `@swc/helpers 0.5.11` - `@testing-library/dom 10.0.0` - `@testing-library/jest-dom 6.4.2` - `@testing-library/react 15.0.2` - `@testing-library/user-event 14.5.2` - `@types/angular 1.8.9` - `@types/angular-route 1.7.6` - `@types/babel__core ^7` - `@types/babel__preset-env ^7` - `@types/chance ^1.1.3` - `@types/common-tags ^1.8.0` - `@types/d3 7.4.3` - `@types/d3-force ^3.0.0` - `@types/d3-scale-chromatic 3.0.3` - `@types/debounce-promise 3.1.9` - `@types/diff ^5` - `@types/eslint 8.56.10` - `@types/eslint-scope ^3.7.7` - `@types/file-saver 2.0.7` - `@types/glob ^8.0.0` - `@types/ ^0.0.46` - `@types/gtag.js ^0.0.19` - `@types/jest 29.5.12` - `@types/jquery 3.5.29` - `@types/js-yaml ^4.0.5` - `@types/jsurl ^1.2.28` - 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`ts-node 10.9.2` - `typescript 5.4.5` - `webpack 5.91.0` - `webpack-assets-manifest ^5.1.0` - `webpack-bundle-analyzer 4.10.2` - `webpack-cli 5.1.4` - `webpack-dev-server 5.0.4` - `webpack-manifest-plugin 5.0.0` - `webpack-merge 5.10.0` - `webpackbar ^6.0.0` - `yaml ^2.0.0` - `yargs ^17.5.1` - `node >= 20` - `underscore 1.13.6` - `~7.0.0 7.5.4` - `7.3.4 7.5.4` - `yarn 4.2.1`
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hoetmaaiers commented 1 year ago

React-aria updates are required to allow usage of e.g. TimeRangePicker in <StrictMode />.