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Explore: Investigate options for QL/QH with missing or permissions controlled datasources #88001

Open gelicia opened 1 month ago

gelicia commented 1 month ago

With Query Library and Query History, we store queries for a specific datasource to be used at a later time. However, datasources are not guaranteed to be permanent - they can be removed or the person can lose access to them. We need to think of what to do for these various perspectives, balancing UX concerns with security concerns.

Note: Deleting a datasource, then recreating it with the same UID won't apply here. The queries will always point to the datasource by UID, even if it is deleted and recreated after the query was saved.

Note 2: To make it easier to talk about, lets split queries in these features by temporary vs saved. Temporary queries are queries in query history that have not been starred. Saved queries are either starred queries in Query History or anything in Query Library.

Potential Scenarios

gelicia commented 1 month ago

cc: @diegoadams @ifrost - Feel free to add anything or debate the solutions

ifrost commented 3 weeks ago
  • Proposed solution: Don't show non-saved queries for deleted dashboards. Saved queries can have two options - either transfer the query to a datasource of the same type (no expectation of validation ahead of time) or copy the query JSON to the clipboard to be manually moved.

I like it. It's clear what happened and gives the user options to recover. There used to be a similar pattern in alerts (I don't see it anymore though). You can see a screenshot in a proposal for this design doc. There's a box telling what happened and the user can choose from various options.

Losing access: User creates content for a datasource, and then loses access to the datasource Proposed solution: User would not see their content in saved or temporary contexts. It would show up in the query library for people with access to that datasource

+1. CC @kylebrandt Do you know how easy it'd be to filter out resources based on permissions? I might be slow if we'd need to do a search and check for permissions for each query template's data source(s) 🤔