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Canvas: Fix canvas style regression #87363

Closed nmarrs closed 2 weeks ago

nmarrs commented 2 weeks ago

Fix canvas style regression introduced by 😬 I think we may want to consider improvements on how we handle these type of changes on final days of bug bash

Before Screenshot 2024-05-03 at 4 28 11 PM


Screenshot 2024-05-03 at 4 25 56 PM


grafana-delivery-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

This PR must be merged before a backport PR will be created.

grafana-delivery-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

This PR must be merged before a backport PR will be created.

grafana-delivery-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

The backport to v11.0.x failed:

The process '/usr/bin/git' failed with exit code 1

To backport manually, run these commands in your terminal:

# Fetch latest updates from GitHub
git fetch
# Create a new branch
git switch --create backport-87363-to-v11.0.x origin/v11.0.x
# Cherry-pick the merged commit of this pull request and resolve the conflicts
git cherry-pick -x 5e4722fe2ec7f9cc5bd9e683aeeb688204b978f4

When the conflicts are resolved, stage and commit the changes:

git add . && git cherry-pick --continue

If you have the GitHub CLI installed:

# Push the branch to GitHub:
git push --set-upstream origin backport-87363-to-v11.0.x
# Create the PR body template
PR_BODY=$(gh pr view 87363 --json body --template 'Backport 5e4722fe2ec7f9cc5bd9e683aeeb688204b978f4 from #87363{{ "\n\n---\n\n" }}{{ index . "body" }}')
# Create the PR on GitHub
echo "${PR_BODY}" | gh pr create --title "[v11.0.x] Canvas: Fix canvas style regression" --body-file - --label "type/bug" --label "area/frontend" --label "area/panel/canvas" --label "no-changelog" --label "backport" --base v11.0.x --milestone 11.0.x --web

Or, if you don't have the GitHub CLI installed (we recommend you install it!):

# Push the branch to GitHub:
git push --set-upstream origin backport-87363-to-v11.0.x

# Create a pull request where the `base` branch is `v11.0.x` and the `compare`/`head` branch is `backport-87363-to-v11.0.x`.

# Remove the local backport branch
git switch main
git branch -D backport-87363-to-v11.0.x
grafana-delivery-bot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

The backport to v11.0.x failed:

The process '/usr/bin/git' failed with exit code 1

To backport manually, run these commands in your terminal:

# Fetch latest updates from GitHub
git fetch
# Create a new branch
git switch --create backport-87363-to-v11.0.x origin/v11.0.x
# Cherry-pick the merged commit of this pull request and resolve the conflicts
git cherry-pick -x 5e4722fe2ec7f9cc5bd9e683aeeb688204b978f4

When the conflicts are resolved, stage and commit the changes:

git add . && git cherry-pick --continue

If you have the GitHub CLI installed:

# Push the branch to GitHub:
git push --set-upstream origin backport-87363-to-v11.0.x
# Create the PR body template
PR_BODY=$(gh pr view 87363 --json body --template 'Backport 5e4722fe2ec7f9cc5bd9e683aeeb688204b978f4 from #87363{{ "\n\n---\n\n" }}{{ index . "body" }}')
# Create the PR on GitHub
echo "${PR_BODY}" | gh pr create --title "[v11.0.x] Canvas: Fix canvas style regression" --body-file - --label "type/bug" --label "area/frontend" --label "area/panel/canvas" --label "no-changelog" --label "backport" --base v11.0.x --milestone 11.0.x --web

Or, if you don't have the GitHub CLI installed (we recommend you install it!):

# Push the branch to GitHub:
git push --set-upstream origin backport-87363-to-v11.0.x

# Create a pull request where the `base` branch is `v11.0.x` and the `compare`/`head` branch is `backport-87363-to-v11.0.x`.

# Remove the local backport branch
git switch main
git branch -D backport-87363-to-v11.0.x
nmarrs commented 2 weeks ago

No need for backport as regression was not backported to v11.0.x 😌