grafana / grafana

The open and composable observability and data visualization platform. Visualize metrics, logs, and traces from multiple sources like Prometheus, Loki, Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, Postgres and many more.
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Build: Replace with a non-CGO alternative #87327

Open hairyhenderson opened 2 weeks ago

hairyhenderson commented 2 weeks ago

Why is this needed:

Currently we need to build the Grafana backend with CGO_ENABLED=1 because of our use of A pure Go alternative is available -

We should consider using this to simplify our build process (remove cross-compilation considerations, etc).

grafanabot commented 2 weeks ago

@hairyhenderson please add one or more appropriate labels. Here are some tips:

hairyhenderson commented 1 week ago

Upon reading closer about I realize my initial impression of was mistaken - I thought the latter had no database/sql driver, hence the former. However both have drivers. The reason glebarez/go-sqlite exists is explained here: - essentially:

glebarez/go-sqlite is just a fork of with slight changes in the driver part (2), to behave more closely to mattn’s CGo driver ( this slight changes allowed it to be fully compatible with GORM [...]

This may or may not be relevant, as we're currently using the mattn driver, and that with xorm, which, while different from GORM, raises questions about whether or not will work without too much trouble on its own. also lists a number of other candidate modules:

(copy/pasted from the README, and annotated by me):

So, we're left with effectively 3 options:

IMO it's worth experimenting with these three, starting with